Yesterday was Power of Veto day in the Big Brother 19 house and Cody really needed to be picked as a player in order to avoid the inevitable backdoor plan Alex and Paul have brewing. The players were picked and the comp was played and somehow someone else in the house managed to put a bit of a target on their back. Keep reading my Big Brother 2017 spoilers for all the details!

Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Recap Week 7 - Saturday

If you can’t see the joke in this picture, let me break it down for you. That is clearly Cody drinking his morning coffee. The bottom of that mug definitely says “Paul” on it. I thought this moment from yesterday morning’s feeds was too good not to share with you. Keep reading to find out what happened on the Big Brother 2017 feeds throughout the day!

Big Brother Live Feeds

Yesterday morning started off with with a pretty good joke on Cody’s part and some chatting between Cody, Christmas and Jason. Cody was really hoping to be picked for the POV comp yesterday but when the feeds come back from the players being picked, we find out that he wasn’t picked. Alex, Elena, Jason and Matt were joined by Paul and Mark for the POV comp.

Prior to the comp taking place, Cody is chatting with Kevin. He asks Kevin if there is any chance of him being saved this week, Kevin tells him probably not and tells him that the only mistake he made in this game was taking them (Mark and Elena) under his wing. Them flip flopping and not staying loyal probably hurt him the most because he had no allies other than Jessica (Or at least that’s what I took away from the conversation).

The conversation continues and he tells Kevin about his daughter. He tells Kevin that he normally has his daughter during the summer and he gave up that time with her so he can come on Big Brother. Kevin asks if he was married to his daughter’s mother and tells him no and started telling him the story of how they got together and started with his brother dying while he was deployed.

He asks Kevin not to repeat that to anyone, but Kevin tells Paul later on. Paul says that if he revealed that earlier in the game it could have helped him. Later, Paul questions if Cody really has a daughter, says that he might have just told Kevin that because Kevin is a family man and he thought it would give them something in common. Paul thinks that it’s odd that Cody wouldn’t mention this sooner in the game. I personally don’t think it’s weird that he didn’t mention it to them. They have been gunning for him since week one when he tried to backdoor Paul and failed. Paul also warns Kevin about how much time he spends with Cody and how it could look.

The fact that Cody wasn’t picked had the rest of the HGs sighing in relief because now, their plan can be put into motion without any speed bumps. Then the POV comp happens and when the feeds come back, we find out that Matt won POV. During the POV someone managed to upset Alex, that someone was Elena! We find out that it was a prizes and punishment comp. Elena apparently made a deal with Alex during the comp not to “curse” her and then ended up taking $5,000 away from Alex during the comp and Alex got stuck with a punishment. Alex tells Jason later on that their decision on who to evict will happen soon enough, they have time.

Ok, so a quick rundown on what happened the rest of the night. Jason is so extreme (for a week) with his punishment unitard from the Veto Comp:

Christmas and Paul have to ride around on her scooter connect to each other as tandem skydivers for 48 hours!

And Alex has to pitch a tent and cook hotdogs for the house when prompted by production, this picture was taken at 4:23 in the morning after she was woken up at 4:11am.

Cody decided that he was going to spend most of the day mingling with the rest of the house. Him and Paul spent a couple of hours talking about one of their favorite shows, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and the house had a good laugh at Jason, Christmas, Paul and Alex’s expense. Cody had a late night conversation with Alex after she pitched her tent, he is trying to get her to not renom him. She tells him that she doesn’t have the Veto and doesn’t have the power to save him this week. It looks like it might be late for him, but who knows, anything can happen!

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