Hey ya’ll,

Brand New UPDATE for Big Brother 2010:

New Video showing Julie revealing to the HG’s that one of them is a LIAR!! OOO!

Whodathunk it? We made it! 9 months, three weeks, and two days of longing, will finally be fulfilled tonight at 8 Eastern, 7 Central. How we suffered. We tried to fill up on the empty carbs that are other reality shows, but only Big Brother 2010 gives up that live-giving protein that we crazed fan-atics need to survive. At Last!

Sign up here for the live feeds before they begin tonite after the show airs on the west coast. Don’t miss out!

UPDATE- Are the HG’s really aware of the Saboteur already??

Does Julie spill the beans?

Annie stunned at the news

Annie looks pretty shocked. I sure wanted them to wait until at least the show tonight, so we can gauge their reactions on the live feeds tonight!

Also..New pics for Food com? HoH comp? What are your thoughts?

Britney bites the dog- settle down guys

Ragan rides the dog- umm..not gonna comment further

New pics for Food com? HoH

Cast photo Backyard

photos, courtesy of ET and  hamsterwatch.

Just a few thoughts.

A) Hubby saw the pic of Rachel and said “Good Lord!” Let’s hear what you say.. “Real or Fake“?

B) Why is Ragan turned away from everyone else?

C) Annie and Brendan look awfully cozy, no?

This will be my last inane, filler piece. No more rice cakes and steamed green beans here.. No, no, no.. After today, we will be having steak and ice cream sundaes! We will feast on real Big Brother 2010 scoop and news!

The Superpass Live Feeds Discount is over, but it is still the best deal this side of the Mississppi. At only #39.99 for three months, (I am going to beat this poor dead horse once more) you get the uncensored, unlimited access that no other show allows you! You.. are the invisible HG!

Update: Check out this video from ET last night with our first action glimpses of what’s going on inside the Big Brother 12 house!

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