Big Brother 2011 Media Day Today.
|The Big Brother 2011 Press Day is happening as we speak–Monday June 27th at 10 am.

lights- camera- lie
Imagine it… The new BB13 Houseguests are sitting in front of dozens of cameras– primping, prissing, prancing– and spilling their guts.
There are newsies scampering all over OUR 2011 Big Brother House, touching OUR dining table with their newsprinty little fingers.
And we have to sit here and WAIT.
Not cool.
Come on… No one loves Big Brother like we do. Am I right, my BB Fan-atics?
It’s us–the dedicated–who wait patiently all year for our little summer obsession to come around again.
But be at peace, my brothers and sisters—the promised land is in sight. We are about to cross that river into the realm of Big Brother 13–
Can I get an AMEN??
Tomorrow, or the next day- we will finally get to see our BB13 Houeguest’s bright, shining faces. We have hope. Oh God please, we have hope, that there are some brains behind all the requisite spray-tans and hair-gel.
(Shhh–STAY TUNED- in case a little birdie whispers some gossip in our ear early–if so, you will be the first to hear it!)
Fingers crossed, my friends.
Hang around, cause Bigbigbrother will be RIGHT on top of it when they release ANY new information. It will start coming fast and furious once the floodgates open. I hope you’re ready???? Cause Bigbigbrother sure is! We are most DEFINITELY ready!
And we’re here to serve all that to you…

all your news on a silver platter
And don’t forget to sign up for the LIVE FEEDS with us. We exist only because of you and them- BBAD is great, but it only gives you 3 out of 24 hour coverage a day. And only 1 camera view. And the biggest thing… IT’s NOT LIVE!!
We’re not one of the giant sites on which you’re nothing but a number. We NEED you and we WANT you.
We want you to share things that you noticed on the LIVE FEEDS . With the 24/7, four camera view coverage, it’s nice to have other eyes checking things out. Please, share your opinions and feelings about this HG or that with us. There’s nothing we like better on this site than for a good old fashioned Rivalry to develop!

Your Big Brother 13 Party Place
We had a blast here on the site last year. For all you returnee’s— Tell it true.. It was awesome, wasn’t it?
Drop by… and help make our Big Brother community the biggest ole buttload of fun you can have outside of being in the BB house..
OH– I did hear one disturbing (or unbelievably cool) BB Rumor.. (cool or disturbing depends on which side of the fence you fall)
It involves THIS man…..

I'm just sayin.....
Recent Posts on Big Big Brother:
BBAD isn’t live?!? It has to be! They don’t do anything on that show. Not that there is much to do in a house for 3 months. I meant like wouldn’t they make it the best moments of the day condensed into 3 hours?
Also, who is the guy at the end? Not much of a Survivor watcher. I think that’s the headband.
BBAD will definitely be live again this year.
@Jordan. Sorry- I misspoke about BBAD- I meant that it IS live, for those 3 hours—tho I imagine a lot of us watch on DVR and TIVO. The biggest difference is A) Only on for 3 hrs.
B) one vs. four camera feeds.
But like I said. I like both- so depends on how crazy you are about the show.
That would be Russell Hantz, my favourite Survivor of all time 😀 Well I hope that rumour has merit!
I truly hope the Russell isn’t on BB for the simple fact is that everyone has seen him play his games. The first time he doesn’t win either HOH or POV he will be sent packing. Mind you I wouldn’t mind seeing him cry again. 🙂
I doubt he would be a house guest, for those reasons Debbie. He could host a competition though…
I am so sick of Rachel and her immaturity. Think I will stop watching until she is gone.