September 10, 2011
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Big Brother 2011 Part 2 of F3 HOH today
|UPDATE: Porshe won Round 2.
Details in am.
From some comments Adam made last night, looks like the Big Brother 2011 Part 2, Final 3 HOH will happen late this afternoon.
I’ll post when results come back, or you can jump on the LIVE FEEDS to see the results for yourself.
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Well i have to say Porsche proved me wrong and won the second half of the competition. So I am a big enough person to give her credit when it’s due but she was competing against Adam so I can’t give to much. But my question now is she keeps saying and someone correct if I am wrong that she was with Jeff’s alliance when she was giving the key. So what happened if she was a “honest player” what happend. I know she jumped ship on Rachel when Brendan left because I remember her telling Rachel your are bringing the whole house down with all your crying. I mean I thought they where friends who leaves a friend when they are hurting like that, that was when J stepped in and really took care of Rachel. Well I guess she’s playing that card now until she’s knows for sure she we win the final HOH and then she will be in control and Rachel will mean nothing once again. Plus just the show before Kalia left Porsche was still talking to Adam about throwing Rachel under the bus,on showtime, this was less than a week ago. Please Rachel if you win take Adam I hope you are only acting this way until you see who wins. R when she watches the season back she will regret taking her if she does for all the comment. Honestly if P would not have gotten that golden key she would have been gone along time ago. I am still hoping for a Rachel/Adam final 2
Porsches life style as depicted on various web sites,appears to be more than sleazy.Setting that aside,and going only by what i have seen on Big Brother,Porsche as depicted on Big Brother,appears to be more than sleazy.She would play the game for drink tokens and a cheeseburger,or would that be a little cheese cake.
rachael is the one who wanted porsche to have the golden key. the vets thought they could control the game if they recruited the newbies so they could dictate how the votes went and get them to throw competitions, porsche was just a pawn to all of them. jeff thought that when he took porsche off the block so he could backdoor dani that he would win her back. he told her he wanted her to go win something. now she has. not that it helped him. he was angry that she wouldn’t use the pov on him. porsche has taken the odds down to 3 against 1 to 1 on 2. i think she’s doing great.
and what would You play the game for? shouldn’t throw stones unless you”ve lived a perfect life. and who wrote the various websites? people like you?
OK, I get the writer HATES Rachel, Jeff, Brendon, blah blah. It’s hard reidang the column anymore because it’s like reidang a political column that can’t hide any of their partisan politics, whether it be left or right. I get you have a point of view, but enough already. Personally, I think the Donatos are two of the worst individuals (in the real world not in game play) that I have ever watched on reality tv, or any tv. Truly bad moral people, ESPECIALLY the way the acted the first time around. That CBS has such a crush on them is an indictment on them. So, as much as Rachel is a beotch, sometimes it is the best between two evils. Maybe the house will just implode (hurray!), but getting true jerks out of any game is good enuff for me. So, I for one love that at least one Donota (not the worst one) is out, and the other one never got the chance to play. Kharma?
CBS would be smart to try to keep Dani in the house, however, if Jeff wants to have a real chnace at winning, she will be evicted this week. It will be pretty interesting to see how Rachel and Jeff end up going against each other if that happens. Rachel is smart and strong in most competitions when she is not sabotaging herself. Without Dani, and Jeff unable to play in the double eviction HOH, Rachel will have a great chnace of winning. She needs to keep it together and at least make an interesting run for the money. I would hate to see Porsche or Kalia win in the double eviction. They are obnoxious, specially Kalia. In my opinion, Kalia is way more annoying than Rachel. I’d like to see a final 2 of Rachel and Jeff. With Brendon out and Dani probably out, they will be the best players left.
Jordan has done NOTHING this season.All Rachel does is auscce PK of sleeping through everything but at least Porsche and Kalia have 4 clutch competition wins. Jordan won a single HoH given to her by Brendon and Jeff. I don’t understand why America loves Jeff and Jordan. Jeff is a total ass who is just treating the show like his vacation with Jordan and takes every good strategic move so personal. Jordan just acts nice to everyone and does absolutely nothing. Yeah, she’s a nice person, but that doesn’t mean she’s a good player.I’d honestly be happy with Porsche or Rachel winning, and wouldn’t mind Kalia either. Adam and Jordan are AWFUL though.Praying Adam smartens up and realizes keeping Kalia and Porsche are his ONLY chances at having a CHANCE at winning this game!
Yeah,yeah, yeah RACHEL WON THE MONEY!!! And guess who voted for her…It was Shelly… I guess Shelly thought she owed Rachel and Jordan that much… Adam didn’t vote for Rachel…I wasn’t too surprised with that especially when Rachel didn’t take him to the final two I guess Adam wanted payback… Danielle I think I dislike her more than Porsche she is such a sore loser..Even Dick her own dad was against the way Danielle played the game and Danielle if anyone need a personality it’s you… YEAH RACHEL YOU ARE A BETTER AND SMARTER PLAYER THAN DANIELLE COULD EVER BE AND I AM SO GLAD YOU WON THE MONEY and I really didn’t want to see Porsche win second place but she did unfortunately… RACHEL like you say nothing stands between you and your man…YEAH, YEAH,YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!