Everyone rejoiced last time on Big Brother 2013 as the HouseGuests evicted Jeremy from the Big Brother 15 house, but imagine the even louder screams of joy that will come when it is Aaryn voted off Big Brother 2013! It is a baby step in the right direction, but now it is up to Judd to call the shots and put up his two nominees for Week 4 on Big Brother 2013. Be prepared though because your head might be spinning wild by the time Judd announces his nominees! He went all over the place before the Nomination Ceremony, so watch it all with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who got nominated for eviction on Big Brother 2013 tonight!

Big Brother 2013 Live Recap - Episode 11

If you haven’t kept up on my Big Brother 2013 spoilers, then tonight will give you a chance to get caught up with things that happened after Judd was crowned the new HoH for Week 4. He was making plans and reassuring everyone, but the twist of America being the Big Brother MVP this week has everyone confused.

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Big Brother host Julie Chen told the HouseGuests to expect the unexpected this week, so they are all trying to figure out what she means and Judd is worried he might be in trouble as the HoH. Find out in my Live Recap that follow!


Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap or see who got nominated for eviction by the HoH on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!


Here we go…and we get to see Jeremy go home and Aaryn and Kaitlin upset about it, but Helen is happy, but doesn’t want to get cocky. The Moving Company was supposed to move people out, but they are getting moved out themselves!!!

Judd wins HoH and Jessie feels safe this week. Now GinaMarie thinks her and the Mean Girls can flaunt their boobs and get Judd on their side of the Big Brother 2013 house!

Amanda, McCrae and Andy talk and they are worried about the twist that Julie Chen told them about and Judd comes in and Amanda said the options are Candice and Howard or Kaitlin and Aaryn. Amanda feels she needs to keep him in check, but he said she may run McCrae, but not J-U-Double D!

Judd gets to go up to his HoH room and reads the letter from his parents for everyone. It was cute!

Let the head spinning begin, as Spencer, Howard, Elissa and Judd talk in the HoH room and Judd wants GinaMarie up and the others mention Aaryn and Kaitlin and GinaMarie would be a waste, but then the MVP vote factors in and he wants Elissa to talk to him if he gets it. Judd thinks whoever goes up will get some kind of power on Big Brother 2013.

Now we get a look at GinaMarie and how she can not talk! The HGs all make fun of her and Candice said she is a speech therapist, but not a miracle worker! At least she is not crying, right?

Now Big Brother 15 is showing the showmance that is blooming between Candice and Howard. Is this cute or puke?

Aaryn and Judd are talking and he tells her he is going to put up GinaMarie because she is annoying, but then he wants to put up Aaryn as a pawn. She suggests Howard, but he said that would have to be a backdoor move.

GinaMarie suggests to Kaitlin that maybe she can find Jeremy’s cologne and she can smell him all the time. Yup, Nick needs a restraining order. Aaryn comes in and tries to talk game, but GM and Kaitlin cut off all her ideas and now the Mean Girls are fighting!!! Anyone else is enjoying this besides me?

Have, Have Not Competition: they divide into three teams and they will be playing Funky Froyo. They will all be eating crazy froyo combinations, like Anchovy Habanero. There are two flavors and they have to each eat one of the flavors. The teams weigh in to begin with and the team that gains the least amount of weight will be the Have-Nots.

GinaMarie is taking it down like a champion. How is that even possible? Candice and Aaryn want to throw up and Kaitlin is getting a brain freeze! Spencer is like licking the froyo and should be keeping it down! McCrae wants to hack it up as the time runs out.

The weigh-in begins and Orange Team gained 11 pounds. The Blue Team gained 13.2 pounds. The Green Team gained 12.9 pounds, so the Orange Team are Have-Nots whoch are Andy, Jessie, Spencer and Candice!

Amanda can’t get off the Howard kick, as she pulls Judd aside again and tells him to go after Howard. He said it is easy for her to make big moves since she is not HoH. Judd is smarter than he sounds.

Howard said the way to win this game is the relationships, so him and Elissa have the workout thing going on. So, he decides to let her teach her some yoga moves and he gets his butt kicked and sweating and she is barely breaking a sweat.

Now Elissa and Jessie come to the HoH room and Elissa is talking to Judd about getting rid of Aaryn, but he said he is 90% sure it will be Kaitlin and GinaMarie, but he is feeling the pressure to put up Aaryn on Big Brother 2013.

Amanda, Andy and McCrae talk again and they want Howard gone and in walks Judd and she tries to pressure Judd again. I like Amanda, but back off a little girl!

Nomination Ceremony time on Big Brother 15: Spencer is safe. Jessie is safe. Elissa is safe. Candice is safe. McCrae is safe. Andy is safe. Helen is safe. Howard is safe. GinaMarie is safe. Amanda is safe. The two nominees this week are Kaitlin and Aaryn and he said Kaitlin is a threat and no one will vote her out. He said she is the Texas tornado and needs to stop twisting his words. Then Aaryn said she is upset that Judd put a bigger target on her and now even a blind kid could hit it! Really?

So, what do you think of Judd’s choices tonight on Big Brother 2013?

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother 2013 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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