Unless there is a surprise double eviction tonight on Big Brother 2013, it seems like this live eviction show will go by without any real excitement! The cards are all pointing at an eviction of Jeremy, but we have seen crazier things happen on Big Brother, so you just never know. The HouseGuests on Big Brother 15 seem to be getting along and calm this week, but we can hope for a new Head of Household tonight on Big Brother 2013 that will bring the drama back into the house! Watch with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who went home on Big Brother 2013 tonight!

Big Brother 2013 Live Recap - Week 3 Eviction

Helen won HoH just one week ago, even though it seems like it has been a lot longer, right? This has been one of the most boring weeks on Big Brother 2013 and it all comes down to the plan that Helen came up with: backdoor Jeremy with this eviction for Week 3. Amazingly everyone got on board, or were forced there, and now we have a clear and concise vote tonight?

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We shall find out soon enough, but my predictions and our Big Brother 2013 poll for Week 3 both say the same thing! Find out if we are right in my Live Recap that follows!


Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap or see who went home on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!


Here we go…will it be Jeremy, Aaryn or Spencer tonight folks??? Here is Julie Chen and we go back to the Veto Ceremony and Helen naming Jeremy as the renom. Helen can not be more excited about Kaitlin using the veto. She knows Aaryn has caused problems, but Jeremy is a bigger threat and must go.

Aaryn will swallow her pride and kiss some butts this week??? Oh wow….Aaryn is dropping the discrimination word!!! Jeremy is being discriminated against because they are winners and they are cute. Oh lord, did I just hear that???

Jeremy knows he came out with guns blazing, so he must show his softer side. How so? By dressing up in the baby outfit GinaMarie wore as Veto host. He wants to make people laugh, but no is buying. Amanda was afraid Jeremy was coming in for feeding time!!! I am loving her so much more lately and she is playing the game.

Meanwhile, Aaryn is being nice to everyone and even tells Howard that she never made any derogatory comments on Big Brother 2013!

Now GinaMarie has a shrine in honor of Nick and the HouseGuests are over her craziness, so Amanda goes in and steals the shrine and hides it. GM confronts them and wants to know where it is and bring on the tears again!!! McCrae feels bad and then Amanda breaks down and gives her the stuff back!

Jeremy wants votes and to stay on Big Brother 2013, so he goes to Elissa and Helen and tells them he will be in their backpocket and tells them he will do whatever they want if they save him. He says he would put Aaryn and Kaitlin up over Helen and Elissa. Helen said they want to see a change in his attitude if they do this. All fluff to keep him thinking! He wants one more week in the house to prove himself and Elissa said right now she likes Jeremy!

Julie Chen now talks to the HouseGuests and Elissa is happy to not be on the block this week and is enjoying her week in the house. Candice said they moved on from the drama and it is forgive and forget.

Now a look at the families of Amanda and McCrae and their showmance and it seems that McCrae’s family is proud of him and Amanda’s family seems to think she has dated a wide variety. They both know Amanda wears the pants!

Julie tells us we will have more power than ever before, but what is she talking about???

Time for the live vote on Big Brother 2013 and Jeremy says we all know what is going to happen and he poops as a winner. Here are the voting results:

  • Candice votes Jeremy
  • Andy votes Jeremy
  • Howard votes Jeremy
  • Elissa votes Jeremy
  • Kaitlin votes Spencer
  • GinaMarie votes Jeremy
  • Amanda votes Jeremy
  • McCrae votes Jeremy
  • Jessie votes Jeremy
  • Judd votes Jeremy

In a 9-1 vote, Jeremy McGuire is the third person evicted from the Big Brother 2013 house! Does anyone else find it funny that the Mean Girls Alliance have all seen each of their guys get evicted from the house? Was it their plan???

Julie Chen reveals the vote to the houseguests and it is not big shocker for them and Jeremy gives his hugs goodbye. A kiss goodbye to Kaitlin and he will see her when she gets out. I seriously don’t think he is as big of a douche as he came off as, but he came in too cocky.

Jeremy said he came in with hot guns and he is a winner and couldn’t change it, but then Julie said he didn’t win this! He said Kaitlin gave him some insight on some things and he said the person that came into the house is not the same as that is leaving the house. He said he is not a bully, but what about the Asshat moment??? He thinks there could be a relationship when she gets out of the house.

This is HUGE news for Big Brother 2013, but the Big Brother MVP this week is us!!! America gets to decide who the third nominee will be for Week 4 and you can vote here!!! Remember, you are voting for the third nominee and not the MVP this week!!!

Now time for the Head of Household competition on Big Brother 2013 and it is Big Brother Royalty and they will be given the royal titles and the houseguests have the choose between two options. The last HG standing will be the new HoH.

  1. Earl of Egotism (Aaryn or Jessie) – Aaryn is right and all correct
  2. Lord of Laziness (Judd or McCrae) – McCrae is right and Andy, Amanda, Candice and Elissa are out!
  3. Baron of Boneheads (Spencer or GinaMarie) – GM is right and everyone is correct
  4. Knight of Naughtiness (Amanda or Kaitlin) – Amanda is right and all correct
  5. Duke of Dork (Andy or Helen) – Andy is correct and Aaryn, Jessie and GinaMarie are out!!!
  6. Saultan of Sexy (Elissa or Howard) – Elissa is right and we are down to McCrae, Judd and Kaitlin!!!

Tie-breaker question and how many gallons of milk would it take to fill all the vats. And my smile just got bigger. The winner of the HoH for Week 4 is Judd!!!! This is huge and I think he is smarter than we all think. This should be interesting, ya’ll!!!

Julie drops a little hint about the MVP vote, but tells them to expect the unexpected! Judd’s nominees come on Sunday night and the MVP pick comes on Wednesday! What do you think of this twist and of Judd winning HoH???

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was eliminated on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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