Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Finale – Elissa Slater Interview (VIDEO)
|She came into the Big Brother 2013 house with a huge target on her back, which just happened to be Rachel Reilly. Elissa Slater may not have been her sister, but a lot of the HGs put her on the same page as her sister and she became an instant target on Big Brother 15. Thanks to the Big Brother MVP twist, it kept her in the game longer than many wanted and she walked out of the house as America’s Favorite HouseGuest. Watch the interview with Jeff Schroeder below in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers video.
Okay, Elissa was a lot to handle at times and I felt bad for her at other times. She did have a huge target on her back and she should have known that coming in. It is rough to sit and listen to her talk at times and she always seems so nervous. I would like to see her at home and relaxed. Maybe she wouldn’t sound like such an airhead?
Check out her interview here:
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Thank you Todd!!! I so Love Elissa!!!
Class all the way
I thought Elissa was one classy person in the house. She did not go down in the gutter with some of the other ones. There were times a person would say something hurtful to her and she would just smile and walk away. BRAVO BRAVO ELISSA.
And the gutter dwellers interpreted that as being stuck-up and being better than they were. Well, she WAS better than they were! They are clueless about decent behavior.
So true Tessa. I think she was behind the 8 ball to begin with. Starting w/ Aaryn, mob mentality kicked in, & that caused her to be a little standoffish & people viewed that as stuck up, so most of the hg’s didn’t take the time to really get to know her. And she had to put up w/ much more than the others because of Aaryn & then amanda trying to make her life miserable. For all she went through, she was a good sport & a class act. Kudos Elissa.
At least, we let her know how we felt about her by voting her our favorite HG!
What a moron. She is as blind as a bat. I hope she is told what a scum Andy is. There is no apology for the things he said. I hate when hateful things are said, then the person who said them says. “I apologize” . Done. He was discusting
Thanks Todd – I really enjoyed reading your blog on BB. Are you also going to be doing the same for Survivor? If so, where would I go to read it?
I still don’t understand why so many of the HGs hated Elissa SO much. When people speak so awfully about another it makes you wonder where all that animosity comes from.
Did everyone have their own reasons and they all just came together to jump on the the “I hate Elissa bandwagon” without ever having to share their own personal reason for disliking her?
Was she just an easy target for a HG to use as a venting mechanism because everyone else seemed to dislike her?
I didn’t vote for her to be AFP but I didn’t see anything particularly distasteful about her.
I have always believed and still believe that they are jealous of her–not so much because of her apparent level of income but because she has better values than most of them.
And because she was not a mean gutter-humor person, she most likely did spend a lot of her time alone–who could blame her. I would have done the same with most of that house.
And then there is the “mob” mentality–one person starts making nasty remarks and everybody jumps in to be part of the group. If you don’t go along with the group, then they might turn on you just like they did Elissa. And there was an excess of nasties in that house.
I feel that Allisa is a little “Plastic”. My 10 votes went to JU double D for “The Favorite”.
I didn’t know plastic walked or talked.
Yep, because its fake !!
Whatever floats your boat, dude.
It was all about being Rachel’s sis.. that was it .. they were all jealous.. they said oh she hid it , b.s. if she told everyone then they woul have said she’s bragging !! Tbis girl even tho her voice drove me nuts , was NOTHING BUT CLASSY THE WHOLE TIME !! They hated her from the start !! No matter how she WOULD have handled the fact she was her sis..!!
Her sister couldn’t have handled the situation as well as she did.
So true, garyr! And, unless she was very different to how she was when she was in the house, I would certainly never have voted for Rachel as America’s fav.
Shell, I agree that whatever she did, most of the others would have held on to their opinion of her. LOL, we are in agreement about the voice but also in agreement that she showed real class in a houseful of mostly classless people. I just love that she won the final award given at the end.
Me either.
Shell, I agree totally with you. This was a perfect example of prejudice (pre-judging) in action–deciding you know all about someone or something before you even get to know them. You make decisions based upon the person’s skin color or the way they speak or how much money they have or don’t have, where they are from, who their relatives are, etc. etc. etc. And most of us humans will try to hold on to that prejudging even when we are faced with facts that we were wrong about the person. In this case, they made all kind of assumptions based upon who Elissa’s sister was, how much money she has (or how much they thought she had), etc. etc. And to justify their dislike (even hatred) of her, they made up horrible untrue stories about her and her family. And most will probably never admit they might have been wrong about her. The facts and the truth do not matter to them–they will hold onto their incorrect beliefs and refuse to see the truth. For example, they cannot believe that the public voted her America’s favorite because we admired her or liked her so they have convinced themselves that we all voted for her because she was Rachel’s sister. Bull! I would never have voted for her sister for that award but I certainly voted for Elissa–I just wish they could have given 2 awards–the other one would have been to Howard.
I really liked the interview with Kaitlyn because she admitted she had misjudged Elissa and should have worked with her, not against her.
Can anyone tell me if it is true that Julie Chen said the only reason Elissa won was because she was Rachels sister..If that is true all I can say is Julie you showed as much class as the last 3 standing in the house…
Did anyone ever tell these people what the outside viewers think of them…Unfortunately we cannot read their interviews…it says does not show in your country…now CBS does not like Canadians.
Is it true the skank and moron are going to be on Amazing Race…That is the way to go CBS..keep rewarding these people..just think what the next generation will be like…they think this is normal.
jan jan, true that. If you go to joker’s website, you can read her remarks there. And you can find a couple of interviews at
The first is with the delusional Andy and there is a second one with some of the other socially-challenged HGs. The reporter actually seemed to ask some good questions–not as tough as I would have liked but certainly better than some of the other “puff” pieces I have seen. Wish you could get the videos of those interviews–maybe you can get someone to download them in the US and get them to you that way. Uh-oh, would that be smuggling? The NSA would probably catch it and be very upset. As a matter of fact, I better go because I am sure they are reading this right now–uh-oh, I just heard a knock on my door. Hope to be back later.
I wonder what Elissa thinks of Andy after she hears all of the horrible things he said about her after she was evicted? Hmmmm 😛
I also wonder what Eliss and her family thought of the remarks (Disgusting and Repulsive remarks)…especially when they brought her son into the conversation.
12/03/13, It will take a while for me to forgive Elissa Slater for “ruining” Survivor for me this season. All of you KWIM” (Hayden) ?
Where are MY “BB” Peeps ?