It seems like all things are in place this week on Big Brother 2013 and maybe all the HouseGuests have accepted the fate, which has led to a calm house? Big Brother 15 was a little on the lame side yesterday, as it was hard to find some highlights, besides the Power of Veto Ceremony for Week 3. We checked it out and give you some of the highlights, from a boring day in the Big Brother 2013 house, in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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They woke the HouseGuests up nice and early, which led to the PoV Ceremony. Kaitlin did not let us down and she saved herself, which then led to Helen naming Jeremy as the renom. Amazingly, Jeremy has been taking the news pretty well and he has been nice to people and calm. Andy went as far as to say that if Jeremy would have started the season like this then he would have won Big Brother 2013! You’re telling me the cocky douchebag type doesn’t win over people???

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To assure you how boring things got, the HouseGuests played volleyball in the backyard, Hele hosted a nail party and Aaryn told stories of finding a dead body when she was younger.

Some of the game talk moments: Helen seems to have this deal with Aaryn still, but is it legit? It seems to be! Helen assures Kaitlin she will be safe for a while since she used the Veto on herself. Andy, Amanda, McCrae and Judd call their new alliance the Goof Troop. Judd does want a girl to go home next week, since the guys have been dropping like flies on Big Brother 2013.

Now for a crazy moment from GinaMarie: she has created a shrine to honor the eviction of her husbandboyfriendshowmance, guy that she stalked and didn’t really seem interested in her. Newest addition: an empty cereal box that he ate out of! Later in the night, Amanda and some others decide to hide items from the shrine, which sends GinaMarie into a tailspin and the sounds from last Thursday night come storming back into the Big Brother 15 house! Amanda tells her where the items are to calm the crazy.

Like I said, a boring day in the house and it seems that everyone is content with Jeremy going home this week, but we still have two days for that to possibly change. Will it though?

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