A Friday in the Big Brother 2013 house means talk of who will be put up during the Nomination Ceremony, the Have-Not competition and then the actual Nomination Ceremony. All those took place yesterday, but it was pretty much determined on Thursday night who Aaryn would put on the block (thanks to the help of Amanda). Why the HGs don’t see that Amanda is controlling Big Brother 15 is beyond me. I thought it was Helen, but clearly Amanda is in in the drivers seat! Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Helen and ElissaPhoto Credit: BigBrotherGossip.com

The Have-Not competition took place and the Have-Nots for Week 8 are GinaMarie, Elissa, Amanda and Helen. Apparently the competition went on for a long time and it got very messy! What will they be eating this week? Head cheese and habanero, so it looks like a lot of slop for them this week on Big Brother 2013!

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The big event of the day was the Nomination Ceremony, which saw Aaryn putting up Helen and Elissa on the block. Both are being led to believe that they are not the target. Helen thinks they want to backdoor Spencer, so one of them has to use the veto. If they don’t get the veto, then she believes that Elissa is the target. Actuality: Helen is the target this week.

Andy was whining a couple times about not wanting to play in the Veto Competition and if he won than Helen would expect him to use it on her. The audacity of him if he grew a pair and just told Helen he is not using it on her! There HGs are too worried about making others happy and not having any blood on their hands for the finale. They have to make it there first and that means being an ass every once in a while and taking the big dogs out!

Later on Helen realizes that no one will use the veto on them (except Andy) and her and Elissa start practicing for today’s competition. This will be a huge Veto today, so stay tuned for results and players when I find out. If Helen wins then Elissa is the target. If Elissa wins than Helen is the target. Either way, one of them is going home.

My thoughts: I am disappointed with Helen. Yes, she can be very annoying, but she is a smart lady and just trying to do too many things at once and controlling too many things. She had the chance to get out Amanda and refused. However, she is falling for every lie right now being told to her on Big Brother 2013. She has been there for the first seven weeks, right? She remembers all the lies she told the HGs that were the targets that week, right? I hope she wakes up to this and realizes she is the target because Helen on the warpath will be very fun to watch this week!!!

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