Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/18/2013
|We haven’t reached the Power of Veto Ceremony yet today and there is still hope in the Big Brother 2013 house of a possible backdoor to Amanda, but I think all the talk of backdooring her happens when they get some alcohol in their system. Um, can we do the Veto Meeting while they are tipsy??? It was an exciting day in the Big Brother 15 house and Aaryn is starting to see the light, but then it gets blocked by Amanda very quickly!!! Check out the highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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So, the day started with some cleaning of the bathroom by Helen and Elissa after BB told them it needed to be cleaned! They do some talking and Helen is getting paranoid because Spencer seems pretty calm for someone that is about to go home. Elissa tells her that she thinks Helen is the target! Let the fun begin!!!
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Every attempt at backdooring Amanda has failed up to this point because they never have the votes and they just want to do what the house wants to do. From the sounds of it, the house wants to backdoor Amanda, but she is the most vocal one in the house and the loudest, so those other thoughts are being squashed!
Helen talks with Aaryn in the HoH room and it goes back and forth all day and night. Throw in some alcohol later on and it is a real mess. Aaryn admits that she is doing the dirty work for Amanda and knows she is on the bottom of their alliance. She knows this, but she won’t put Amanda on the block? This is your chance….do it!!!
Aaryn sounds almost convinced and Andy is thrown into the bunch and he says whatever they want to hear to save face, but then runs to McCranda to tell them everything. Up comes Amanda and it starts one of many fights between Aaryn and Amanda for the night on Big Brother 2013. The funny thing: McCrae and Andy both tell Amanda to shut up and keep that damn mouth of hers quiet because she is close to going on the block and starting arguments with Aaryn is not helping her case. We all know that doesn’t go well and Amanda is and will always be right and everyone has to agree with her. And, of course, she yells at McCrae at one point for not supporting her or sticking up for her.
Here’s a couple things I don’t understand:
- Andy and Aaryn talk and they would rather take GinaMarie (who got on board with backdooring Amanda) to the Final 3 over McCrae and Amanda because they can’t beat her. However, here is your chance to take out Amanda and you are too afraid?
- Spencer is an idiot. Hearing of the backdoor Amanda plan, he is ready to go to Aaryn and campaign to be put on the block. If Amanda does go on the block, he states he wouldn’t vote for her. Now is this his act of lying to save face and just let them hear what they want to hear? The Diary Room will tell us more on that situation. The Spencer from the beginning of the season wanted Amanda gone and she was going to ruin the Moving Company. He changed his mind on her?
When all was said and done for the night on Big Brother 2013, the renom today would be Spencer and Helen remains the target. She will do some heavy campaigning before that Veto Meeting, but Amanda will be right there to knock it all down. Aaryn knows she is doing the dirty work for Amanda and knows she is the bottom of the 3AM alliance. If she knows those are true and knows she is getting blood on her hands no matter what, why not put Amanda on the block and go with it? I’m dying for that PoV Ceremony today….the results will be crucial!
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yes, put amanda on the block aryan, but she wont it always work like this 15 yrs they get to the place where a big move needs to be made and freeze up.well heres my take on this helen gets voted out and wins the chance to come bk wins hoh and her and elissa will take the hse back. puting Amanda and Mcrae on the block, Gm is floating her way to the top alone with andy u got to many people to get out that shld have been gone eailer i,m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting on the return player that will make a diff
Amanda needs to GO!!!
*sigh*..It’s frustrating isn’t it? How can these people not see that Amanda is running the show? Last night Helen told Andy that if McCranda made it to F2 together that she would have to vote for Amanda since she made it without winning any comps yet always getting her choice evicted EACH and EVERY week! THERE IS YOUR CLUE PEOPLE! Yep, you can comp win your way to F2 but would you want to be sitting beside someone that skated her way through the game by using her dominating personality only? Looking at it from a jury standpoint, you could have been lucky each time you won a comp, or at least part of the time. But there’s NO luck involved in getting others to do your dirty work. It takes cold calculation to do that, and in Amandas case, a lot of fear factor. And that’s why, i believe, if Amanda makes it to F2 she will win hands down. But hers is not a strategy a true blue fan could ever love.
Todd, you have inadvertently stumbled on the CURE for this crappy season: Pump this house full of alcohol! Okay, maybe not 24/7 or they’d have some brawls … but give them a generous supply each morning and see what happens at the meetings and comps! Heck, the only people smart enough in this house to stay sober are Helen and Elissa, so it might actually get interesting.
**Sigh** Another great idea CBS will ignore….
Todd or anyone- I got a glimpse of something last nite- what traprock event in David’s life happened to him? When Aaryn was drinking , she went to the pool and told Elissa and Helen something about David that had happened and tvgn had commercials thru it- can u please let me know what it is? Thnka 🙂
Heard that too and didn’t hear anymore. Want to know!!!!
I did a little digging and this is what i came up with. When David was a kid he threw a clod of dirt at another kid. It hit him in the eye and the kid ended up going blind in that eye. The injured kids family sued Davids family and they went bankrupt.
Fantasy time again for me (happens when thinking about HOH). So a jury member gets to return if some sort of competition is won. Here’s how i would like to see that play out. The 4 jurors plus the remaining HGs have an endurance comp with all participating. The last juror standing or to drop would return to the game. And the last person standing/dropping wins HOH (whether it be the return jury member or a HG). That would make it possible for the returning jury member to win HOH and have safety for a week. It’s the only fair way of having a HG return and have a shot at not being immediately evicted unless he/she gets a power that levels out the playing field. Plus i love endurance comps :).
that would be nice, but do you really think that they would let them be in each other’s presence for that amount of time if they are keeping them seperated in Jury??
But I really like the idea!
If they kept the jury separated until the last minute (from each other AND the HGs), then once they are all together once again it wouldn’t matter much. Especially if jury hasn’t seen any footage of what has gone on since their eviction. I say, get the HGs in place for the HOH, then bring each jury member out one by one. “SHOCKER!” And any trashtalk or strategy reveals would be heard by all. Which once again i will say…levels the playing field.
Nah… They’re going to “stir things up” and let an evicted HG earn his/her way back in…. And NOT give them any advantage, so they get voted right back out again. Wooooo, CBS, you’re so gutsy…. Not.
Is my snide, cynical (back)side showing? Sorry….
I just assumed that there would a jury comp followed by an HOH comp that would include the winner of the jury comp.
I was also wondering what happened to David ?? The only way to salvage some fun this season is if Hellen gets kicked out then comes right back and wins HOH, puts MCRANDA up, or if all the jury members came in and SPENCER, AMANDA, AARYN, ANDY, AND GM got switched….. oops too many, but they all need to go,,WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!!
I am absolutely ASTOUNDED that nobody this season has been smart enough to bust up the Amanda/Mcrae duo. Isn’t that kind of a no-brainer? Amanda is a demanding, bossy big mouth who has NO talent except in bullying ppl around. Why do these ppl let her get away with that? It’s all so ignorant! Andy is a no-mind as well. No game play whatsoever. He’s a two-faced little sneak that runs to Amanda & Macrae with everything. “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” Yeah, that is not my idea of how to win BB. I hope that next year, BB casting will select some people with substance, and a whole lot more maturity than these children. Janelle, Rachele, Will, Evil Dick……these people had game play. This is all about being in a high school clique. And GM who is 32 and still living w/ her parents & acting 16? Come on, guys. You can’t do better than this? Maybe they should fire all the people in casting and rehire. They certainly couldn’t do any worse than this;(
That’s what you would think, wouldn’t you?? Everyone household targeted every couple almost immediately! But this house – by virtue of the spineless followers and tattletales – has, in effect, had an alliance of 6 (Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa, Andy and Aaryn) for the last few weeks. Plus Spencer and GM doing whatever they’re told as long as they don’t get voted out. It suited McRanda and Helissa to work together until this week, and Andy has tattled equally to both sides (until last week). The end result was that EVERY person with any teeny, tiny inclination to even MENTION “Amanda” and “vote out” in the same sentence got gone. Pronto. So even though it has been a calamity of spineless errors, it has had a chilling effect on anyone who MIGHT try to make a move.
Don,t think anything big will change until a juror member comes back,depends who??. ,Jessie I don,t think will do much,tooooo needy Candice would be fun, Judd deserves to come back.Hellen would be fun…But they have to win an HOH, or it won,t mean anything…DOES ANYONE REMEMBER WHEN BRENDAN CAME BACK,??? He was voted right back out. They need a special veto power or something…PLEASE CBS CAST BETTER PEOPLE NEXT YEAR!!!!!!BTW,how bad must Rachel feel about the non-player her sister ??All she does is bitch, OH,,,AND POSE,,,,
And when do we get a PANDORA,S BOX ??Still waiting for JESSIE[no the old Jessie] to make an appearance ????
I like some of the ideas on here. I think CBS should fire whoever did the casting and ideas for BB this year and hire a couple of you with the great ideas. I do hope CBS reads some of what the fans are saying. I agree the casting this year was terrible. It’s sad when you watch and don’t want anyone to win.
I’m sure you meant my suggestion that they get a fresh supply of alcohol each morning…. (jk) I agree, though. Cat for BB16 producer!!!
Lilly I second that motion….all in favor of Cat say I!!! LOL
We can be the assistants 😉
This has been the first time that I don’t want anyone to win.
this is the stupid ( that is being nice) bb of all the ones that need to go home is amanda, spencer and mccade than let aaryn and helen fight at the end.
BB needs to get rid of amada, spencer mcade, helen and bring back judd if he isn;t stupid enough to belive any one but ellissa if not bring back jessie who knwos what is going on
Oh no don’t bring back Judd he has no back bone, no they,ll bring back Helen or Jessica so they can join with Elissa to take out Aaryn and Amanda and or Gm, its still to many people in the house, I would love to see Helen, Elissa ,Jessica at the end.Candice and Helen is who I wanted to go all the way but Helen had to see her go o well good luck to all of them.. but don’t reward bad behavior..
Andy’s plan worked, he said it before going into the BB house. He keeps crying (for sympathy), lies to everyone while looking into their eyes, and repeats every word they whisper in his ears.
Is it the beer and wine the reason why everybody still thinks of him as loyal? They do not see that he is the one in charge, not Amanda, he knows how he will bring her down when he has to.
Aaryn keeps winnin’ and the weeklings keep winein’. If there’s any justice at all, the girl that keeps taking the competitions should be the on that takes the compensation. But who said there was any justice on Big Brother?
V’torio, bb helps who they want to win the game, I,ve seen it happen, a few times but whn they help the person they still don’t do put up the right person, this group has only talks abt going to the jury do any1 of them want to be the last 2 standing, and who they want nxt to them in order to win, If things keep going like this Amanda and Mccrae(50) and the (500)go figure!! Ha
ok looks like another 1 bites the dust if things go like Amanda wants them Helen gets to leave the house in which its ok she had a hand in getting all the guest out even Candice and Jessie which I think would have made a great alliance, she only likes Ellissa bcz of her sister ( Rachel) however If Helen gets to come bk, and Elissa wins HOH bcz now is not the time for Amanda or Mccrae to win HOH they wld be set. I want both of thm gone, they are not exciting at all Gm is still in the game y, and Aaryn the girl is wining comp but she is a Bad person..a Nasty girl) sorry