Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/25/2013
|I have said this and thought this many times over the past few days, but having Elissa as Head of Household for Week 9 on Big Brother 2013 has brought new life back into the game and brought drama/paranoia that this game normally has! We don’t have the normal routine of Amanda and McCrae sleeping in the HoH bed and calling all the shots. We don’t have Andy popping into the HoH room to get info to go back to McCranda with. We don’t have people doing it in the HoH bed! The Live Feeds on Big Brother 15 are entertaining to watch and these HGs have gone mad because no one knows what the expect! Check out some highlights from Sunday Funday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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Judd and Elissa start the day out talking and it appears he legitimately wants to work with her. He hates how he got played by McCranda. He doesn’t want Andy on the block and thinks GinaMarie would be the better renom, but Elissa seems pretty content on putting Andy on the block (maybe to get back for betraying Helen)???
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Things slowed down, but then crap hit the fan. Again, there is so much activity going on in that Big Brother 2013 house, so don’t be angry if I miss certain details. McCrae and Elissa get into it. It is a back-and-forth argument about you moved my stuff, stay out of my stuff, don’t touch my things and so on. Elissa said McCrae is gross and he calls her the “Queen Bitch.”
Shockingly, Amanda was in bed during this encounter. The yelling got her out of bed (shocking again) and then hell broke loose. Amanda decided to “torture” Elissa and is determined to get her to self-evict. She dressed up as a grandma and went around blowing horns in Elissa’s face, putting condoms on things, ketchup on pads, calling her terrible names and saying even more vile things about her family and kids. Elissa laughed it off and went up to her HoH room and locked the door, which Amanda sat outside screaming and knocking on the door. Amanda was eventually called into the Diary Room and told to cool it down for a while and no threats or make other HGs feel scared or penalty nom!
Amanda’s plan: torture Elissa and then have Andy go up and console her so it looks like Andy is against Amanda and she won’t name Andy as the renom. The plan = big failure! She spent a lot of time reading the rule book to see what she could and could not do to Elissa without getting in trouble.
While the antics of Amanda are going on, GM did bring up some of Elissa’s clothes so they were safe and she seemed sincere with Elissa about Amanda looking like a fool. GM also tells Amanda and Aaryn that she would never vote out Aaryn, so who knows where her head is at. Judd also goes up to the HoH room and they talk and he tells her not to feed into what Amanda is trying to do.
During the evening, the live feeds cut to trivia for a while. This happens usually during some kind of ceremony, but when they came back nothing seemed different. We got a lot of fish throughout the night. Also, the Photo Booth was re-opened for the week, which never happens. Then crazy things started happening, like noises outside the front door, cameras spinning wild and HGs think something is going down. Paranoia kicks in and they think Elissa is locked in the HoH room with Pandora’s Box! Amanda also thinks that Judd came back with a special power, so we start that ride again on Big Brother 2013!
I don’t know what was going on, but it was odd and we have not seen Pandora’s Box and what better time to do it then when Elissa is the HoH, right?
It seems that Andy has finally come to the realization that he is going on the block, but him and Spencer agree this is best. They can get rid of Aaryn without having to go against Amanda to do it. While they are in the backyard discussing it with Judd, Amanda and Aaryn are talking and giggling about things and GM is over it. She runs in the backyard and sits in the hammock. This turns into a rant from her about Aaryn and how she treats her and how Aaryn acts in the house. Needless to say, she seems fine with voting out Aaryn, but could it be an acting job on her part?
The guys don’t think so, as a new alliance is formed: Andy, Judd, Spencer and GM. Yup and they are calling themselves “The Exterminators” and will be getting rid of the “rats and snakes” in the Big Brother 2013 house. How can that be possible when the Queen Rat (Andy) is part of the alliance? They want to break up McCranda and none of them want either of them in the Final 2. However, Andy is reluctant to do it next week and thinks Elissa is the bigger target. It’s never time for him to go after Amanda and people don’t understand or see that!
Andy is in the alliance to remain safe this week and The Exterminators will vote out Aaryn. The new HoH this week is going to be HUGE! It looks like Andy will go up as the renom today and Aaryn will be going home. Many people are upset it isn’t Amanda, but remember when everyone wanted Aaryn gone immediately. It looks to finally be happening and we should all rejoice!
If McCranda get HoH, then we are screwed. If Elissa or this new Exterminators alliance get it, I am not sure. They said they’d be willing to work with Elissa, but I think Spencer and Andy are shady and doing it to save Andy. I am Team Judd and rooting for him to win HoH this week because he seems dead set on getting Amanda out!
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I hope Amanda gets voted out soon. Andy is such a snitch. Unbelieveable!!! Hope he is next to go.
Still protecting Amanda. Can they not see Andy is just about as bad? He is bad. They need to back door him real bad and Amanda too then McCranda and Spencer. Aaryn isn’t as bad as these people are. Elissa needs to backdoor Andy real bad.
Would love to see Amanda walk out the door. Had Elissa nominated Amanda & McCrae, at least one of them would be going. I wouldn’t trust Andy at all. He is so tied to Amanda and McCrae and thinks they can do no wrong. Amanda is a raving lunatic and the things she is doing, she should get a penalty nomination.
she needs some add meds
Do we get a vote of who we want out of the house? lol Andy then Amanda then Aaryn. Theres mine three.
A Judd, Spencer, GM, Andy alliance would be great. But i’m not buying it. McCranda and Andy have a plan to stay away from each other this week in order to look as though they are not working together. Amanda and Andy quietly talked about it in the kitchen yesterday saying it was hard not to talk to each other because it made it boring. Spencer goes where he thinks his best chances are (which is reasonable really). The only one i see sticking with that alliance is Judd. And possibly GM if she realizes which way the wind is blowing. Andy is just hedging his bets in order to stay this week and trying to double deal depending on who gets HOH next. They might as well quit naming their alliances. None of them ever stick and they change from week to week. As soon as someone says..”lets name our alliance xxx”….it’s doomed.
I agree, Cat. And I’m sorry, but in a house full of snakes, the king cobra of lying, slithering, slipperiness is Andy. I don’t believe a word coming out of his mouth, ever (with the possible exception of what he tells McCranda–at least this week). My one consolation this week is that Elissa seems to not be falling for his revolting, sad little fake eyes!
I know right! And he makes me sick running around claiming to be loyal when last week he just voted his “friend” Helen out, and if he’s been “loyal” at all, it’s been to McCranda this whole time.
Andy is really quite something to behold. It boggles the mind to see him flit from conversation to conversation, taking time to tattle IMMEDIATELY after hearing something juicy AND he manages to be everywhere to hear everything all the time – yet still no one catches on (completely). It is quite a talent, if you admire deviousness.
What also amazes me is the ease with which he bats those puppy eyes and lies through it teeth! Despicable.
Yes I’m glad people finally see Andy for who he really is. He and Amanda going up and put out of the house would make it a better game. How would people ever get information? No one would know what the other side was doing. It would be great……
I have watched BB and BBAD since they started. This will be my first response. This is by far the most disgusting series yet! most of the good ones are gone.There is one thing I do not understand is how Amanda is a house guest if she is friends with one of the produces as it is rumored. Please BB explain this to me!
If any of you are as sick of Amanda’s bullying and disgusting habits. Please call 212-975-4321 or 818-655-5000 to get her out of the game. She truly is the most vile human being I have ever seen. The way she has treated Elissa is beyond game and should be taken seriously. Get her out of the house…..
Thanks Sheli, I just called the number and I hope others will. Maybe CBS will listen and remove Amanda from the game. It can’t happen soon enough for me. She is disgusting and then some.
I think it will be soooo funny if Amanda get blindsided. That is my greatest wish. the only drawback is I wont get to watch her scramble and do the things she is laughing about everyone else doing.
i just called and the person answering the phone just laughed as she was telling another person about the call…obviously they aren’t taking the calls serious
WHY would they take the calls seriously when they have given special privileges above the other house guests? BB has lost the concept for which they started the program:game. When the production allows certain guest certain privileges, you have lost the game concept. It is rigged. Sad to let CBS control the “game”. I think both Amanda and Elyssa are pathetic and production has created this nastiness.
Big Brother used to be considered a social experiment, however if the rumors about Amanda’s association with a producer is true or the rumors that the HOHs are being told who they can and cannot put on the block,then this is no longer what it used to be. The production crew used to be just a nameless voice that we would hear from time to time. This season the HG’s seem to be more familiar with the individuals who are production. Amanda especially seems to be getting info from them.
I agree AND Elyssa. Rumor has her calling hubby “when stressed” , has anyone else received this privilege? Think not- nor did she has to do “pre-house” activities. Let the game go back to what it once was.
thanks called and asked them to remove the pig
Ouch! Barbara Ouch!!!
I have watched Big brother every season and I have found this season beyond belief. I believe Amanda is a totally disgusting person. She is the most awful HG ever on BB. I do not understand CBS selecting her as part of the cast. I really think they should remove her from the game because she is so vile. And on top of everything else she has no pride at all. I do not plan to watch the rest of the season if she is allowed to go further in this show. And I will not watch again if they cast people like her next season.
I think Amanda is physcotic!! Im dead serious.
I think so too. If she actually hurts someone there will be a huge lawsuit because they were warned. I bet they’re a little worried about what she might do and are watching her every second.
Please call CBS and put your complaint in. Maybe if enought people complain they willo do something about it, 212-975-4321 or 818-655-5000. This show has gone too far.
I called and was told the number that is dealing with the complaints is actually 212-975-3247 and will be closed until 2:00 With this day and age I hate to see what I would do to someone putting a used condom on my things or anyone else stuff. Nobody ever knows if someone else has a disease.
I called the 212.975.3247 expressing the disgusts I have for BB/CBS this season. I asked them if it was against rules and regulation’s for family or friend member’s to participate. (rumor has it Amabi##ch is friend’s with one of the producers), was informed that it is a rumor. WHO KNOWS? Not only did I call the said number I also called Phil Gonzales Senior Vice President, Communications 818-655-1580 expressing my thoughts regarding this season’s production of BB. Was told that action would take place. But I am doubtful action would be taken
You gave it a good try. I’ve also let them know my thoughts on this season of Big Brother. Unfortunately I couldn’t get through to anyone in person but I did send an e-mail to the station.
Amanda MUST go if you want any viewers left at all. I will no longer be watching is she stays. How many complaints do you need? They are ALL disgusting but she is be far beyond belief. Whoever selected these horrible, disgusting contestants, should be fired.
Why is Amanda so bad? They left Spencer in the house after what he said about the child porn, also talking about jacking off and in every scene he is in he is picking his nose. Yuk.
Watch the live feeds or even BBAD and then ask me that question. Better yet, if you STILL have that question after educating yourself beyond the CBS edit for prime time, I’m not interested in your opinion because you must have no standards.
Most of this season’s HGs – as has been discussed ad nauseam here – have vulgar traits and habits. Amanda crossed the line by most decent people’s standards, especially with her vile antics yesterday.
OMG, I missed Spencer’s comments and yes, that IS disgusting.
I know everyone has their opinion. And they are entitled to it. Amanda is a vile human being. I would never buy a house from her (wouldn’t want my hard earned money lining her pockets), i’m glad she’s not living in MY world and her tactics are not what i would consider good gameplay. That being said…She has broken no rules. Physical violence is basically the only reason to be ousted from the show (ala Willy). Evel Dick was just as bad his season. And he was told to calm it down. Just as Amanda was told last night. He didn’t …she did (even though just a little). Searching through the BB rule book to see what you can get away with is very calculating, devious and yes, smart. She’s not going to jepordize her BB life by breaking the rules. Her tactics are low (very low) and i don’t agree with them. But saying you will stop watching the show because of her is like saying CBS has control of your tv. They do not. Turn it off if you don’t like it. You’re the one that chooses to watch or not. What happened to our outrage over Aaryn and GM? We threatened to stop watching if they were not taken off the show….but here we are. You don’t have to like a HG tactics. We may think they’re disgusting (and they are). IMO, Amanda is only hurting herself. Like Aaryn and GM, once out of the BB house, her life will be changed. And not for the better. Just like with Evel Dick, CBS will not remove her because she’s bringing in ratings. For every person that wants her removed there is one that tunes in to see what she’s up to next. Call if you wish, cancel your feeds but remember…you are giving CBS what they want. Controversy. And nothing fuels ratings like controversy.
I an sympathetic to your comments but sadly have to disagree with your suggestion that Amanda is only hurting herself when out of the Big Brother house. Remember Omarosa from the Apprentice? A real nasty bitch if there ever was one. She rode her post Apprentice notoriety to fame and fortune. Watch Amanda do the same thing.
Harvey, I agree. Although Cat has articulated the situation very well, I fear that – in this day and age – Amanda will find a niche outside the house where she is not only accepted, but praised. And if the rumors about her tv career are true, she won’t care about her reputation in the realty market in Florida.
Sadly, this is the current state of affairs in our country/world.
I got sucked in this season before I realized what was happening, and as a BB fan, I admit, I have stuck it out (with the help of new-found-friends here at BBB!). However, you won’t read “if they don’t kick out –, I’m gonna quit watching” from me next season. I won’t even BEGIN watching if the promotional photo includes a bunch of pretty 20- and 30-somethings. Either they learn their lesson in casting and give us some people who are interesting beyond their shock value or body type, or they won’t get me back next year!
AMEN Lilly I agree 100% with that!
Just hope that she doesn’t get glorified and rewarded with tv shows etc…! ugghh
Amanda will probably get a government job where she can train others to bully people.
has anyone noticed that amanda rarely washes herself….it that in the bb handbook?
Harvey, yes omarosa was a mean beotch but she didn’t put people personal belongings in the toilet or put body fluids on peoples items either. There is a place that you have to draw the line. and unfortunately BB has a long line that apparently can only be reached when things get physical.
But I think unlike omarosa, Amanda will have a negative backlash upon leaving the house because we get to see everything that goes on in the house as opposed to the shows we seen omarosa in.
Therein lies the difference
I see your point Harvey but i see a difference in Amanda and Omarosa. Yes, Omarosa was a mean bitch (like Amanda). But she was vying for a position as a CEO. The international (or national) large business community loves people that stand their ground and will go to great lengths to get the job done. Even underhandedness (by some) is looked upon as a good trait. Whatever it takes to pull the money in. This gave her an edge in the world of high finance. Personally i would rather have a CEO that treats people fairly and does the job without resorting to unfair tactics. But do you think Donald Trump has not staged coups and double dealt? Doubt it. A strong, take-no-shit personality is what he was looking for. Amanda on the other hand is on a show where underhandedness is fair game but crazy is not. Strong personality she is, but also juvenile in her gameplay. Omarosa never would have won if she brought her game level down to childish tactics or was perceived as an needing psychological help. Or if she dressed like a slob and did nasty things as putting used condoms on someones bed to irritate them. Would you want a realtor that you KNOW acted like she cared not for her personal hygene or didn’t care if she was perceived as crazy or resorted to attacking someones family to get what she wanted? She couldn’t be trusted. Professionalism is what Omarosas show was looking for and she had it. Levelheadedness is needed on both shows. Omarosa had that also. Amanda does not. And it will cost her clients in the real estate business.
Sorry for the long post. Really sorry but i have to add that even in show business, difficut actresses have been known to lose jobs because of their attitude. Would you want to work with someone that needed complete control all the time or became devious in order to get it. She would be trying to take over the directors job!! Nope, even in the show business community, word gets around if you’re difficult. If she continues a show business career, i see her getting no further than another reality show or maybe just local theater. Nothing that means much more than a paycheck to pay the rent.
Well, Cat, one thing we agree 100% on: I would give a lot to be able to SEE her pay a price for her actions. If only we could be a fly on the wall to see her reaction when she learns how much America loathes her. Although, I used to think that would really bother her; I’m not as sure anymore.
She isn’t gonna care, Lilly. I don’t think she cares who likes her.
Not to belabor the point and I do acknowledge there are specific differences between Amorosa and Amanda but I still feel that the bad girl image will work in Amanda’s favor when she is out of the house and acting less spiteful. I hope I’m wrong. Time will tell.
I hope so too but you could be right.
Much as I am disappointed in Amanda’s behavior, She will do just fine after BB. First, there are so many people who do not follow Big Brother and could care less and will have no idea what she was like on the show. Second, our society has a HIGH tolerance for bad behavior (ie Lohan, Baldwin, Spears, Hilton, etc etc.). Third, she won’t need to work for a long time (at least the few months it takes for collective memory to forget) if she wins the $500,000. In the end, she will be fine. My only hope is that she watches herself and is ashamed.
Evel Dick was bad but compared to this group, he was a Saint.
I totally agree with you Cat. You can say you will not watch but they could care less. Just makes people want to watch and see what is going on. Would love to know the ra
tings this year.
Cat, I was just thinking the same thing. Glad I read your post first.
Have you ever met one of those people who just crave attention? Positive or negative they don’t really care, as long as you are paying attention to them. Amanda definitely seems to be one of those people. EVERTHING she says, wears or does screams, “PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” She seems to only be affected by the lack of all attention. When it is not about her, she butts in to make sure that she is a part of the drama (i.e. Elissa won’t allow her to be part of her HOH so she does everything she can to get camera time with Elissa).
Instead of calling CBS or bitching in chat rooms about her perhaps a better approach is to stop discussing her and her disgusting behavior altogether. Perhaps I should start today…
I wish Elissa would get Pandora’s Box and would get a special power to not get evicted next week. She is the only real player in this crazy house. I think the punishment in the house should be a week long visit from Rachel.
Hahahaha! Wouldn’t that be amazing!?!?! Come on BB producers, bring Rachel back in or have her in the HOH room with Elissa during Pandora’s box and give her some good advice (cuz Elissa really needs it). Please don’t let the goonies get to her. I am glad she is standing her ground, but I really wish she would’ve nominated McRanda,backdooring the slime snake Andy, at least one of them three would’ve been going home. Worry about Aaryn later. That’s all in my opinion.
Great idea Miranda! Ha ha ha 🙂
omg that would be great! I happen to be one of the few Rachel fans on here 😉 she would put Amanda in her place right quick!
yes she would and i would like a front row seat
That would punish us too! Lol 😛
Oh hell no!!! One Reilly at a time please! That would be like having TWO Lindsay Lohans living with you. And no matter where you went…there she is!!! Ummm..nope. We’ve had enough punishments this season.
comparing Reilly sisters to Lindsay Lohan that’s a new low
They’re all equally annoying.
Honestly Cat I would rather have both reilly sisters than Amanda!
Close call, JO1. I just can’t handle Rachel’s laugh….
JO1..I would rather have zero Amandas, zero Elissas and zero Rachels (although i did admire Rachels gameplay). It was just the incessant whining that got on my nerves. And Elissa sounds just like her. Not in the whining dept but her tone of voice. But then, i start to cringe everytime i here Amanda speak now also. Maybe i just need a better mute button and do like webkitten2 suggests…closed caption!
very true! 2 more days and crossing my fingers that Judd or GM wins hoh to put up the gruesome twosome!
I didn’t watch last years BB but decided to tune in this year. I am not impressed, in past seasons people lied, switched sides and made off the wall comments, but nothing like this season. I believe there are a few people left in this season who are playing the game as a game, but the rest are bullying their way through. I truly believe Elissa, Judd, GM, Spencer and yes even Aaryn are playing the game. Lying and switching sides is part of the game and the reason we watch, it helps you get one step closer to winning. McCray and Andy are playing the same game but because of the alliance with Amanda are getting a bad name. Reality bites and it is the same way outside the house you are who you hang with. Amanda is nothing like evil Dick or even Will, she does need to go, but it needs to be the housemates that get rid of her. Send her to jury so she has to pick one of the players to win (she will be the first to tell you, she got them to the finish line). I will agree I most likely won’t watch the end of this season because of Amanda and the houseguest refusing to boot her out. But I will read the spoilers and see how it play out.
Amarosa & Amanda 2 different kind of NASTY . I know u say NASTY IS NASTY , Doing things & saying things different ..Yes they do have Amanda there 4 rating she may be a MOLE . I wouldn’t want 2 start my CAREER like her but it takes all kinds as we have seen this season & I hope none of the rats or snakes get the money . Andy we no ur not gonna win because a snake will eat a rat , please give Elissa veto next week or Judd hoh next week n the Pandora box…
this season of BB is crazy! by far the worst season ever these people are despicable people and all the people who have morals have left the house!
Amanda and McCray are sorry people. I cannot believe she sell properties and he is such a floater riding on her coat tail. She is always climbing on him you never seem him initiate anything with her. She is trash if there ever was. All the women are whiney babies and Amanda is the biggest one of all. Their place is trashed out.
I agree T.Campbell about McCray doing nothing about his game, he is Amanda’s little toy, she leads him around by the nose, he is afraid of her. He is a wimmpy little man & is pathetic in my opinion.
and notice amanda does not shower..shes got to be stinky now…thats a real estate agent that i would never call…or ever even offer a job to…she should end up on a corner holding a cardboard sign
I laughed at Andy when he said, “why does Elissa want me gone, what did I do to her?” I wanted to keep Helen I tried and tried, I told them to put “Elissa” up! Whoops, shouldn’t have said that! I hope and pray he goes home. No big moves have been played this year, too much bullying and bullying isn’t a good game move. I also laughed at how Andy told Spencer, I went into the diary room, because Helen threatened me..”she said if you do not vote to keep me, you are going up next week” Spencer said, “That’s not a threat its a game move” then we find out, that both Elissa and Spencer were threatened by McCranda that if they didn’t win the veto they were out! By the way, I keep posting this on FB no one replies…Isn’t there a rule that “friends and family of anyone associated with CBS of Big Brother cannot apply”? I have heard Amanda is friends with a producer and that CBS confirmed it. Wait until the houseguests find that out! If the producer is her friend, if I were them, I would be embarrassed. One last comment, I was really happy in the beginning that they had “real girls” on the show, but doesn’t it seem like this season, no one works out except Elissa ( and Howard did)? I remember other times on live feed and after dark, the girls would be walking back and forth across the yard and people working out all the time. I would love to see Jessie come in and work on Amanda!! LOL!
I saw the feed with Andy when he indeed put him foot in his mouth. I would say that he realized it and got that deer in the headlight look, but he always has that look. These HG’s should try engaging their brains before opening their mouths.
Also I agree with you, these HG’s (male and female) are the laziest bunch I have seen so far, with the exception of Elissa. If I was in that house (thank god I am not) I would be working my a** off in the yard just to beat the boredom. Some of these people hardly ever get out of bed. Thursday nights are the only time we see them all of bed at the same time. What a snooze.
I laughed at Andy when he said, “why does Elissa want me gone, what did I do to her?” I wanted to keep Helen I tried and tried, I told them to put “Elissa” up! Whoops, shouldn’t have said that! I hope and pray he goes home. No big moves have been played this year, too much bullying and bullying isn’t a good game move. I also laughed at how Andy told Spencer, I went into the diary room, because Helen threatened me..”she said if you do not vote to keep me, you are going up next week” Spencer said, “That’s not a threat its a game move” then we find out, that both Elissa and Spencer were threatened by McCranda that if they didn’t win the veto they were out! By the way, I keep posting this on FB no one replies…Isn’t there a rule that “friends and family of anyone associated with CBS of Big Brother cannot apply”? I have heard Amanda is friends with a producer and that CBS confirmed it. Wait until the houseguests find that out! If the producer is her friend, if I were them, I would be embarrassed. One last comment, I was really happy in the beginning that they had “real girls” on the show, but doesn’t it seem like this season, no one works out except Elissa ( and Howard did)? I remember other times on live feed and after dark, the girls would be walking back and forth across the yard and people working out all the time. I would love to see Jessie come in and work on Amanda!! LOL!
Is that true about Amanda being friends with a producer on CBS? So maybe it IS fixed. Wow, the S… will hit the fan if that’s a fact.
Too bad Amanda wasn’t in the BB house with Evil Dick! Why are the house guest so afraid of her?
Ha ha ha – that would have been great. I actually would rout for Evil Dick over Amanda. It is beyond me why everyone is afraid of Amanda. Just don’t get it!
I would put Amanda up just for being so annoying. And that voice, I would rather hear fingernails on a chalk board. As to why everyone is so afraid of her, It’s beyond me. I have never seen anyone rule the house from the bed before. She needs to get up and do something, ANYTHING!
I agree!! Evil Dick come and and kick her to the curb!
Amanda is totally out of control….something has to be done…she is a nasty person who would actually sleep with the dirty pizza boy who has no life at 22…she truly has no class…Bring Rachel back to advise Elissa on what her next move should be….The rat Andy should go before Aaryn!!!!!
Amanda is totally out of control…
andy just goes with whatever group will help his game for the week with still running and telling amanda and mcrae with what is going on, spencer is a floater who will go with the group to keep him out of harms way.
There is a Rat, Snake, and Weasel in the house!
Rat Queen, Amanda
Snake, McCrae
Weasel, Andy
Please get them out now. Rid that house of this vermin!!! LOL
Fa la la la la lalala …I see everyone is still happy
I think Amanda should be thrown off the show, but doesn’t look like that will happen. If she is friends with one of the producers, then she never should have been allowed on the show. I am hoping that Judd wins HOH and puts up McCranda and Amanda walks out the door. McCrae can’t play his game with Amanda in the house, but he isn’t playing the game anyway. He has only won one HOH and that was the first week he was in the house. So next week when Amanda is gone, I will say on here Ding Dong the witch is gone, but I would like to change that W in witch to a B, because that is what Amanda is. She needs to go and don’t let the door hit her where the Good Lord split her. Good Riddin’s B.
It is Friday night on BBAD Big Brother After Dark and Amanda has just entered the HOH room and apologized all over herself to Elissa and GinaMarie, because she now realizes that she could be going home next week. I hope it happens. McCrae needs to play the game for him. Amanda good riddins and don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you. See ya. Enjoy being in the jury house. Your chance of winning $500,000.00 will walk out the door the same time you do. So sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
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