We have made it through the halfway point of Big Brother 2013 and the HouseGuests had a little party to celebrate yesterday. They also seem to realize that it will be a Double Eviction tonight on Big Brother 15, as they were allowed to practice for one of the competitions tonight and GinaMarie was told she had to practice, which the outgoing HoH would not normally do. Tonight is going to be a fun night, so see what the HGs were up to on pre-eviction night in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - HoH RoomPhoto Credit: BigBrotherUpdates.com

If you watched the show last night on CBS, then you saw Candice promise us that there would be World War III up in the Big Brother 2013 house with her on the block. The reality of the situation: she went in a funk and accepted her fate of going home tonight and slept most of the week (and even on pre-eviction night). How silly is she? Some of these HGs are ready to make bold moves and with some more talking it could have happened. Amanda and her paranoia could have put many people on the fence to send her home! I think it was a big missed opportunity for Candice.

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It was kind of a slow night, but we did have some fights because Amanda and her paranoia. She is still convinced that Judd has been the MVP and he needs to go next. She is filling Aaryn’s mind with these same thoughts, so Judd is looking to be screwed tonight in the Double Eviction.

With these HGs on Big Brother 2013, it seems like one minute they are complaining about not trusting someone or that they are crazy and then the next minute they are in a lovefest with them! In the episode last night, McCrae finally appeared to be growing a pair where it concerns Amanda. Not so much, as he tells her to settle down and not fight with everyone since she is on the block. They get into a fight and then they have sex in the HoH bed. All in a night’s work for these two, huh?

Like I stated, the HGs were able to get some practice time in for one of the competitions tonight. Which one it will be or how things work tonight is beyond me. One thing is sure: it is going to be an exciting night, so you are going to want to stay here for all your updates!

Sadly, Candice will be joining the Jury tonight and it could be Judd right behind her unless he wins the HoH or Veto. If he does, expect it to be Jessie. I am praying for a Jessie victory and she goes all-in and puts up one member of each power couple (i.e. Amanda and Helen). All hell would break loose and my night would be complete. Big Brother host Julie Chen sent out a picture yesterday of the reset button from last season. It looks like the MVP twist might be coming to an end??? Will she tell them that America has been MVP and put Amanda on the block??? That could definitely put some new thoughts in these players minds!!!

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