Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Most Boring Season Ever? Fix It How?
|Seeming that we all know how the live eviction vote will go every week on CBS for Big Brother 2013 and these HouseGuests don’t want to abandon ship and do their own thing it looks like CBS is going to have to step in and bring some excitement back into Big Brother 15, but how??? Everyone is complaining about this being the worst season ever and the most boring season ever, but what would you do to change it? I give my thoughts in the Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!
I know that we can’t replace all the HGs with new ones, but that would be my dram choice! Anyone else feel this way?
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That possibility is gone, so what else? We have not seen Pandora’s Box yet, so maybe that will be revealed this week? Give out a Golden Power of Veto or something in it?
Everyone is talking about one of the jury members coming back in the house and maybe letting America vote them back in, but would that really spice things up? These people couldn’t take on the powers-that-be while they were in the house, so how could they do it now on Big Brother 2013? They must come back (if they do) with some kind of power that has the other HGs running scared!!!
I think they are going to be bringing someone back into the Big Brother 2013 house and another double eviction will be happening, but when? I think Big Brother host Julie Chen is going to drop a bomb on us tonight, but what do you think it will be? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
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reset button and get rid of amanda, helen,aryn,andy and mcre
Get variety of ages; no more 5-6 SHOWMANCES – too young of a crowd. All the girls do is hair and makeup; get some life back into Big Brother or you won’t have any fans watching.
Get some life back into it. All we see is Amanda and Macray lying around; get the cameras on others.
Just fix the problems — too much garbage this year.
I agree why is Amanda always walking around in her underwear. This season is all about the sex & no real drama.
i so agree with this comment…
I agree to much underwear and sleeping around stuff.
Sleep, Eat, Bitch, and half dressed. IS this what BB’s is now. GEE
Amanda has really put on the pounds, so her in her underwear is not very sexy. Neither is Jessie’s paunch. So if they are going for sexy, they missed the mark!
she is eating all of andy’s food
and she is getting fat—and all them are lazy–can’t even pick up the clothes on the floor!!!!
just what #BB15 deserves a pig of a winner!!
I agree with you Eve…….I don’t knows what’s going on with Jesse and the way she’s walking around with her stomach out life she’s on her 1st trimester…its not cute unless you really are. As for Amanda, I am at a loud for words……Ask I can say is I want her EVICTED!
Well is she got preg in the house…that might ?? spice things up.
You won’t hear me complaining More I mean less and less underwear.
Obvious response from a male, I know. Just like the bland obvious evictions by everyone. I bunch of pantie-waisted players. (sorry, still have underwear on my mind)
sorry “a” bunch of. (going bananas here)
On BBAD last night, Amanda was looking into the mirror and applying makeup for almost the full two hours!
what’s even sadder is that you watched it for the 2 hours!!
I agree!
Yuk, this is the most boring BB ever. I think the men behind the camera is to focus on the young ladies looks. We could care less about hair, makeup and boobs.
LisaNYC, yes along with popping zits and plucking hairs. The most revolting was her bending over in her lacy thong and seeing those butt cheeks. GROSS.
Yes, to young of a crowd. I still say lets do a BB with 50 and older. I think it would be better then this young crowd. We will show the young people how to scheme and stuff like a true champion.
Amen to this one. Especially if you throw some 60+ in there, make sure to include some Vietnam vets, actually, common sense people, there isn’t a lick of common sense in that house right now, with the exception of Jessie. She actually does see what’s going on and Amanda knows it. Did anyone happen to notice how she said last night at the end of the program that “Things were going according to HER plan”? Making it sound like this was HER house and she was just letting them stay there until she got tired of them. She has got to go, put an older person who has been watching the show in there now, and see how fast she’s thrown out!
Amanda has been running this house from the first time she walked through the door, she knows she can bully people and they all have just let her do it. No back bone in this house. Amanda should have been out the first time America put her on the block
I agree with the 50+ COMMENT, This has been the pits!!! Get some adults who knowhowtohave fun!!! I’ll Come!!
You got that right! And we know how to have fun, with or without booze!
i agree. A more diverse group makes better BB.
How about 40 and older? Lots of us Hot 40+ out here…..
40+ is good, too. People who have a mature mind and common sense and can play the game based on skill, not backstabbing and manipulation.
Reset button for sure this week to have to redo teh Veto, have Spencer or Jessie win and one of them can put up Amanda and Helen…get this house going
Pandoras box that always has stuff in there to get it goign.
would be awesome if pandoras box would be to evict amanda lol
I think they should let all 3 Evicted HG’s participate in a HEAVY endurance comp for HOH If any of the 3 win HOH they are all 3 let back in the house It’s bigger and better Julie says have 2 more dbl Evictions!! and final 4 play for the Last HOH
They should have evicted the racist trio for all their racist remarks to show the world racism and bigotry will not be tolerated. And then brought in 3 All-Stars as replacements. Other than that, I think it’s too late.
I agree LisaNYC, CBS should NOT tolerate that kind of behavior from AmanDUH, Aaryn and Gina Marie. They all have a rude awakening when they leave the house. They are nasty bunch, they pop zits, walk around 1/2 naked, pick their skin, pick their teeth…just nasty. Elissa seems to be the cleanest one in the house….the jury is still out on her.
Next HOH let america decide who the hoh must put on the block! both noms! Now that would stir them up!!
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa america vote hoh
Agree let america vote
Do another great twist and let HOH nominate whoever they want to, but, let America choose who gets evicted out of all the houseguests, including HOH and POV winner. That way, no one is safe!
I like that idea—let America pick the noms.
do a saboteur or americas player. Make a big pandoras box. Do a reset button and have a jury comp. and then have someone return after theres four players in the jury house
I think Aaryn will have a twin and it will be (forgot her name – Evil Dick’s daughter). Also Rachael and Brendan (much to everyone’s dismay) will be BACK in the house …. YAWN ….
They should put Ian in there to battle Amanda and McRae.
Ian or Dan would destroy those two!!! Yeah!!!
I agree the loyal viewers of BB have been really disappointed in most of the HG in BB#13 from the racist, bullies, perverts, people who act like they are just entitled to behave completely like they are just entitled even though they haven’t won anything and then the absolutely spineless floaters who jump from one team to the other depending who is on top. I don’t know what can be done at this point, but anything is better than being able to predict the outcome before they are even on spoilers. The viewers deserve better than they have gotten this season. So, I agree with you.
It would be good to bring back someone from the jury and let them be HOH right away. Jessie was ready to stir things up by putting up Amanda and Mccrae because everyone else is scared. I am wasting money watching this season playing follow the leader.
i so want a
refund lol
It’s a shame it went down-hill like this. I’ve watched every season. The only one I abandoned was the one with couples. I always look forward to watching Big Brother each season. This season I have reverted to finding spoiler sources, and just watching on Thursday to see the live eviction, in hopes that the HOH would put up the Pied Piper. They all seem to have forgotten there is only one winner.
Here is the answer to solve everything, Let the game play out, till the final 2, Then you bring back ALL Past winners, and allow them to be the ones to vote for who is Champion, and also They get the opportunity to VOTE No Winner, If they are OK with one of these racists, and bad players win then they will vote for them, But if they believe neither is worthy to be crowned Champ, They will Vote NO Winner!!
No winner sounds good but that isnt going to happen
they should give the winnings to a charity group
Time to reboot!
I hate to say it, but I think CBS will screw up any Pandora’s box or “twist” they have coming. I agree, Todd, the ONLY way bringing someone back would be to give them a huge power – like HOH with no Veto or immunity for 2 weeks or something ridiculous. And if they do a Pandora’s box, doesn’t the HOH have a choice? If so, I predict the HOH will choose NOT to open Pandora’s box. Presto! No excitement.
I just have this pit in my stomach about this season. I have an unfortunately firm belief that there isn’t anything they CAN do at this point to make it interesting – because of the HGs left! If Jeremy really had an epiphany when he left the house, I say bring HIM back with immunity for two weeks!! (As long as we’re dreaming….) Ha!
Yeah, they have the option to open it and most likely wouldn’t with this group. Maybe make them open it lol.
I like the bring back a jury member and make them HoH with no veto! It would be Candice and all hell would break loose! She ain’t backing down to anyone and I think she would be smart about it. She may hate on GinaMarie, but she knows where the power is in that house!
Bring everyone back from the jury and give one of them the Golden Power of Veto ;DDDDD
i say Candice and Judd for sure
Definitely. I also thing that there should be a truth game, when a houseguest lies, a firecracker should go off by where they are standing, Amanda would have the most firecrackers set off by her and Jessie would have the least! That way, Judd will know that it wasn’t Jessie who had a hand in his eviction.
Bring Rachel back that will blow up the house.
no more Rachel PLEASE PLEASE
I have to admit, the first season that Rachel was on BB, I didn’t like her, but when she came back the second time, I saw an entirely different person. I saw that she had really changed and was a much better person. So, yeah, I agree. Bringing Rachel back would not be a bad idea, she’d shake up the house for sure!
Rachel’s cool. If Elissa wins HOH, they should give her a Pandora’s Box with Rachel inside it.
that is a good one,
Have Rachel in the Pandora’s box anyway! Offer the HOH something like $25,000.00 to open it, when it’s opened, Rachel comes out and it’s too late for the HOH to change his/her mind!
NO more rachel, they had to keep bringing her back and back so she could win and even then she needed her man to save her over and over. That whole family is bad at this game; It is like Russel on Survivor just drop that notion.
The sound quality AND the constant infomercials. Horrible.
Lisa, agree with the sound quality, I have to put the volume waaaay up to hear anything. Thought my hearing was going!
I’ve been thinking about this. And actually there are a lot of possibilities that would spice up the season.
Bringing a jury member back is good but likely they would be voted out again next eviction. If they DO bring one back, i hope it’s with the power for them to replace themselves in the jury with a HG. OR be able to make the next noms or possibly the power to take one person off the block. At the VERY least a weeks immunity from eviction. None of that seems likely though.
Pandoras Box holds possible excitement. But not if they do it in a lame way. It MUST hold something game changing. Not money, not muscleman Jessie to torture, not a vacation – POWER – it needs to contain POWER! A coup d’etat or golden veto.
I like the idea of hidden prizes in the house. Not all of them good. They could play hidden numbers with each HG finding a number and having to take the prize that goes along with it. Prizes to be revealed at POV ceremony. Maybe one that forces a HG to exchange a jury member with another HG. Or one that makes a HG an immediate nom replacement. Just something unexpected thrown in.
They could let America decide the next noms. If one wins POV, then we have the power to replace that HG. In other words, take the power of eviction OUT of their hands for one week.
They could also have the jury members decide who the noms are for 1 week. Also with the power to replace if necessary.
There are other ways BB could spice things up but somehow they always fall a bit flat. Let’s hope they put their thinking caps on and decide to give us a significant and unique game changer. Lord knows we deserve one.
Can we do them all???
1) a Pandora’s box has Mike Boogy and Ian come back into the house as co-HOHs for two weeks. But the HGs have no idea how long they will be in the house. — Fear factor
2) America Votes on the two HGs on the block each week
There is nothing that can help this season. Anyone who paid for the live feeds wasted their money. Very bad season. I think CBS will be questioning whether to bring BB back next season. This group of people are very full of themselves. Disrespectful and not what real people are about. The sex, the dirtyness, the hate don’t need to be in the house. Just hope that CBS learns a lesson from this season.
Stop putting all the same age group in the house. Mix it up a bit people! I am tired of people like Amanda who is a bully and will end up winning it all becasue people are afraid of her. How about a longer or more indepth interview process when picking people. Weed out the people that are self involved and will end up ruining a great franchise. This has got to be the worst year yet.
This IS the worst season I have ever seen! The best thing that could happen, and it wouldn’t save the season is to bring back someone from another season or have the house compete against whomever from another season they are bringing back. My suggestion is someone like Evil Dick or Janelle.. Also the pandora s box would be great BUT the twist is, if the box IS used and the house gets punished, tell the other houseguests who did it…….
you know we can continue to bitch about these House Guests, but the true ones that deserve our ranting is CBS and #BB15 Until we take the power back, and start demanding They do something, this is the crap they will continue to put out year after year, Demand Justice now, show future House Guests, This will no longer be tolerated and live by a NO Tolerance policy, Last year they ejected for a head butt, This year they sat on there hands and put up a piss ass disclaimer, That is DISGRACEFUL< Call CBS Demand this years show be cancelled and show repeats from years past, Do not let these HOUSE GUEST win, They are HOUSE GUESTS and since it is not there house we can kick them all out of this house, the power of the people, we can do it!!!
I agree, BB is my all time favorite show, but this has got to stop, take it off or remove all of the offenders from the house.
I’m 55 put me in the house and I would tear through this group with ease!!!!!!
I’m with you! I’m 62, have enough street smarts and book smarts to teach them quite a few lessons on what happens when your behavior is atrocious! You know as well as I do that for every action there should be a reaction and consequences for bad behavior!
I’m not sure CBS can fix this year. My hopes for next year is to get a variety of people of all ages and sizes. I’m sick of watching all of these people stare at themselves in the mirror all the time. I want to see some real interaction with folks from all races and ages.
Here’s a twist… let AMERICA be only only vote for eviction for a double elimination, then bring Judd back with a special power! Goodbye Amanda and Helen!
#BB15 Julie and the rest of the production Team, all of them r guilty!! how about the rest of the year we pick the noms and they can vote out which ever one they want, because unless we r the ones involved this season was over in week 1, if u do not involve us, You can not fix this crew what so ever, so let us be the one that fixes them all!!!
I bet if BB took a poll of what age groups the people want to see in the house it would surprise them.
I thought about that too and would really LOVE it. But decided it would be unfair since not every evicted HG went to jury. You can’t just evict a whole house (even though i’m all for that!) and let the jury have a start over. BUT – I DO like the idea of TWO separate games going on at the same time . With each house deciding the other houses noms for the week. Live feeds available in both houses so they can spy on each other. Halfway through the game houses combine. New alliances would have to be made once combined. I know they can’t do that this year but it’s a future option.
Whomever does the screening of the contestants needs to do a better job; some of the HGs are so arrogant especially Amanda. The age range and gender should be more diverse. I liked that the viewers were able to vote to place a 3rd person on the block, since we can see who needs to be gone.
I think they need to bring back all three players, not one. Then let America choice two people to go home. All three were the only ones worth keeping.
I think that all the house guest are slobs and lazy. All they do is lay around. I don’t no why Amanda has so much power. She’s a BITCH
I think after the show they may have to demolish the house. It’s filthy! Last night Aaryn said there were flies everywhere and any time you opened the lid to the trashcan they came swarming up in masses. How can they live that way? I’ve seen Helen clean before, and Aaryn a bit also. But for the most part it looks like Animal House.
Or send in Dick… he will put the firer under their butt… Then it get’s good
The season was pretty much destroyed when CBS didn’t get rid of those witches. I stopped watching, after watching since BB1, please the show became unbearable, nauseated, and predictable. I know Andy is a tattle-telling butt kisser and weasel. I know Amanda is a disgusting self-absorbed tramp. I know that GinaMarie is an ignorant and unintelligent psychopath. I know that Helen is a hypocrite with an enormous ego who thinks that she’s playing a lot better than she actually is. I Know that the HGs are stupid and will week after week have the same boring unanimous vote and not enough brains to vote the way they want to independently, etc. etc. BLAH BLAH BLAH! If I watch again, it will be the last episode…maybe! CBS sold out to controversy versus calling out the behavior and getting rid of these low-lives, as they had done in the past.
For the future of BB they should put a screen in every room you go in, to see what’s going on in the other rooms. they could see who’s talking to who. Then they would be freaking out about every move they make for them selfs. I think it would add to less complaining about other players. And no more whispering going on.
At this point CBS has got to want to make this whole season go away as soon as possible. I can’t imagine that they would be stupid enough to allow this train-wreck of a season to drag on and disgrace the network any more than it already has. Normally this would play out for what…another 5-6 weeks?
I believe there will be a “fast forward” week, a 2nd double eviction and the possible re-entry of a jury member to even the playing field. There’s no way Candice comes back. This would only stir up the racial remarks that I’m sure they wish would just go away.(Before live-feeds we would have never known about any of this. Wonder if the increased revenue from live-feeds and the dollars lost from this season will balance out?)
Additionally, CBS should threaten production with a cancellation of their contract that NO ONE who is guilty of any racial or homophobic slurs be allowed to win ANY finale prize money (NOT 1/2 mil, not $50,000 and not $25,000.) Additionally, IF they make it to F2 or F3 they should be notified on LIVE national television that due to their actions that their prize money has been forfeited and will be donated to a charity that promotes anti-bullying etc.
Cancell this weeks nominations, bring back Howard , Candice, and Judd, and let America pick the nominees for this week. Double eviction and they go home on the spot not the jury house.
Ok, Start with next week as the fireworks will happen next week between Helen and Amanda (hopfully) OK HOH gets a pandora’s box and state that the HOH will get a great power if they accept. The power is that they nominate 3 house guests The box allows a jury member picked by America back in and they have the power of coup d’etat but cannot tell anyone until right be fore the veto ceremony. They can repalce 1, 2 or all 3 noms then the veto ceremony will be held the house votes right then and the next day at eviction there is another double eviction. The returning jury memeber is immune from that nomination but could be back doored by the veto.
how about if that bot comes in and goes through each of them and tell them each what America thinks of them!!! And let them know we do not want any of them to win, maybe it will wake these fools up a bit, I doubt it but you never know!
That, is a good one. But let’s take it one step further, instead of whoever is usually in the bot costume, they should have a contest and pick one of the viewers be bot? And give them Carte Blanche to say whatever they want to say to the remaining houseguests, uncensored and, regardless of how harsh it is.
Evil Dick…he needs to be there…he would get stuff stirred up…even though I wanted to poke him in face each week….it kept my attention.
I would rather he come back with a stronger cast of House guests.
These losers would be so afraid of him, that he would probably be voted out the first week.
This season reminds me of the Wizard of Oz song, “… if I only had a heart…if I only had a brain…if I only had the nerve…
This game was ruined when they got rid of the only interesting players in this game.
Dave, Neil, Jermey and Kaitlyn. I lost interest when I saw the direction this game was going in.
Now all we have is a bunch of backstabbers and cheats.
And the most disgusting showmance in BB history. Ughhhhhhhhh
I say have a Pandora’s Box next week for the new HOH. Without mentioning what it is, tell them that if they open it something occurs( ex. Judd reenters house with a power, like a golden POV) if not opened, then something else occurs( ex Candice reenters with a different power, like the coup d etat that Jeff had in his 1st season. Though its unlikely to happen, that would really stir things up
They obviously need something to revive this show.
Judd coming back would be good as long as Candice came back too.
Judd would probably go after Aaryn while Candice would go after Amanda.
I would love to see both of them crap their panties when they came back.
I agree with almost all of the post. The problem with BB is that we continue to watch. If everyone would boycott and turn it off for just one week. With low ratings maybe the producers would take our comments serious. As it is they are just excited that we are pissed.
This season would have been so much better with mixed age groups instead of these all young and boring people. This is the first year I have watched that I don’t care who goes home I don’t like any of them. Amanda is so sick and gross.i really don’t like Helen they allow a few people to run everything
It is rather sad to see that the houseguests spend all there time in bed. Noone wants to make a move and a shake up might put some life back in this season. Bring an evicted houseguest back in but give them ammunity that they can not be put on the block for the week and have a double eviction. That might stir up the house and then someone would have to finally make a move