Take it as you may, but we have some Big Brother 2013 spoilers and they are coming straight from the Big Brother Live Feedsso you better subscribe to them…you are missing out! According to Jessie, so believe what you want, but CBS production told her that the Power of Veto Ceremony on Big Brother 15 would be today! How exciting if she is correct, right?

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Power of Veto

She could be telling the truth or she could be trying to stir the pot some, since she is up for elimination. Why would production only tell her? Not sure, but this is where things get interesting!

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McCrae won the first PoV on Big Brother 2013 and has been going back and forth on what to do, but it appears now that he might put up Elissa to make the house happy, but a lot of them are gunning for David as well.

You can see all the highlights from the Live Feeds yesterday and last night right here, but basically everyone in the Big Brother 15 house is in an alliance with each other, so no one goes home this week?

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