Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Power of Veto Players – Week 10
|The Power of Veto competition is always such a huge event in the Big Brother 2013 house because the results could put a wrench in the plans of the Head of Household that week. GinaMarie seems to have a plan for her HoH for Week 10 on Big Brother 15, but will it follow through after today’s PoV competition? She made her nominations last night and I think everything will be just fine, but the Veto winner still determines the main target this week. Check out the players in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
The HGs want one of McCranda to go home, but it also appears that McCrae is the bigger threat to them and he must go home. Amanda is controlling things, but they think she will fall apart once McCrae leaves (which may be true) and he needs to go first. So, the winner of the PoV will help determine that outcome!
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The players have been picked and here they are for the Power of Veto Competition for Week 9 on Big Brother 2013:
- GinaMarie – HoH
- McCrae and Amanda – Week 10 nominees
- Andy, Spencer and Elissa – randomly selected to play
What does this mean? The only thing the HGs need to do is keep it out of the hands of McCranda. If one of the win, I still think one of them will go home. This group seems dead set on breaking them up!
The competition is happening now, so I’ll keep you posted on results!
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As long as one of McCranda goes home Thursday night, I don’t care who wins POV. Problems can only occur if someone takes a nominee off and someone else goes up. Even if they are intended as a pawn, if one of McCranda is not on the block, there is the danger that person will make a deal (and he/she can vote) to sway one or both of the rats (Spandy) to vote the other person out. Weirder things have happened. The ONLY way we’re sure one of McCranda goes home is if they both are on the block. Period.
The exception to the above would be if Andy is the replacement nominee.
LOL..wonder which one pulled Elissas name. Hopefully Amanda 🙂
Amanda got HGs choice and picked Spencer.
I think GM pulled Elissa.
how do we already know what has happened on POV when this is saturday, confused.
If one of the four non Mcranda wins POV and uses it, I hope the are on the block in the DE Thursday night. This pair of bulling, vulgar non-character psychos needs to be ushered out on a plank.
Snuffy, I could not agree more. McRanda is the lowest, scummiest, classless, crudest, just plain worst HG that have ever appeared on BB. I normally never judge ANYONE….but these two have been just deplorable!!! I find it hard to believe they’ve made it this far! They need to GO NOW along with their sidekick Howdy Doody! (Andy)
Name a favorite player and why?
None. I’m rooting for the lesser of “evils”. End of story.
Elissa is the only adult with morals. She is the only one that did not stay in bedroom and watch or talk to the 2 mc’s screw in bed also the only one that did not talk to them when they were in shower. She keeps her room clean and takes care of herself. She cannot lie without laughing. 🙂
Wow sounds like she walks on water. She has throw more stones at glass windows then any of them. Constantly wearing her judges robes. All of you who are haters of amanda and macrae ought look in the mirror first instead of forcing your morals down other peoples throats! Do unto those as you would do unto yourself!!!
Andy and Spencer both have said they will throw the POV comp. So that leaves Elissa or GM to get the job done. And they’ve proven they can do it. I just don’t want a nasty surprise again this week by Amanda winning POV. I hope things go as smooth as silk. But this is BB and the “unexpected” usually gets in the way.
McRae wins POV, and the Exterminators want to talk him into taking Amanda off so they can send him home.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Andy’s entire wardrobe looks like the summer 2013 line for GARANIMALS?
Hahaha! Thanks for that chuckle, Mel.
Yep, the petite section.
I hope if McCrae takes himself off the block that Andy is put up as a replacement. That will keep Andy from voting. As ugly as he is, you just don’t know who he would vote for. No one knows who he is being loyal to
Ya I think regardless Andy still will vote with Amanda, he’s a coward, a follower, and a floater. Dang most in there are floaters. Andy has done ok whenever he didn’t throw some contest, Spencer has done ok, GM has done ok, Mcraw has done ok, and Judd as well, oopps Oh Elissa has done better then them all.
OH make me a sargent and bring on the worst nightmare is happening…
McMoron takes himself off and the 2 weasels Andy and Spencer can’t think for themselves and side with McMoron…or if they put up Andy …then they will try and talk Judd over to their side…hope he is not that stupid…worst case the votes end in a tie and GM sends Amanda packing…hopefully then Judd or Eliss win HOH and then put up Andy and Mcmoron..oh dreams are nice, aren’t they…but I am hoping that she is not saved…then it will still be the McSkank show…watching them in bed all the time…and worst of all eating their meals in bed UGH>>..
Plus I hate Andy …when he referred to Elissa using the C word for women…totally disgusting…I am glad he not my teacher…I would be totally offended..and why is Amanda not already thrown off for her volatile temper…
Only thing we can wish for is that next year they get some men who actually have balls and would tell Amanda to shut her mouth and stop talking like that…because PJ boy (the bum) has no brain whatsoever…
Yea, Jan Jan, Cat and I had that discussion in another convo stream here somewhere.
This week’s DE has everyone excited about getting McCrae out too, but that is a longshot. With the shrinking numbers, Spendy (the two weasels) plus one becomes a force. Thursday is critical for the power swing. With 5 people left in the house at the end of the night, we need at least one, if not two of McSpendy GONE.
Oh let me in the house, I will take care of them…first thing I would do is have a sprinkler system over the bed of the McSloppies and turn it on everyday so at least they would have some kind of shower…
Unfortunately nothing will probably happen….both of the will still be in the house…and I will need some of Amandas meds…
Please someone on that show prove me wrong…double eviction and let them both go or at least Skanky and Howdy
Bite your tongue, Jan Jan! Unless something drastic happens, Amanda is leaving first. After that, we all have to be crossing all our fingers and hope things go our way! Positive energy for the good side of the house, woman!!
Oh, but I LOVE your idea of a sprinkler system! Surely they have to have them in there in case of fire … they should USE them!!
I just think that this has been the worse BB ever. A floater having so much control, Bolonga. Raciset remarks and ratings are soaring out the window and the person is still on public tv. Well Paula Dean said a raciest remark before getting in tv like 20/30 yrs. ago and was fired from every show, Really come on. I love Julie Chen she is Awsome and very professional.
Ouch Lily…I just bit my tongue…that hurts…Okay I will just think positive…and oh if I were in charge…that sprinkler would come on when they least expected it…
Middle of the night? Or just before the show goes live Thursday? Unlike previous years, the live show doesn’t seem to prompt any of them to dress up unless they’re getting voted out – so they’re already dressed crappy!
Could you please have it come on every time their butt touches the bed. Along with a siren and a voice that says “Move Away From The Bed!” 🙂
The best idea yet! And heaven forbid any sort of hanky-panky starts! That would call for soap, too!!
Not just soap but LYE soap! With scrubbing bubbles!!!!
Cat, I would do that just for you…every time their mangy butts touched the bed….gallons of water would pour down on them…who knows maybe then they could see what was in the rest of BB house…hopefully find the kitchen so Moron isn’t eating in bed…You could be the voice of MOVE AWAY FROM THE BED
I’ve always been told i have a voice that needs to be on radio. Oh wait…maybe they meant face 🙁
For you Lily we will also supply the soap…and maybe some brushes…something like a car wash effect
I love these late-night funny sessions….
Cat, are you watching the live feeds? I’ll have to stay up for BBAD tonight. Someone on BBB elsewhere just posted that twitter is blowing up with McCranda convincing GM to put up Elissa as the renom!!!
I had them on but my computer started acting funny so i decided to do a virus check. Some of my comments are taking forever to post. Maybe someone can enlighten us.
Evel Dick where are you when we need to get this bitch Elissa out of the house?
I dony know why Amanda hates elissa, their probly jealous cuz shes not dirty,and shes better looking, Andy should go after amanda and mcrae leave you cant trust him as far as u can throw him
I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but I believe(no pun intended) a bubble saved both Amanda and McCrae–During the Balloon contest, I think Amanda found a Diamond Power of Veto (remember those???) and she will be using this to save herself Thursday night and nominate the person who will have to leave (Judd??–or maybe she will double-cross Elissa)…I have been fighting to not believe that Amanda is very good friends with Allison Grodner (exec producer)and this game is decided already. But I actually heard her say that she was going to win the “Luxury Veto (Balloon) competition.” The only way she could know that this was for both a Luxury prize and Diamond Veto would be if, well, she actually KNEW it. If Amanda stays this week, I am not sure I am going to continue watching because something is obviously not right….
Hate to burst your bubble, but you have bad information and it’s also a bit outdated. Read through this website in past discussions. There’s some helpful information here.