Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Results – Veto Competition Week 11
|This Power of Veto competition is going to be huge for Week 11 on Big Brother 2013. There are five HouseGuests remaining in the Big Brother 15 house (four of them on The Exterminators and McCrae). Of course, McCrae was put on the block by Spencer last night at the Nomination Ceremony, but could he win veto and throw everything off for The Exterminators? I want to see it happen and you can find out if my dreams came true in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
Since we are down to only five HGs now, all of them will be participating in the Veto competitions now. We are so close to the end of this season and that just seems wild to me. It has been a rough season, but I am excited to see who takes home the $500,000 and pulls away from these floaters left in the mix.
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We all know that Big Brother 2013 has that way of making sure things go a certain way. It is not like this is new this season, but people will complain about it. Think about it: Amanda won Veto when she needed it. Elissa won HoH when she needed it. And now, McCrae won Veto when he needed it!
McCrae was the target, but he is wearing the necklace proud now and has earned a spot in the Final 4! Now we will have a battle between GinaMarie and Judd to see who gets evicted next on Big Brother 15 (Judd is currently walking around the house very pissed off). Hopefully Spencer will wise up in the next couple days and put up Andy, but it’ll never happen!
And it looks like Ian, Big Brother 14 winner, served as the host.
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Good Job McDirty!! I’m rooting for u lol. Never thought I’d say that
Me, too!
Now if only Spencer could grow a brain and put Andy up. But I am sure that is too much to hope for….sigh.
Spencer? Grow a brain? Not even possible. Andy is up Spencer’s butt so far that if Spencer belched, a red hair would come out of his mouth! But then, Andy is up everyone’s butts so far that the same thing would happen no matter who belched!
Hahaha, Suzanne! So true, but did you have to be so visual?!?
Some of you are too desperate to root for someone. MCgirly is associated with Amandy, if he wins she wins.
as long as it not the red hair rat
Last night on BBAD someone asked Mcgirly if he was going to be with Amanda after the show and he said he didn’t know and he was taking a month to himself. I doubt if he’ll be with her, he misses his ex-girlfriend, which he said a few times.
He might not wanna tell them if he will be with her because it might cause them not to vote for him.
i don’t think his x-girlfriend will any thing to do with him–after seening him with amanda—-
I don’t think he had a girlfriend.
maybe he had a boyfriend…lol
MCcrae said last night that he was going home for a couple of months and he might go visit Amanda but he was not moving there right away. He said he never meant to move in with her. That was Amamda’s idea. Came out of his mouth. So who knows!
I thought his ex sent him a shirt when he one the last HOH??
Sorry “won”
I think it’s so wrong to hold her game against him, he has won a lot and played hard, he hasn’t been a floater, he’s holding his own….
He kinda has been a floater though up until Amanda left. He hadn’t won anything since the first week. He kinda just floated on Amanda’s manipulation of the other house guests. Every now and then he’d talk game. Then after Amanda left he finally started playing to win again. He’s not so much a floater anymore because he’s won another HoH and a veto but for the majority of the games he’s been coasting on the fear everyone had of his partner in showmance.
absolutely agree….whatever the Amazon told him to do, he did. Shut up unless spoken to little girl…I mean, boy.
absolutely~why should Mcrae win? the only thing he was in this game was Amanda’s “yes” boy. she told him what to do, and he did it. he’s totally undeserving of the win, b/c he never used his mind(hummmm) and he never used any type of intelligent game-play.
What makes you think that is not gameplay. I can see using Amanda as the target to push forward in the game. Everybody in the house did it.
As long as Andy or Spencer don’t win I’ll be happy
Is there a Psychic in the bunch here at BBB? If so, PLEEEEASE let Spencer know what a RAT Andy is. Then he can be back-doored and follow Elissa out of the house!!!
Hey, I can dream too!
I think Spencer knows Andy is a rat,but thinks of the remaining players he could beat him in the final 2 unlike the other remaining players!
I’m not so sure, Mr2Nice. Who knows what Spencer thinks? (Except that foul vulgarity is funny.) I can tell you that Spencer will NOT beat Andy in F2, so I’m not sure about his logic there.
I think he will. Unlike other people who thinks Amanda would vote for Andy I see her voting against him. She doesn’t like people going against her no matter what. I think Amanda,Elissa,Helen,Aaryn would all vote for Spencer. Jessica would vote for Andy, and Candice probably Andy.
Only problem, Mr2Nice, is Spencer does not KNOW what Andy has done. Only Amanda does. (Andy convinced McCrae that he voted to keep Amanda.) As far as Spencer knows, Andy is beloved by everyone.
Besides, in the jury house, who’s inclined to LISTEN to Elissa or Amanda, even if they do hate Andy now, which is debatable? Who knows. Maybe they will gain some perspective now that they aren’t competing. On the other hand, they may all think Andy is a genius for deceiving them all.
He knows that Andy voted Amanda out because Andy told them all about Elissa switching sides. Helen knows that Andy didn’t have her back when he voted against her and also the week before when he put up 2 weak players instead of Amanda and McDirty.
If you were Spencer out of the remaining players who would u think u would have a shot against? If I were him I’d have to go with Andy but thats just me
Well, I don’t have the live feeds (only BBAD), but I don’t know how Andy could have told McCrae he voted for Spencer, but told Spencer he voted for Amanda. I still say Spencer does not know.
In fact, it’s a testament to these hgs stupidity that no one has scratched their heads and called Andy on exactly what happened.
The jury house, though, is anyone’s guess. I know Elissa will hate him. But it’s possible Amanda and Helen will respect his game play. And the rest of the jury has no idea he deceived them. Everyone has bought the little puppy-dog eyes of the Rat.
What will Spencer argue as his accomplishment? One veto and one HoH? And surviving 8 nominations when he never received only those two votes last week? He’s gotta find someone weaker than him, and I would argue that’s Judd. After all, why is it fair to let Judd win when they got him out once? (They already think that way.)
I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine, really. I’m just afraid Andy still has everyone snowed.
@ Lilly, Andy being a professor will be able make his argument to the jury better than Spencer
Shoot, Mimi, he’ll just b.s. his way through. No one else will stand a chance. Andy’s proven that he can lie about anything with those eyes wide open like he’s innocent or something. Unless by some miracle everyone compares notes and finds out what a rat he really is. I just don’t think they’re that smart. Plus, they may decide he deserves to win because he deceived them all so well.
helen knows about andy
I don’t think Spencer will bet Andy in a final 2. Andy has EVERYONE snowed to his true ways. Even Elissa thought maybe McCrae switched and didn’t vote for Amanda to stay. Even after listening at the door to Andy playing up to Amanda and McCrae, after Helen warned them about Andy they all still believe whatever he says so its very likely that Andy would get the votes over Spencer easily despite having stabbed a good majority of the people on the jury in the back.
LOL..nope not a psychic but hoping Spencer feels my vibes in the air and KNOWS it’s a “GET ANDY OUT” vibe. Maybe if we all chant together…Andy out, Andy out, Andy out…..
Altogether now:
Get Andy OUT … get Andy out … get Andy out … get Andy out … get Andy out … get Andy out … get Andy out ….
it’s Howdy dowdy time, it’s howdy dowdy time. come on Spencer, tell him to Come on down, you are the next contestant in the hot seat. LOL>
I so agree…I hope Spencer realizes Andy is a rat…..but he doesn’t know what we know so its highly unlikely….I am rooting for McCrae all the way….
This will not be a popular statement, but….I am hoping Judd gets evicted so he can see what a STUPID move he made the other night by not using the POV on Elissa – a player that actually would have been on his side!!! Payback is a bitch.
I agree, Judd should have saved Elissa, afterall, she saved him. however, this is a game full of floaters and liars.
@ TonjaB, yes it is!!!
agree, don’t like how he is now that he is in with the degenerates
at this point any of them can go and I wouldn’t be upset but I really want Andy out first!
I was thinking the same thing. If we could all put our physic powers together & get through Spencer thick head to his brain, then I remember he would need to have working brain cells. We are out of luck!
It is an uphill battle, Mimi, considering Spencer usually thinks with his “other” brain….
I knew I should check back in for the latest comments–thank you Mimi and Lilly for the laugh-out-loud comments. I am prone to suffer from bouts of depression so I love it when something makes me laugh.
@ Tessa, me too! After getting caught in a lightening rain storm on my early am run here in sunny Miami I decided to spend a quiet day home. So I spent it blogging with you guys, & it has been fantastic! Thank you for the company & intelligent, humorous, crazy, antics! Keep it up!!!
McCrae is winning quite a bit now,he is one of the best during competitions,watch out for him,he could take it all!
The dead weight is gone and McCrae is back!
Go McCrea… this thing, we are all rooting for you.
speak for yourself. I’m not rooting for Mccrae.
SERIOUSLY???? Um, NO….we are not all voting for him. he was a dead beat vote for Amanda this whole season. I would never give him my vote.
Seriously, McCrae is the only one that doesn’t talk crap about the other HG’s, call him Mcdirty is you want but the others are the ones that a filthy, foul mouthed, nasty pigs they don’t deserve to be in the F4. McCrae has won more than the other 4 put together.
Well, I am … now. But only if he has the stamina to keep winning. And just because it will be incredibly ironic that a 4-person majority alliance, started with only 7 hgs remaining, couldn’t manage to make sure they were the F2.
Besides, for those of you who think the money will go to Amanda, think again. He was NOT sounding that “committed” to a big future with her last night.
I think his family will something to say about that…since he lives in their house. I hope they have some good influence over him. He has already taste milk he donot need to buy the cow.”Old school”
I am with you Lilly. at least there are few of us who realize that McCrea was just using Amanda. She put a huge target on him, however, I don’t see him being with her outside the house. He has seen and heard too much. But he is not stupid, he will manipulate whoever he needs to in order to win. He is wanting to win just as much as anyone else in the house. Go McCrea !!!!!
All of these HG are nasty. I do not think for one second McCrea will go with Amanda. His family watched I am sure and will not let the REA take him for a ride if he wins. If he wins I hope he takes the money and invests in a pizza resturant.
Judd is being a big baby right now. Can’t these people show a little sportsmanship??? And GM needs stitches because of the POV comp. Not sure what it was but it must have been rough.
She is a bit accident prone! Her toes were hurting her yesterday; she said she really didn’t feel well.
Yeah she is accident prone. Least she’ll get to rest at the jury house or not since they’ll have a 3 way steel cage match. Evil (insert vulgar noun here)Amanda vs Co Racists Tag Team Member GM (Aaryn being the other half) vs Candice.
Now that I would pay to see!
Hope the jurors have enjoyed their relative peace for a while. Because if GM comes next, it could get loud and stressful!
Thumbs Up 2 that! BBJEAD should be what we get to see on After dark.
BBJEAD = Big Brother Jury Edition After Dark
Oh man, I agree, Mr2Nice. I already think their ratings would go up if they spent 80% on the jury house and only 20% on the BB house….
I myself might actually pay to watch BB Jury House!!! WAAAYYYYY more exciting stuff, I’m sure. I would give anything to have been a fly on the wall this week!!
I would pay for that, too! Cannot believe they haven’t shown any jury house as they have in the past. You’re right–it would be way more exciting and we might actually hear some strategy and words with more than 4 letters.
I’m telling you, Cat, this house is just FULL of spineless whimps. The slightest threat and they are quivering with fear and powerlessness! If Andy thought for a second he had a chance of going on the block, he would be holding his face and whining a mile-a-minute right now.
Andy is pushing for Judd to be evicted. McCrae for GM.
The difference between Andy & McCrea is that Andy will lie, cheat & do whatever it takes to make it appear that Judd is evil and needs to be evicted. McCrea might even buy into it.
@ TonjaB, just like Amanda so he might buy into it (:
Andy does tend to get what he wants. He has this whole house snowed…. I’m serious- what gas are they pumping into the house?
Have you listened to the live feeds after everyone is asleep to make sure there isn’t a quiet voice repeating “… Andy is a sweetheart … everything he says is the truth … you can trust Andy … he would never lie to YOU … only to the OTHER hgs….”
Now THAT conspiracy, I would buy!
I’ve never seen anyone be so successfully deceptive and NEVER even get questioned – even when someone hears them talking through a door.
Lilly, Andy is just like Amanda, instead of bullying he is a snake he does it sneaking & friendly. He had a good teacher.
Judd seems like hes not too healthy.
Way to go McCrae !!
GM stated that she wanted to see McCrae’s fire back when she put McCranda on the block. Be careful what you wish for…
Never ever thought I would say this!! GO MCCREA!!!!
Bite your tong! No way McCrea should win.
go mcCrea.
I agree! But none of the others who are left should either. Ha Ha
I can’t stand that any of them win the 500 grand for reasons we all can agree on, Miss classless racist, Mr. Biggest liar, Mr. Mummmmbler,and Mr. Nosepicker pervert. However, I don’t want McNasty to win because of his association with the House’s biggest bully, and he did nothing to stop it. And for sure, if he wins, he will quit his job and just be lazy and spend it on pizza til it’s gone.
McDirty did try to get Amanda to stop it quite a few times. He told her she was painting a bigger target on them for doing so.
In return he did never step in if someone was picking on Amanda so I give him credit there. He knew she deserved it!
He tried to stop it for his own game, not because she was being sickening and evil to others.
Right. Just like I didn’t see anyone else try to stop any other arguements in the house.
Well maybe except for Howard with Candice
I’m rooting for McCrae now that Amanda is gone.I like GinaMarie ,too.Spencer and Andy are floater.I am sad to see the game coming to an end.I get Big Brother withdrawls and it’s takes so long to come back on.
This years game is dragging me down like drug addiction so I will be happy to go through withdrawal. I am starting to kick the habit already because I am so disgusted I don’t even watch BBAD anymore. When I stop reading this blog and these comments I will be free! (until next summer of course! LOL)
Well I think this is great lets see if Spencer will back door Andy and make him squeal like the pig he is !!!!
I can dream can’t I?
I share that same dream!
Judd deserves to win this. Then again anyoone desereves to win this expect for that snake Andy!!
I would love to see Andy get backdoor-ed! But Spencer and Andy have been making gestures to each other and pointing to each other kind of like we good. What a shame, I would love for it to be Spencer & JUDD!
Production has too big of hand in this season.. CBS has gone down hill over the years.. Of course Mccrae won.. It’s a better show if he wins.. It mixes up the game.. CBS is a joke.. No longer watching this. Thanks for the updates but it is now deleted from
My Dvr
@ bigmacexpress, remember McCrae was a tough competitor when he first came into the game. He was thrown off his game when Amanda decided to chose him, (power at the time), to be her showmance. Which I am sure shock the hell out of him! To a have a woman like Amanda, actually any woman chose him was a big deal for him. Hopefully he is over it & it gave him some confidents in himself for the future.
Did you hear her say that she actually picked Nick first but she wasn’t getting any love from him so she moved on? It was on BBAD.
Wait maybe it was Jeremy. (I think it was Jeremy.Sorry.)
Mcrae seems to be the most unmotivated human being ever. He’s so young and has NO life plan, no desire to be more than he is just coasting along. It doesn’t appear to me that he has ever had a girlfriend. @Mimi: to have “a woman like Amanda choose him????” She’s the biggest liar, racist, brat, bully and totally delusional when it comes to her own personality it seems impossible. I’m sure she has run any/every boyfriend she’s ever had off, with her demanding, self-serving, bipolar personality. What a nightmare!
I agree w/ you CBS . shame on you .when it look like a rat & walk like a rat & smell like a rat , CBS you are a rat 4 rigging the game .
Apparently Ian was the former winner that hosted the veto comp.
Has any one else noticed that
Sounds like Beavis and Butthead !!!????
I wonder if everyone in the Jury House is still afraid of Amanda and she’ll make them all vote for McCrae?
Amanda can’t make them vote for anybody. They will all vote for who they want to vote for.
Really ppl ! Now every body want McNasty 2 win he is jus as bad as Amanda . Jus like he said he would win ,he did and the final 2 will be McNasty & Rat Boy Andy and that’s how its rigged 2 play out w/ McNasty win w/ Amanda ,They both said it the nite gm & Amanda got into it were you ppl not payin attention , since she can’t win it’s set 4 him 2 win . I smell a Big Fat Rat CBS……..
Gee Karen, tell us how you really feel about us all. Wow!
Laughing from the of my stomach!!! Entertaining, entertaining…. we all need someone to blame when things Donot go our way. It’s human!!
Here we go again with the CBS rigging…I thought we all got over that?? Couldn’t rig this show if they tried bcs the HGs are so bad.
Karen,I completely agree with you.
Wasn’t trying 2 offend no 1 , but I do pay attention 2 the small things that they try not 2 focus on Amanda shut McNasty down twice when was talking about what was going 2 happen after that they took that camera off of them. but he had already said 2 much
I’m not tryin to step on anybodys toes but the whole rigged thing is getting a little crazy. If it was rigged and they wanted Amanda to win she would have. They would have made the veto competition something where Amanda could have gotten a advantage on.
I understand people don’t like certain people and thats cool but to say its rigged because the person u like the least wins the veto or HOH doesn’t make it rigged. Was it rigged when Rachel played in season 13? Was it rigged when Ian won last season?
Things just happen when it comes to competive events. Gaints beating the then undefeated Patriots. Mavericks beating the Heat, and so on.
Deep breath and then exhale everything will be alright and hopefully next season will be a All-Star BB
Don’t remind me about the Patriots losing to the Giants (:
Mr2Nice You haven’t been watching bb long enough to understand how this show works. you can’t debate with people who have been watching since season 1.
I don’t want an all stars other people need to be given chance.
sorry my previous post under Karen was meant to be here. Also why would u want other people to be given a chance if they already decided whoes going to win at the beginning of the show?
Mr.2Nice BB doesn’t completely control the shows. They just help certain players along the way. But sometimes it doesn’t work.
They don’t always decide whose going to win. They figure out who they WANT to win once everyone is in the house.
BB has favorites. They fix competitions according to who production likes, who America likes & sometimes they just allow the contestants to play on their own.
They tried to HELP Amanda by telling Elissa in the DR to work with her. But BB couldn’t control Andys vote. Plus Amanda wasn’t good enough in competitions.
BB is a complicated show.
Been watching since season 1. I know all their tricks.
Why do you think Julie laughed & had such a fun interview with Amanda? Amanda was just as racist as Aaron.
LOL all I got to say is HUH? Sometimes they help? sometimes they don’t?
So ur tellin me production likes McDirty,Child Porn King Spencer,Rat Boy Andy,Racists GM, and woman basher Judd?
Why if they wanted Amanda to win and after they couldn’t get Andy to change is vote. Didn’t they tell McDirty that they couldn’t get Andy to change is vote so if he did win he could put Andy up?
Why would they help Spencer win HOH?
Why before that would they let GM win HOH?
Why won’t they tell McDirty to let Amanda win the Veto?
Just a few in a long list of questions.
I started to reply to this, too, Mr2Nice, then gave up. “You can’t fix stupid”, as they say. And though I’m sure Jonte isn’t stupid, per se, his/her arguments make him/her sound like it. Todd tried to set the record straight the other day; evidently it didn’t work.
Lilly Calm down, its not that serious. If you don’t agree with my comments you don’t have to.
I told you I’ve been watching this show for 15 years.
The first season they didn’t even play the game right. they were just voting people out for dumb reasons. They didn’t have HOH or Veto. They just let this guy Eddie win cause he was cripple.
Mr2Nice I’m sure they don’t like Spencer & Andy. they haven’t helped GM with anything. She got where she is on her own.
BB hasn’t helped Spencer do anything. But I believe they got Judd back in the house by pushing Helen off. They never expected Judd to go so they fixed it for him to come back.
BB can’t control the outcome of everything unless they give every houseguest a script to follow.
BB is not a scripted show. they just try to help some people along the way & sometimes it doesn’t work. But i don’t think they really stress too much about it, they just try to help and if the houseguess can’t be helped its nothing they can do.
BB has comps on standby for when they have to scrabble for one of their favorites not to go if the other houseguests want them out. Thats why they know what the houseguests are good or bad at. They Also have comps for them to lose when they want a houseguest to go.
They ask them I think about their hobbies & what they are good at. like the log roll competition. MCcrae said he won a log roll contest once. Thats why he almost won against GM.
I remember on season 3 this girl Amy said she went to charm school and could balance a book on her head for a long period of time so BB fixed a competition of balancing a book on your head & she won HOH, cause she was a target. Thats when I realized BB was fixing comps.
After she won she told them how she was able to do so well at the comp.
yes I do believe Rachael was set up 2 win . and after all the negative response Amanda was getting of course she had 2 go . remember you read it 1st here final 2 mcnasty & rat boy andy
Well if u believe its rigged then why do u still watch? I’m confused. I mean its not like WWE or a taped show where I can read weeks ahead of what is going to happen before it is on TV.
It’d be like my wifes soaps that she watches. By the way my wife has watched the show since the first season. Her and myself don’t understand why if it was rigged why they would make the final 5 the people they have?
Its not like any of the 5 would be fan favorites of any kind.
I don’t believe in the rigging theory but I understand why people thought that. Amanda is friends with one of the producers, she wants to be an actress or at least a public figure. Elissa. Is Rachael’ s sister but not real as Ted to anyone at CBS.
Related to not “real as Ted”
McRae is the best of the worst, what is left, a peodophile Spencer, ratboy Andy, racist GM, brainless mimic Judd, I hope he wins. Nancy you are right Judd does sound like Beavis and Butthead. Spencer will never put up ratboy he told him several times.
Andy will get called out soon, not a nice person at all. McCrea does better without Amanda screaming in his ear
Ellsia called him out and thats why Andy voted her out. I hope she mentions this to the jury if by chance he makes to the final 2. Judd deserves to win this.
I agree with you Karyn, I think Judd is a reasonable winner here. He so reminds me of “Forest Gump”! I would love to see him win!
andy his his pet—-gets info from him!!!!!
I need your thoughts on something. Why does Andy hate Elissa so much? It seems to be deep down hate. The only reason I can think of is that she put him on the block once. Just wondering what other people think.
I think most of the people hate Elissa goes back to Rachel. For Andy it is the Rachel thing along with her putting him up. I think it was last night they were whining that Elissa was even allowed in the house and said what family member of Rachel would be next season a cousin or something.
Jealousy is like a virus and it spread like one when it comes to Elissa.
Just a thought!
@Mr2Nice, I agree. I posted my thoughts about that earlier. Envy is a ugly green eye monster!
That’s exactly what I thought. I said this earlier but I can’t believe Andy and the others still hate her so much. These are just low class stupid people. Andy as a college instructor (professor ??) sets a terrible example for the students at the college he teaches at.
I think the fact that Elissa went to work with Amanda and almost upset their plan…the fact that she did not remain loyal…I believe JuDD and Rat Boy and GM wanted to take her to F2 if she won the next HOH or Veto…they all feel they would have won against her and they may be right. She could not be trusted so she sealed her fate with McCranda…Had she not made that move and won HOH she would be in a good place as she would be the best person to sit next to. Not many people liked her, or thought she played a good game, and most felt she had a lot of money already so she would be easier to beat.
There are a couple of theories floating around. We discussed a few of them this morning. The posts were a bit lengthy but I’ll tell you where to find them. Go back and read Tood’s post from yesterday with the title “Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: HOH Nominations-Week 11”.Scroll down to entry #19.
Oops…sorry TODD.
It’s okay, Mel. We don’t mind if Todd has a “tood”!
Tood works and these comments do get lengthy, but I was watching BBAD tonight and seeing the hatred of Elissa by Andy and it is all a ploy. He is playing it up for McCrae to possibly hear and think it was Elissa that voted out Amanda and he stayed loyal to him. Andy always has a plan to look good…let’s hope it runs out very soon!
I agree that it might be a ploy. But because I have heard him bash Elissa when it is just he and Spencer talking, I think he might be thinking bigger. What if he is beginning to believe his own hype and thinks that he could actually be America’s Player (a la Enzo). The only way to win (if he believes that the Brenchel Army will all vote Elissa) is to convince everyone who hates the Brenchel Army and dislikes Elissa that he is the antithesis of Elissa and hates all things associated with her. Just a thought.
Mel, I honestly think you are giving Andy waaayyyy too much brain credit. Seriously, I do not believe that he really thinks this far out. The Elissa bashing from Andy (even in the DR room) seems far too personal and vindictive. It may have started as a game move, but now it is personal.
Well TonjaB, I disagree. I think Andy does think that far ahead. For every HG’s scheme that he stumbles upon he has a lie to contradict or thwart their plan (within minutes). As for this particular theory, well this is my third Andy vs. Elissa theory of the week. Odds are that they are all wrong. LOL but I like to contribute.
@Mel I hope you are right! I would like to believe it is all game play…at least then some of the stupidity is explained – or at least make it palpable. LOL
I think Andy hates Elissa because she figured him out, but didn’t get the chance to let the other houseguests know how Andy was playing. And I also think he was jealous of her relationship with Helen.
So Mcgrady has an ex all of this time. Oh my is this the best news. Poor Amanda was his puppet all of this time. She is older, gave him experience in the bedroom and now he can put that in between his bandanas. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Yes the Suspenser needs to get the red carrot rat out. No one will vote for him in the house. I have this gut feeling that Spencer has said some strange things like Child films and Hitler. I think the production room or diary rm told him so say that to keep up ratings. I could be wrong.
I hope the rat boy does end up with someone. He won’t get a vote from anyone.
He had a girlfriend named Jessica. He has spoken of her several times while in the house. Its been reported that they broke up right before coming in the BB house. According to his friends (they do a weekly podcast), he broke up with his gf because he might want to have a showmance in the house. lol. He also told Spencer some time ago that he would tell his ex that the house was like an “alternate reality” but she would probably still be mad. Ya think?!!
Really, his friends said that on a podcast?…some friends…
Didn’t they used to show the jury house with the evicted coming in and updating? I think Judd is the CBS fave, BB went to his hometown and showed he really did live in a lil town, no one else got that extra
I Think we should all vote for David as AFF Just to piss them all off1 That’s what they all want , almost as much as the money, that will piss them all off and send bb a message how sucky this season was
Why can we not see the jury house? Why did they not have pandora?
The jury house is only shown when the houseguests enter it. BB will probably show when Aaron Amanda & Elissa entered the house on Wednesday maybe. But thats all they will show.
then they will show them in the house on the finally show debating about who they wanna vote for. Thats all you will see of the Jury house.
these houseguests were so predictable with all the voting with the house. BB probably felt these people didn’t deserve Pandoras Box.
None of these idiots should win! The money should go to charity. This is the first season where I do not support a single person in the final 5! They are all dirt-bags!
What a genuinely PERFECT idea, Sarah!!!!
I wish someone would tell the guys in the house that just because they make tank tops doesn’t mean any of them should wear them.
Thumbs up to that. I thought the shirt Andy was wearing was really Spencer’s. Maybe they made a pac promise by wearing the others ones shirts.
EWWW I just got a visual of Spencer wearing a tight pink Andy t-shirt. (hits myself with a hammer to make the visions stop)
Mr2Nice, thanks for that belly LOL!!!!!! (Please don’t hurt yourself; we would miss you.)
I know this is off topic, but I wanted to say something about fan favorite. I’ve read a lot of comments talking about voting Howard as the fan favorite, and I think he deserves it. But recently people have been saying they would vote for other people (mainly Ellisa) just to piss off other house guests. I just don’t see the logic in that. You’re essentially taking money from someone (who deserves it) to give to someone else (Who isn’t as worthy) just to piss a couple people off? Now if you honestly feel like Ellisa(or whoever) deserves it, Then vote for that person. But don’t just vote in the hopes of pissing someone off so you can get a laugh.
this is the mentality of the childish people you are dealing with.
There is enough pissed off people in this game already. Can you imagine being one of the girl who lost there job? Not only did you get far in the game only to lose, but screwed up your job too? That sucks, I hope they find there way out of the mess they created.
My vote will be for Howard. 100% my favorite house guest.
It would have been Helen but she messed that up as the game went on by being so overly motherly nice yet plotting against people that supported her then smiling and hugging them…she was way too confident.
I’m going with Helen. Yeah she got a bit aggressive and was two faced. I just feel for me she played a decent game.
I really like Howard but he really didn’t do anything. Except get caught lying about the moving company while tryin to be buds with Helen.
Not really sure who would be my second pick. Hmm
I agree with you. But let me explain why I’ve been arguing for Elissa as America’s player for at least a week or two now. It isn’t because she was mistreated in the house. And it isn’t because they continue to say terrible things about her and her family now.
I think Elissa should get America’s player because she was the FIRST to step up to the plate and make BOLD moves, ALONE, against the house. (Even Helen, for all her scheming, was functioning while being in control.)
Bold move #1: When Elissa won HoH, she defied the house, saw through Andy and ignored him (probably one reason why he hates her so now), refused to listen to the lies of the butt-kissers, and nominated two power players. Yes, it would have been better if she’d put McCranda up to begin with instead of her emotional nomination of Aaryn.
Bold move #2: Whether production suggested it or not, Elissa chose to ally herself with her enemy and try to backdoor McCrae. (So much for the “rigged” game because the worst possible thing happened when Amanda won veto and ruined that plan.)
Bold move #3: She put aside her personal loathing and dared to ally with McCranda in hopes she could flip the house and take a hated hg to the end with her. Again, Rat Andy ruined that move, but it was a move.
If you disagree, vote for Howard. If I voted for a person I believe is a good person who deserves to win a prize in a house of reprobates, Howard would be my choice.
But please do not say Elissa doesn’t deserve America’s player. Because I think she does.
JMO You said it “Rat Andy ruined Elissa’s move” He did that because it
was better for his game. His was the
key vote that got Bully Amanda out.
Andy is playing BB his way and being
Elissa gets “The Shoe” and thinks McCrae voted out his love toy. lol
McCrae wins HOH and puts up Elissa,not
Andy because he thinks Elissa voted out
his love toy. lol
Brilliant Howdy !
Well, Jono, let’s set aside the fact that my post was not intended as speaking to Andy but to argue for Elissa. But if you want to talk about Andy, let’s do that.
Which WAS the bolder move for his game, hmm? He had the chance to flip the house and vote with McCranda and Elissa, thus making them a 4-person majority out of 6. He would have had the option to take TWO disliked hgs with him to the F4. And since McCranda had been playing with him from the beginning, he was guaranteed F3.
Did he do that? Nope.
As usual, Rat Andy took the easy way out.
He couldn’t put any blood on HIS hands (because he LIED to everyone still in the house about what happened). He voted with his wussy “Exterminators” and stayed safe.
Sure, going to F3 with McCranda was risky, but does that mean he was incapable of winning ANY comps from then to the end?
To this moment, Andy is riding the coattails of the person in power.
So much for the not-so-brilliant Andy. He’s a rat and a scared player who would NEVER have made it very far if ANYone had EVER targeted him.
I suppose that is a game strategy, but don’t expect me to respect it.
I agree.
You know, Jono, sorry if that was a bit “in your face”. I start seeing red (no pun in tended) when I talk about Andy. I didn’t mind him in the beginning, but the way he talks about people who aren’t in the room … and does it without batting an eyelash. I just really do NOT like him, much less respect him or his game. He may win this, but I don’t have to like it!
Well said, Lily! I completely agree.
Very well said jessd. I’ve thought about voting for Elissa. And for the reason you stated…to piss the others off. But i see your point and i think you’re correct. I’m a logical person and when someone presents a good argument to me then i’m willing to change my mind. You have a very good argument. Howard will get my vote. Yes it would be nice to see the smirk wiped off of the other HGs faces. But that would last how long?….an hour at best. They move on with their lives and so do we. Our fun would be fleeting. $25,000 could mean a lot to someone like Howard. Maybe lifechanging. Elissa will go back to her wonderful life. Not that she couldn’t use 25 grand (i’m sure she could). But i would hazard to guess that she has options that Howard doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not voting for Howard out of pity. He doesn’t need my pity or anyone elses. I’m voting for him because in this sorry, shitkicker of a BB season, he gave me a memorable moment WORTH remembering. His talk with Candice in the cockpit room after her bed was flipped, reminded me that racism is not dead. And in order to survive you must be strong and endure. Never let those that wish to harm you , whether through words or actions, think that they’ve succeeded. So if you’re using BB as a teaching moment for your children (not that i think you should) or, as most of us have stated, a lesson that more work needs to be done in terms of equality, then here is your chance to say that it matters to you too and in the BB house, Howard represents that struggle (at least for me). I know BB is only a game. But i have to find something to redeem this season for me. So would i rather seek momentary revenge or maybe give someone a start at something better. I choose to not be like the HGs and let my revenge go. I’d rather say i voted for something positive instead of perpetuating the negative vibe thats been throughout this BB season.
Your arguments are also valid, Cat. I still believe Elissa deserves to win, but I will NEVER forget how I felt watching Howard and watching him help Candice. I honestly cried. He brought something special, very briefly, to a very CRAPPY season of BB.
Well said, Gave me something to think about.
None of these remaining house guest are people I like or admire. Not rooting for any HG, least of all Andy. The real game -for me at this point- is how will the judges vote. It will be interesting to see who votes for who and why. Who can let bygones be bygones. Who will vote for the lesser of two evils.
I’m with you, Anthony. I will sleep better if Andy leaves before F2, but otherwise … nothing to cheer for. What I’m afraid of is that the jury WILL forgive Andy and award him the money because his deception fooled them so well, it was good game play.
If only they could all hear what he’s said about each of them when his “game” needed him to throw them under the bus….
Ok BB watchers…for giggles, let’s vote for whom we believe deserves to win it all. Please indicate how you’ve watched this season go down: Live feeds, BBAD, CBS BB episodes, this site only, or all of the above…
Some CBS broadcasts, some BBAD, but have anxiously watched this site to read as SOON as there is a new post!
All of the above.
Cbs and some after dark and post only. Now I am only doing post. I cant stand to watch the bad behavior in the house any more. A ndy make my blood boil and Sp[encer should of been kick off for his comments and also disespect for Elissa belonging. I think CBS and BB let a lot slide this season. I can remember on season they kick someone off for using a toothbrush and cleaning a tiolet with it. These HG did alot worst this season then any in the history of BB. I dont think the game is rigged, Maybe some help from production. It is funny how MCrea and Spencer couldnt win a thing all summer and all of sudden they are winning. I think they should keep GM because if she is hurt she wont be able to win HOH are POV.
CBS broadcast and this post.
I don’t have BBAD or live feeds so I have watched (or half-watched) most of the episodes on CBS and read this site. I have also read some transcripts of the live feed on another website. Just reading what they say is bad enough–I can imagine what it is like watching them say it, too!
Being a JUDD fan I want him to win. Watch BB on CBS and BBAD. I like JUDD he reminds me of “Forest Gump” does anyone else think he does?
I think it might have been said before, but I will say it again. I don’t think anyone who knows Andy should believe anything he says to you because he is an expert lier. Just saying.
I am actually kind of pumped to watch BBAD tonight. I think if GM or Judd think that they are the one getting voted out they will spill the beans about the floaters alliance.
Then it will be interesting to see how it shapes up. Maybe Moving Company 2.0 LOL who knows?
I’ll be there with you tonight, Mr2Nice, cuz I don’t have to get up early tomorrow morning. Join me here at BBB to share your thoughts, if you want!
Cool I’m down
You may not like the way he plays the game but he
does have a “style” that has been effective.
The core point of BB is to fool as many house
guests, as possible.
Go Howdy!
I might agree with you, Jono, if I hadn’t watching him be a RAT, snake, nasty gossip on BBAD. It is certainly amazing how he manages to pull off all his lies and NEVER get called on ANYTHING. But he is not just playing the game; he is mean. And he back-stabs when silence would work just as well.
Lilly I too watch BBAD and have never
seen Andy be mean to another House Guest, face to face. Mean comments behind their backs,YES. Telling HG what
they want to hear is just good gameplay
He has fooled so many HG Andy deserves to WIN.
Then we can agree to disagree. Your and my ideas of a good game player just differ. Andy actions should not be rewarded.
Deserves to win? I do find it interesting different peoples views on who deserves to win specially with this bunch.
One quote that has stuck with me that Andy said was on BBAD 2 days ago when he said that if the Rachel Army did like him he would be offended.
This is my last spoiler to read concerning Big Brother! I could care less who WINS! Season 15 is the WORST season ever! I hope there are much better House Guest next year!
Got a hour to go and I started thinking about if I was on big brother if I would be a hated person or someone people liked.
I do swear alot,don’t try to but I just do LOL. When I got voted out (probably 2nd person to go) I’d get to read how such a disgusting person I was because I swore alot.
Would I lie? Yeah probably but I’d never swear a life on a lie though.
Would I be loyal to my alliance? For awhile but knowin me I’d probably turn on them just for fun lol.
Would I bully? No be a racist? No
Showmance? Heck yeah I already told my wife babe I luv u but if I get on BB, I am goin have a showmance and then dumb her at some point durin the game.
Man, I am a evil person LOL
dumb should have been dump
LOL…good stuff. And an interesting thought. I would swear a lot too. Although i’d try to limit it to comps. Ok, what the hell, i’d do it all the time but just not as much as this bunch does. As for lying – you bet! Just not unnecessarily. Loyal to an alliance – yep, every single one of them. No bullying or racism from me. In fact i’d be the mouth that roared if i someone tried that crap. Showmance? – NO WAY! You think i want you guys watching me “do it” on the live feeds? If i wanted someone watching me make out i’d put a mirror over my bed
Andy is another one that should be fired from his job as a Teacher,,All he has been doing is bash Elissa and last night saying things about her he hates her.He talks about killing and other dirty stuff and this guy teaches kids,,GET RID OF THIS GUY…FIRE HIM WE DO NOT NEED TEACHERS LIKE THIS,Plus he bashes America
Let’s hope his whole school is watching all this and he does get fired. He should never be allowed to teach ANYWHERE ever again.
I can’t believe some of the things that Andy talks about on BBAD, but he talks all the time, he never shuts up. I can’t stand his voice. He just makes me want to scream. And as to an earlier post, Spencer doesn’t know what Andy has done because last night, Andy apologized to GM for voting against the alliance and of course she just said oh its ok, I’m over that now. I don’t see Andy in the F2 and I really hope its not Spencer, he doesn’t deserve to even be here as many times as he has been on the block. Out of everyone still there, I’m pulling for McCrea because I think it will be interesting to see him play this game and make it to the end against the stupidity of the rest of these idiots.
Hmm, is it true…it’s not if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game…
or…does the end justify the means…?
What sucks but is true…if Mcgrae wins then Amanda Wins! That isn’t good, Amanda is a bully and is evil! I too think Andy is a dirty snake, but we must insure Mcgrae leaves first! Hopefully the house guest get it! And hopefully Mcgrae doesn’t win the Veto! You all know Amanda will con Mcgrae.out of any winninga he gets, then dump him! And after Mcgrae goes then, dirty playing Andy must follow out of the BB house!
McCrae already won veto… sorry
AND Howdy won’t b goin:)
I’m so sick watching BBAD every night and all they do is talk shit about the evicted jurors. Red rat Andy is usually the first to gossip about Elissa. She has more class in her little finger than all five of those idiots have in their whole body. I’m tired of Andy saying every night “I hate Elissa?” Take a good look in the mirror Andy at your overbite and ugly pointed ears before you critize other people. I can’t stand Andy and his stupid non stop talking voice. Please God don’t let him win.
Watching tonight made me ill. I threw my plastic shoe at the TV. He is a big fat pig/rat.
The lies that come out of this guys mouth. Everyone thinks he is so cool. His mouthing off to EL and making everyone believe that she knew about JUDD. I always thought she went with the house, but then Andy is following everyone. He got her evicted and it’s his own ASS that should of been out the door. I hate when he talks, looks down at the camera and just takes in air. I can’t stand him.
I do hope he gets fired. No person complains about this country and expects to return to their jobs. How did he get to be a teacher anyway. He is too stupid to speak the English language. If he is gay like the whole house said, then he shouldn’t be in a school full of teenagers. He is a menace.
My Nephew who lives in DC and is gay and he is teaching English at a high school. He is a likeable guy and lives with a guy. Who knows what happens at the end of the day.
Looks like to me the floaters final are playing . Took long enough at the of people were playing the game!!!
1) Andy is a snake/weasel/rat.
2) Andy is, perhaps, the worst dressed player in Big Brother history. I am tired of those ugly tank tops on that shapeless body. Who agrees?
Tom, I agree! But I have decided we are insulting snakes, weasels and rats when we use these terms to refer to Andy. He is disgusting.