Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Third Nominee Announced By MVP – Week 6
|It has been three weeks now, but America continues to be the Big Brother MVP and we get the chance to put the third nominee on the block for Week 6 of Big Brother 2013. The polls have been closed and the fish came on the live feeds, so it was time to pick the players for the Power of Veto competition and that means we find out who the third nominee is voted by America. Find out who is in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
Here are where things stand going into finding out who did America nominate as the third nominee on Big Brother 15 for Week 6:
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- With over 2,000 votes in our poll, Amanda was leading the pack with 52% of the vote!
- GinaMarie announced her nominees last night and she put Candice and Jessie on the block.
The target right now is Candice, but can the MVP nominee change that? America voted and they put Amanda on the block for the second week in a row!!! While I love this, will it matter if Candice stays on the block? The house is gunning for her, so we need to root for a Candice win in the PoV competition today!
Playing in the Power of Veto competition are GM, Candice, Jessie, Amanda, Spencer and Judd. Jessie and Judd are talking already about him winning and taking her off the block. Spencer wins and he might take off Candice??? He wants Amanda gone, so let’s hope for some drama with a Candice OR Spencer win tonight on Big Brother 2013!!!
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Did anyone else catch Amanda saying she wanted Howard out because she couldn’t manipulate him? That is a good indication of Amanda’s personality.
Poor McRae, he never stood a chance.
Yes, I heard that and wondered how many others heard it. So now we know for sure what her motives have been. She has GOT to go! She is ruining the show for me because I can’t stand her!
LOL..sometimes i think McCrae LIKES being told what to do. It saves him the trouble of thinking for himself. Yes i heard that statement. Actually manipulation is what BB is all about. But the fact is…HER way of manipulating is being overbearing and pushy. Howard wasn’t a pushover. The rest of them are like pawns on a chessboard to her. She thinks she can manuver them however she likes. I hope some of those little pawns she tries to push around start pushing back. And they push her all the way out the eviction door. AND LOCK IT BEHIND HER!!!
I agree with that totally! I realize it may be good game play, but I don’t like bullies!
Yes and everyone but Spencer likes her and thinks she is their friend. She has not come close to winning anything. So, you got to think that she has good game play because she is manipulating all the guest even Helen has not caught on.
And that’s a bad reason because? They’re playing a game, you know. If I couldn’t get a person to do what I wanted then I’d be gunning to get them out also.
McCrae isn’t stupid or a victim. He genuinely likes Amanda, but he knows from a game standpoint having her is GREAT for his game because she will always be the bigger target and people mistakingly think she runs him. Pretty much everything he wants done gets done. If you watch the live feeds, she never talks him into anything he doesn’t already want to do. He’s in one of the better positions in the house out of anyone.
I think this has gone far enough with the racist comments in the house. Judd shocked me how he was laughing at what GM said about Candice. How sad(:
Has anyone noticed how sneaky Andy has been? He just kind of slides into the room, listens to what is being said, and then runs to those in power to give them the lowdown. Do they not realize he is doing this?
Amanda is only thinking of herself even with her dumb BB marriage too. McCrae doesn’t even know the real Amanda. Get here out of the house Immediately please!!!
Ok, after all these seasons, redecorating the BB house, why not install a dishwasher???
I have often wondered that myself over the seasons.
close the doors to fl we dont want that thing back expecally in a 1 peice
Can’t believe America would put up Amanda over Aaryn. The cute little mattress flipper is going to ride coat tails right to the finale. Somehow female contestants who are pushy, egotistical manipulators aren’t looked at as favorably as their male counterparts. Not saying Amanda is as good, but Mike Boogy is a BB legend and favorite among thousands with all the same traits. Yet Amanda gets flack for playing hard and sometimes dirty. But of course a woman such as she is considered just a manipulative, egotistical b.i.t.c.h. (and let’s not forget ugly and with a bad body for those who have to comment on a woman’s physical appearance when they don’t like her) rather than a person who’s playing the game the hardest in the house.
America’s ready for a female Mike Boogy or Dr. Will. Stop being so sexist men AND women of America!
It’s not because she is so pushy, ( though I don’t care for pushy people) it’s all the degrading comments she makes. Go watch the video on the Opposing View. She really needs to learn a little respect.
She’s joking…watch the live feeds and learn her personality. Remember all of the degrading things Boogy used to say about women? And those videos making montages of things she says are nine times out of ten taken out of context, but she has said bad things out of anger or when she’s upset that I’m sure she’ll regret which we all do at some point in our lives.
And making an off color joke about race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. doesn’t automatically make that person a bigot. Comedians do it all the time and we laugh at it. That doesn’t mean the joke teller really thinks poorly of the group they’re poking fun at. If rather than Puerto Ricans, Amanda had said French people are smelly because we’ve all heard those jokes about how they don’t wear deodorant, how many would then laugh instead of call her a racist? Pretty much everyone in the house was making jokes about stereotypes, men & women, even killing each other which sounds bad but was actually pretty funny and everyone was laughing about it. And they all make degrading comments about one another at some point, some worse than others. It’s all been on live feeds.
Bottom line, if Amanda were a man, she’d be racking up a larger fan base by now for being so good at ‘controlling all those fools’, telling it like it is and telling the slickest lies…not to mention getting props for getting some action on the side. And everyone should know that’s the truth, but some men and women can’t stand a woman to act like that whether they’re on TV or not. Not liking a reality show villain is fine, some do and some don’t, but how many female reality show villains are rooted for instead flat out hated and called nasty names? Yet so many love the male villains and they’re asked to come back and be ‘all stars’. It’s a terrible double standard.
I agree. It’s time for a female Dr Will. But Amanda isn’t it. Dr. Will would NEVER use her tactics. On the other hand, she DOES possess Boogie characteristics. Which might be why she is so disliked. Most people saw it as Boogie riding Dr Wills coattails to the end. He was not a fan favorite (unless its in the category of ones we loved to hate)and for some of the same reasons Amanda isn’t. Janelle has been the only female to come close to Dr Wills game. And anyone that has seen her play has to admit she was a strong, manipulative woman. And even bitchy at times. So obviously a woman CAN be those things and be looked at favorably in the game. Her thousands and thousands of twitter followers and fans prove it. Maybe Amanda should have studied Dr Wills and Janelles game a little closer. Instead of taking the low road ala Boogie.
Amanda absolutely is a bully! She is rude,obnoxious and just plain mean. You can play a strong,great game without being hurtful and insulting people. Why does she feel she has the right to strategize and be in an alliance, but condems and calls out anyone who dares to think for themselves. Get Amanda out !
I couldn’t agree more! In fact, you took the words right off my keyboard! It makes me so mad when she freaks out on anyone who dares oppose her and what she wants!
What are you afraid of? was the question asked of Aaryn Her answer was: People with evil or absent minds that hurt or deceive others. That sentence described Aaryn to the letter… Hows that for calling the kettle black!
To just Amanda Amanda sneaky Ms.Helen need to go she playing everyone this is her game!
Not just Amanda need to go but
SNEAKY Helen need to go she playing everyone!
This is Helen game!
I agree Helen is 2 faced, and I don’t like her either, her and Amanda need to go, then the game might get interesting because no one will be told what to do
I thought there was going to be 2 going home this week, so maybe the America vote will get Amanda home
I sure hope so, and then Helen next.
I’m going to make this short I don’t like aaryn, amanda,or gm they are just aweful people who are probably going to make it to the end…and andy is just slimy for some reason I don’t like him he just shows up in rooms and go tell the other people what he was talking about with them.