This has been a week many of us have been waiting for on Big Brother 2013. Someone finally had the balls to put McCrae and Amanda on the block and it appears the other HouseGuests have opened their eyes and see that they must be broken up! Elissa tried to backdoor Amanda last week on Big Brother 15, but it failed. Now we get the Veto Meeting today and the final nominees for Week 10 will be announced. Find out the details in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow.

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - McCrae VetoPhoto Credit:

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So, GM has been holding it together as the HoH this week and I am impressed. She does not let Amanda and her taunts and threats get to her. She doesn’t let her get under her skin and have the fighting that Amanda wants. She came in with a plan (break up the power duo) and stuck to it. McCrae threw a wrench into the plan when he won veto (because the HGs wanted him to get evicted this week).

The plan was that McCrae would remove himself from the block and GM would put up Spencer (the Big Brother 15 pawn) as the renom. This way The Exterminators stay off everyone’s radar and they still accomplish their goal: break up McCranda!

The Veto Meeting for Week 10 on Big Brother 2013 just happened and it went exactly that way. McCrae removed himself from the block and GM put Spencer up as her renom. That makes the final nominees for Week 10: Amanda and Spencer.

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