It is time to announce the winner of Big Brother MVP for Week 3 on Big Brother 15 and with Helen winning head of Household and putting up her nominees last night, it will be interesting to see the route that America went with this vote on Big Brother 2013 spoilers. Now Elissa has won MVP for the first two weeks, but would it change during Week 3 since she really isn’t in danger of going home on Big Brother 15? Find out in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!


Like it or not, but America voted (hell, you all voted her MVP in our poll) Elissa as Big Brother MVP for the third week in a row, which was told in the Live Feeds last night.

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What does this mean? I am torn with it. I did not want Elissa to win this week, just because she is safe with Helen as the HoH. Give it to someone else, like Candice or Amanda or even Judd. They all played a hand in the blindside on Nickso why not reward them?

As I think more and more about it though, I think I am okay with Elissa winning MVP again on Big Brother 2013 and we should get used to it, as long as she is still in the game. Rachel’s fans are going to vote her in. So, why don’t I mind it? It is a guaranteed way that Helen will have someone working with her to guarantee the three nominees this week. The backdoor is likely to come into play this week, so have your Mommy Alliance partner up there with you to guarantee that Jeremy or Aaryn go home, right?

***UPDATE: The third nominee for Week 3 has been named by the MVP and it is Spencer, despite the HoH crew wanting her to nominate Howard. Good move or bad?

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