If there has ever been a season for one person to be the clear favorite to win Big Brother, it would definitely be Big Brother 2014 and Derrick Levasseur. He has controlled things in the Big Brother 2014 house pretty much from Day 1 and now we are at the final day and could Derrick walk away and the biggest winner in Big Brother history? I believe so and you can find out why in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers below!

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Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Episode 27 Preview 5

The field has been narrowed down and we have Victoria, Derrick and Cody remaining in the house. One of them will walk away with at least $500,000 for being named the winner of Big Brother 2014. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of a Derrick victory!

Why Derrick will win Big Brother 2014:

  • Derrick was the best player on Big Brother 16 by a landslide. He may not have won the most comps, but he controlled every HoH this season without winning it every week.
  • Derrick will be the first person to go an entire season without being nominated and winning, which should be rewarded.
  • Every member of the jury has stated that Derrick is controlling things in the house. If he makes it to F2, there is no way the jury would not give him the win.
  • He has no enemies in the house and has no blood on his hands.

Why Derrick will not win Big Brother 2014:

  • He does not have many comp wins, so he needs to convince the jury he controlled everything in the little amount of time he has for his speech.
  • The jury is bitter and when Derrick takes Victoria to F2 with him they will give the 500,000 to her.
  • Cody smartens up and wins Part 3 of the final HoH competition and takes Victoria with him not Derrick, so Derrick did all the work and gets none of the rewards!
  • CBS is bought out by a competitor and the new owners refuse to air the finale, so no winner is announced.

Click here to see why Victoria will win it all!!! And click here to see why Cody will win it!!!

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