After 98 days in the Big Brother 2015 house, the winner of Big Brother 17 will be crowned tonight and I can actually take a moment and enjoy life! I would get a lot more enjoyment if tonight goes as I hope it will. I have enjoyed Big Brother 2015, but know I am in a boat all alone on that one and I am fine with that. Back to the topic at hand, but follow along tonight during my Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who won Big Brother 2015 tonight!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 9-18-2015 Live Feeds Recap


Per usual, we haven’t seen a lot of action in the Big Brother 2015 house the past few days. We had Round 1 of the Final HOH on Wednesday night and then Round 2 of the Final HOH on Friday night. Since then, it has been laying low and very little game talk. The final round takes place tonight during the live finale, so we wait to see who wins and gets to decide who to take with them to the F2!

With that being said, we have the jury voting tonight and we made our predictions earlier. We also had our weekly Big Brother poll and both are leaning towards a certain HG. See if we are correct during the Big Brother 17 finale tonight. The Live Recap follows!


Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2015 Live Recap or see who won Big Brother 17 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!


[Please refresh this page frequently for the latest updates in my Big Brother 2015 recap]

Here we go…we are reliving the season and all the alliances and evictions and blah! Julie is live and time to go back to Part 1 of the Final HOH comp!

PART 1 OF FINAL HOH COMP – The ending of this is going to piss me off again. Why do I have to watch it? This comp was beyond boring to watch! The time between the dips and flinging to the wall took forever. And why wait 3 hours until moving them down to the apple? Steve can’t take it anymore and he falls off. Now time for Vanessa to play mind games with Liz and she said she can stay on it for ten hours, but in DR she said maybe an hour. This was so hardcore and I was rooting for Liz to stay on, but she didn’t and fell off and threw her game away! Vanessa knew that Liz couldn’t win Round 2, but it worked and Liz falls and Vanessa wins Round 1!

PART 2 OF FINAL HOH COMP – Yup, it is the sneak peek CBS shared with us earlier! I guess it was for Part 2 and not for Part 3. They have to finish the crossword puzzle for all the clues given. Climb the wall and place the letters. It is Steve against Liz and whoever gets it done faster will win Part 2! Steve is first and he does a solid job. He struggles a little with a letter and not finding it, but he had it in his bag! Liz is up next and she seems to do a good, but time for the results!

  • Steve finished in 28:27
  • Liz finished in 31:11, which means Steve won Part 2 of the final HOH and will take on Vanessa in Part 3 tonight!

JURY DISCUSSION – Time to discuss the F3 with Dr. Will and Austin said he wants to see Vanessa come in and he would cut off his beard! Unfortunately, it is Johnny Mac coming in. Austin is bitter and doesn’t know why Liz is trusting Vanessa again. Becky did say that she likes Steve, so remember that. They all raise their hand for being there because of Vanessa. They say they want someone to win that they feel good about and Vanessa was swearing on everything when she didn’t need to. Shelli is definitely pro-Vanessa. So, it seems to be pro-Vanessa and hate Steve edit. Johnny Mac said Liz should not win and she rode someone to the end. Austin asked literally? Meg is a cheerleader for Liz and Becky said she thinks of her as a duo. If Steve evicts Vanessa, that could be his victory for tonight and would sway the jurors. Julia said she would vote for Liz, regardless.

PART 3 OF THE FINAL HOH – For this competition, they are on the scales and have to prove how well they know the jurors. Julie reads statements from the jurors and they have to guess how the statement is finished and have two options. Eight questions and person with most points at the end wins!

  • QUESTION 1 – Steve is correct and takes the lead!
  • QUESTION 2 – Both are wrong!
  • QUESTION 3 – They are both correct, so a 2-1 lead for Steve
  • QUESTION 4 – They are both correct, so a 3-2 lead for Steve
  • QUESTION 5 – They are both wrong!
  • QUESTION 6 – They are both correct, so a 4-3 lead for Steve
  • QUESTION 7 – Vanessa is correct and it is a 4-4 tie
  • QUESTION 8 – Steve is correct and he wins Final HOH!!!

FINAL EVICTION – Steve won and now his big decision! He is guaranteed $50,000, but who is he taking with him??? He gives a long speech and is very nervous, but he said Vanessa was stronger and talks her up, but has to evict Vanessa!!! That means Liz and Steve are F2!!!!

JURY QUESTIONS – Johnny Mac is amazing when he comes out! Austin guessed it would be Vanessa and Meg and James said no way! Austin said the boy became a man with that decision. John said he is glad to see his best friend again. Steve answers question from Johnny Mac about making his own decisions and after audio problems, he answers pretty decent and makes some good examples. Liz gets asked about doing her own game without Austin and she answers stupidly. Steve defends why he was not floating through the game. Liz said her biggest game move was aligning with strong competitors. Steve is doing such a good job at these answers and Liz sucks! Just give Steve the money, please!

Final speeches and Liz mentions the Twin Twist again and said she was a strong competitor. Steve throws some major shade at Liz and I love it. He has some valid points and Vanessa looked pissed about some of the comments, but it is time for that vote! Yup, Jackie just confirmed she is voting for Steve, as this has been his dream the whole life and my tears are already coming! James said he is letting Jesus take the wheel on this one. Julia said her vote is obvious, but she loves them both. Austin clearly votes for Liz because the heart wants what it wants. Vanessa said her vote goes to the person that will represent what this season stands for.

The non-jury HGs return to delay the results! Da’Vonne calls out Austin for Judas not taking over the game. I wish she stayed longer! Vanessa outs her pro poker status and the millions she has won. Jason calls out Vanessa for not owning her game and I wish he would have stayed in the house longer! Some tears from Audrey and she said she has had a great response from the country!


  • Vanessa votes for Liz to win
  • Johnny Mac votes for Steve
  • Austin votes for Liz
  • Julia votes for Liz
  • James votes for Steve
  • Meg votes for Steve
  • Becky votes for Steve
  • Jackie votes for Steve and he wins Big Brother 17 and I am crying for him! This is so great for him and I am so happy for him, like him or not. This is his dream come true and how many people can say that?

Julie reveals the America’s Favorite HG and the top three vote getters were James, Johnny Mac and Jason! It was James winning and taking home $25,000, so good for him!

So, what did we think of tonight’s finale???

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who won Big Brother 17 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 17 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2015 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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