We have arrived at my final Live Feeds recap on Big Brother 2015! It was the last full day in the Big Brother 17 house for the Final 3 and they got ready for finale night and Vanessa had some paranoia come over her, but is that a real shocker? Check out the highlights from Tuesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 9-22-2015 Live Feeds Recap

After days of trying to tell Liz about their F2 deal, Steve and Vanessa finally had the talk with her. Mind you, Vanessa had already prepared Liz for this conversation and told her it would be coming and to believe nothing that was said and she was only doing it to make Steve happy. So, they talked and mentioned the SOS alliance and it was there to align against the Austwins with them all being in F5 together. It’s all fake and no clue why this conversation even needed to be done.

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During the day, Vanessa reaffirmed her F2 deals with Liz and with Steve. She tells them both that she only made a F2 deal with them and not with the other person, but you know, keep the deal between the two of you. Vanessa even brought out the Skittles at night to figure out jury votes, so her mind is working 24-7, but she has kept it in check these past couple days.


The F3 played more cards and played one final game of pot ball. Steve got emotional as the night went on. Liz talked about maybe not staying with Austin once the show is done (shocker). We had Jeff Loops for a little while, which was odd, but it was for the F3 to get items to help them look good for finale night. So, it was time for dying their hair and Steve shaved the beard off completely. He should know, he looks better with it!

That’s about it. A normal boring time in the house, as the F3 try to keep themselves entertained until the finale. It all comes to an end tonight, so let the excitement begin!

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