8. Vanessa

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - BB17 Cast - Vanessa Rousso

I so want to like Vanessa, but she gives me no reason to. She seems to be close with Audrey, which is a big NO for anyone in the house. Then she was striking up F3 deals with Clay and Shelli yesterday (because, you know, they would take her over each other into the F2, right)? She needs to start making smarter moves!

7. Steve

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - BB17 Cast - Steve Moses

I do like Steve and I feel he is getting more and more comfortable around these other HGs and he seems less awkward. However, he also seems like a rat and taking info from one conversation and sharing it with other HGs. This is normal, but people are on to him and I think he could be gone quickly because of paranoia.

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