8. Vanessa

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 5 HOH Photos

While she seems to be controlling everything that everyone in the house but James, Jackie and Meg are doing, I think it has to blow up in her face and it came close to doing that this week (and still could before that eviction). She is nuts and comes up with the craziest notions inside her head in order to make people believe what she wants. I hate her voice and her DRs, so I just want her gone!

7. John

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 7-29-2015 Live Feeds Recap 5

While I love his DR sessions, those are not going to win him the $500,000 this summer! He is not playing the game and has only been a pawn this season to throw comps and then turn around and win veto. He seems to be with the bad side of the house, but he has never had power to see where his alliances truly lie.

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