2. Vanessa

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-24-2015 Live Feeds Recap

I almost thought she had calmed down a little bit, as she had her paranoia going on the past couple weeks, but she had no real power….until this week and the crazy came back full force! She won the POV and then decided to run in circles to decide if she wanted to use it and who she wanted out of the house, because you know, she controls how everyone votes. It is still going strong this week and I am so over her.

1. Austin

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-24-2015 Live Feeds Recap 7

He won HOH this week after saying he was going to throw it. He then became Vanessa and rolling through 80 million different scenarios for the nominees. He has talked just as much as Vanessa this week, but he is HOH and tops the list, even if his decisions have been weak. His fingers must be powerful, so that keeps him on top of the list!

So, how would you rank the Houseguests on Big Brother 17?

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