Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 7 – Power of Veto Ceremony
|We had one of the good guys win Head of Household on Big Brother 2015 and it meant another one of the Sixth Sense would be on the chopping block, but who would it be??? Becky has had a mission since taking control and the Veto Ceremony today gets to see her plans laid out fully on Big Brother 17. Check out the final nominees for Week 7 below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
In case you missed any of our Big Brother 2015 spoilers, lets get you caught up:
- Becky won Head of Household for the week and her nominees were Steve and Shelli
- Steve then turned around and won the Power of Veto competition
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While the plan was to vote out one member of Chelli last week and then the other one this week, Becky had other plans. She thinks Vanessa is controlling everything and she wants her gone! While the backdoor plan was in place, Vanessa did play in the Veto Competition, so it is not technically a backdoor, but it is a blindside because they kept it from her all weekend long, as she thought Johnny Mac was going up as the renom.
That was not the case, as Becky stuck to her own plan and it was Steve using the veto on himself and Becky putting up Vanessa as the renom. So, now we have Shelli against Vanessa and I am thinking this is going to get real ugly, so get the Live Feeds and watch with us!!!
So, our final two nominees for Week 7 are:
- Vanessa
- Shelli
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And let the games begin.
I will pop the popcorn..
Great news Todd, Becky stuck to her plane.
I agree Mary
Vanessa is talking to Shelli and she is wants to know if Shelli knew or not beforehand and Shelli says no. Becky must have said some big things in her speech, as Vanessa is confused by it. Shelli denies knowing about it, but she did and that is going to come back and hurt her….I know it!
some one lied to van? you know she doesn’t like liars
Shelli and Clay denied knowing about Jason being the renom. And they paid the price (Clays eviction). So i don’t expect her to come out of this unscathed if she keeps up the denial.
Becky is so spot-on with Vanessa and talking to the Austwins right now.
But it was OK for Vanessa to request of Becky not to tell Shelli when Vanessa thought the plan was to take out Shelli .. that’s what I don’t like about Vanessa and what I don’t like about Shelli is that she doesn’t own up to anything ever. John and James are the only two who either own up or shut up, but they don’t do the dirty dance.
Vanessa hates liars, but does it all the time. She tries to find reasons in her mind to justify those lies.
And her mind has a zillion reasons running around in there trying to get to the front of the line.
does Vanessa actually earn a living as a “professional” poker player ????
she can’t keep a straight face! HA
Bye bye Vanessa ..Ha ha ha love it.
Becky’s speech is really in Vanessa’s mind. She is calm right now, but this week is going to be fun to watch because Van will go after Shelli and it is going to get ugly….neither are going to back down!
about time the show got interesting
I think it’s really good if Vanessa is first to jury … she will do the same thing there and have enough time to alienate everyone all over again and contradict herself so many times it will render her “reasoning” useless. And I am sure if she is the one who wins her way back to the house, she will be evicted right back out.
ut oh … makes sense she will try to influence the jury while there … that would be bad news for becky
I can see the wheels in Vanessa’s head turning. I smell desperation.
Here it comes. Van *sob*
Only dogs can hear that high pitched cry, Vanessa.
does johnny mac have a twin?
This is amazing! Now Becky is a master manipulator and she was a leader among Vanessa and Shelli lol
Actually, she’s manipulating Vanessa right out the door. I’d call that pretty masterful 🙂
Very true, but she was saying that Becky wanted an alliance with Shelli and Van called The Generals and she was their leader. Van is sweet and innocent.
Yes and the James Gang is having a field day with that name….”The Generals”…..who the hell comes up with this crap?….oh wait….Vanessa.
And Jackie is so damn smart! She is the one keeping James in place and not have his head wandering!
My first comment is in moderation. And you’re right….Jackie is proving to be very perceptive and level headed.
Not seeing anything in moderation
I’ve had problems with Disqus all day 🙁
Sorry, it is working good for me, which is odd lol
I love it the way Van makes something up and then says “Oh, you don’t remember that?”
In her world, it did happen….her own little crazy world!
because it was a LIE
It has begun. V is losing it in the house.
She just does not get it. She’s gone at this point. James, Jackie, Meg and John that’s 4 then Steve and the twins and Austin right Becky being the tie breaker she has no shot.
Right. But i actually expect it to be another house vote since all know that if it’s a tie Becky will oust Vanessa.
I know I have my Canadian lovers in here, but if you can get the Live Feeds and don’t have them, use my links and buy them now. It is $5.99 plus a one week free trial, so would get you to almost the end of the season and they are so worth it right now. The feeds have it and it supports me. I can’t describe all this crazy action, especially with Van on the block!
Do you think production waited intentionally until V got fired up to call her into the DR to do a session or do you think they are worried about her mental state?
put van and audry in the same room evil smile
That’s a “buy one, get one free” that i would have to pass on.
just think of the fire works
I think waited for her to get fired up. The girl is fine. Everything about her is fake, so the tears and poor me attitude is pointless.
And that is by no means a way for me to make a few bucks, but this is good stuff and they won’t show half of it on the actual show!
I agree, Todd. You don’t have to apologize. This is well worth a measly $6 to see the end of the season! The feeds have def been worth it this year. Drama. Drama. Drama!
I’m straddling both countries. Does that mean i love you twice as much??….Yeah, i suppose it does 🙂
I couldn’t get yours either Cat but thanks anyways 🙂
What do I have to do to get them Todd?
Not be in Canada….sorry
The way you worded it, I thought you were offering it to us Canucks 🙁
Sorry, just meant if you are able to get the live feeds and don’t have them, then you need to get them. I know my Canadian friends aren’t able to get them, so they were excluded from needing to get them lol
Yikes! You sound like Vanessa 🙂
Too funny! No you don’t Todd 🙂
was reading in jokers were van said that she has been loyal.
That’s why it’s in jokers.
Perfect response Cat!
Yes, but she named all of the people in her alliance after she said she had never lied to or been disloyal to. She left out the other half of the house which she did lie to, throw under the bus, make up stories about, etc., etc., etc. Those people didn’t count as anyone who deserved her loyalty.
Austwins tell Shelli she is fine and they want to work with her. Shelli talks about bringing in John and Steve for DE.
DE = ?? sorry
there are two elimination on thursday
Double Eviction
thanks to both of you !!!
they are putting the cart in front of the horse. remember what happened when they planned 3 weeks in advance hee hee
I still think that Johnny Mac’s twin is also playing. Explains the weird behavior of Johnny Mac at times and his isolation at times. Mark my words.
Great news! Good for Becky. I guess she’s more of a threat than everyone thought. Vanessa thinks John is stupid too. Don’t let the door hit you in the behind on your way out V…hahaha
one of my favorite sayings….”Spaznessa, don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!” Peace out V.
I am loving all of this. I Don’t think even Van
BB is overdue for a twist
Yea, like a couple of years (for a good one)!
Thanks Todd for showing me this I don’t know who is better at competitions Shelly or Vanessa in my mind they are both equal and I hope that James or one of the other alliance comes through to get the second eviction
Yeah, we definitely need one of the James Gang to win HOH during DE!
JM spent an hour this afternoon talking DE strategy with Shelli. JM was trying to convince her the triplets needed to be targeted. He threw Vanessa under the bus a time or two, planting seeds of mistrust of Austin by extension. I can’t tell if he really believes that or if he is following Becky to side with the James Gang. I do believe his alliance with Becky is real. And he’s close to Steve and wants to drag him along too. Just not sure if those three are an asset for our JG or if they could join with Shelli against them. Thoughts?
I want james, becky, meg and jackie out now
not gonna happen bud
and he can keep his plan and doctor
Clay, is that you??
His twin.
Funny, Joyce!
I want world peace but seriously, how likely is that? About as likely as Vanessa shutting the F up. Also about as likely as you getting your wish.
Stinks to be out of power, doesn’t it. Those of us cheering for the James Gang are enjoying things after weeks of frustration.
Indeed we are!
Immensely 🙂
How does it feel to want?
Has Van ever been a have not?
Shelli and the triplets chatting in the yard right now. They have no respect for the James Gang. Worried about Meg getting to F2 having done nothing. All of them would vote for WHOEVER is seated opposite James or Jackie in F2. I find their judgmental attitude about the other side of the house very angering – when they have done the SAME thing! Yea, Austin, what an injustice that Meg could win the game “having done nothing” – with Liz’s annoying “ummm-hmmm.” So exactly what have the three of you taking up space in the BB house done to deserve anything?!
Bunch of whiny spoil sports who are NOT pretty when they aren’t getting their way.
he did something make out with liz and take orders from van.
are they planning on loosing already?
Oh no. They’re just sour pusses because they aren’t getting their way right now. If the test of a hg is how they handle when they are not in power, the remnants of 6sense STINK at it!
I agree, they all have whiny spoiled attitudes. But i also know that once in jury they revert back to a semblance of a human being. The juries may ask tough questions but they’re normally fair. A jury vote is not a threat someone should be able to hold over your head.
That’s usually true. I see Vanessa (and Shelli, if she doesn’t make it to F2) having LONG memories that will fade only after the season ends. Seriously. They may say they respect gameplay, but they are in serious denial about their role in their own demise!
In my response above, i said juries are normally fair. But it occurred to me that NOTHING about this season has been normal. The hgs themselves APPEAR to be typecast (and i think Production actually tried to do so), but they have been proven to be anything but routine. Everything else…twists, BOTB, Have-Nots…..superfluous in the scheme of things. Personalities are driving the show this year. These hgs have feedsters hovering over their computers with bated breath. So, at the end of the day, i’m not so sure this particular jury will do what a “normal” jury would.
nothing new whatsoever this season
big snore
I think this season has been anything but dull. If you’re watching the feeds, then you know they give us plenty of drama. Sure there is “down” time but for the most part it’s been amazing to watch the personality clashes.
Again, I agree with you. These hgs are interesting, thinking, substantial PEOPLE, not just colorful hg characters. For the most part. I know it’s a small thing, but these people don’t do any of the things that I’ve despised the last few years: vulgar jokes, chomping their food, sleazy hookups, raunchy bashing (okay, mostly) of other hgs, or doing NOTHING BUT lay in the sun or play endless games of pool. They even clean up more than most. And much as I dislike Chelli, Vanessa, and Austin, they aren’t as bad as the worst of recent seasons. I don’t know how they did it – because I’m sure it was an accident – but it has been much more entertaining this year.
I would like the game to change so that they don’t know what’s coming and they can’t draw on old seasons to make their decisions. “Expect the unexpected?” Nothing new by CBS.
Well I agree with you on that part. We’ve discussed here ad nauseum how lazy “production” is by recycling all the games. When the Chenbot mentions twists, that’s just code for same-old-same-old. Now some things are good. The fact that they assume there will be a double eviction causes scheming. A good thing. They were SURE the DE was last week. Made things interesting. But knowing there will def be memory comps, etc. makes things boring. But the hgs this season have been their own entertainment. Especially on the feeds.
The feeds are providing them with things to do. They’re constantly begging the feeds to give them more games to play.
Agree. You’ve been a feedster much longer than I. Do you remember a season with game talk almost constantly? On multiple cameras at once?
No. Not as much as this group. They are unique.
Van said she is going to cause chaos in the jury house. Did you hear it when one of the twins said “I hate Becky.” I’m not sure which one it was. I’m not very good at telling them apart. I think it might have been Julia.
I can imagine the V in Vanessa also stands for vindictive. She will stew and stew about the injustice of her eviction. Let’s hope people think for themselves in the jury house and don’t let her try to unify everyone to vote the money to her person of choice!
I think everyone is seeing through all of her claims of innocence and the drama. Even the ones who like her know that the things she is saying aren’t true. They were there after all when it was all going down.
I have no respect for Shelli and her posee. They are not in power so they are angry, nervous, frustrated and in pain and I am loving every minute of it.
Austin, you and the twins did nothing either!
My boyfriend doesn’t think the twins are pretty at all. That surprises me because he likes blondes (like me) and usually isn’t shy about agreeing with me when I say something about a girl being pretty (like Meg). It’s their whiney manipulative behavior that keeps them from being pretty. Pretty is as pretty does.
I’m so mad I have to work Thursday!!! I want to see that crap live!!
I am only minutes into watching BBAD and already all I can say is SHUT THE F UP VANESSA! Is she for real? Sobbing, sobbing asking “Why, why, why?” She is really one ugly crier, too. Oh, yeah, and Steve and Liz listening, sympathizing, comforting and basically adding fuel to the fire.
because you lie and people figured it out. you were loyal to yourself
I know. She read the bible for 7 hrs. and as soon as it was time for the BBAD show, she got up and made a couple of appearances out in the kitchen and went back to bed and that’s when Steve and Shelli went in to check on her. Then it was the Vanessa show!!!
takeover vanished
show is now formula … pick an alliance. period
miss the early show ehen they had to compete for groceries … they got ticked at each other when they didn’t have food
I agree on the expecting the expected. Haha I miss the pb and j comps. Haha
Remember when they used to be on PB&J for the week before they invented slop?
good night folks
Night Ed.
Vanessa is ridiculous. She’s talking like she’s the greatest BB player of all time, and that she’s only going home because Becky is a b*tch. Uh, no. You’re going home because you back-doored two people without telling everyone about it, and you’ve been lying to the house and acting like a victim, even though everyone knows you deserve this. She’s giving herself a pity party and telling Shelli she hasn’t had anyone on her side the whole game. And she really believes herself! She’s quite the narcissist. And Steve.. He’s starting to annoy me.
Even Shelli is starting to see through her drama.
I totally want drama and certainly that includes some emotional reactions, however, I really don’t appreciate this modern version “Snakepit”. I want to enjoy the rapport, not wonder about their sanity.
I told my boyfriend about Vanessa’s behavior yesterday and he said remember when the people on the block used to campaign and go around and talk to people and give them reasons why they should keep them and why they shouldn’t keep the other person? Now they go into hiding and make everyone so uncomfortable to be around them that they guarantee that they’ll be voted out.
afternoon, Ed.
Honestly, I think they’re smart enough to realize the house is kinda split in half right now. They’re setting the stage to go with which ever sides comes out on top after Thursday. With a DE – unless each side takes out one – should tip the scales.