Well, folks, it’s that time of the week again where you tell me who your favorite Big Brother HG is for week 5! We have been learning more and more about the HGs as the days go by and our opinions on them are consistently changing. Let me know who your favorite Big Brother HG is by voting in our poll below! Also, if you have missed any of this week’s action, catch up with our Big Brother spoilers!

This week has been an interesting one, to say the least. I’m going to write this out without spoiler for those of you who don’t want to know what has been happening on the Big Brother live feeds. With Kaitlyn being evicted from the Big Brother house last week and a new HOH being named, there is a whole new week of Big Brother drama unfolding.

This week started with Bayleigh winning HOH. Most people on social media praised her for this win and have stuck by her as a fan. However, there has been some backlash on social media for the way she talks to the other HGs now that she is in the HOH room. I mean, she outright told Scottie she would gut him like a fish if she found out he was the flip vote last week.

Bayleigh put Brett and Rachel up on the block and would like to see Brett leave this week. Which leaves L6 in danger of losing another alliance member, however, there was some chatter about a possible BD plan. Rachel agreed to go up as a pawn with the understanding that whoever won the Veto would use it and Scottie would be the renom. A lot of the house has caught on to Scottie being a bit of an evil genius in the house and people think if he wins the HOH again, he would come after them. For Bayleigh this could be a good move since Scottie has admitted to her that he is the reason Swaggy went home.

For those of you who don’t watch the feeds, the POV comp happened on Saturday and the Veto Ceremony happened yesterday, you can also find those Big Brother spoilers on our site. We will see how the POV played out tomorrow on Big Brother 20. With all the changes in the house and all the HGs showing us more gameplay as the days go by, who would you say is your favorite Big Brother HG this week? Who do you hope comes out of this week unscathed? Let me know by voting in our poll right here!

Big Brother 20: Who Is Your Favorite HG? - Week 5

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