It is going to be an interesting night on Big Brother 20! We will watch as one of these two ladies is evicted from the Big Brother house and then given a chance to get back in thanks to the Bonus Life Power App that Sam didn’t use. So who do you think will be evicted tonight and have to battle their way back in? Let me know by voting in my poll below! 

This week has been interesting, to say the least, with Sam in the HOH spot and her nominating Kaitlyn and Haleigh because of their lack of self-respect and the use of the guys in the house to get ahead in the game. She also pointed out how neither of them contributes to the house including cleaning up after themselves.

Then things got even more interesting when Fessy won the Power of Veto and put himself into an interesting position. He now had to pick between his two closest friends in the house, one of which he has romantic feelings for. He promised them both that he would save them and then had to make the decision of which promise he was going to break. Of course he went with breaking his promise to Kaitlyn, he didn’t want to risk losing any chance he has with Haleigh.

At the Power of Veto meeting, Fessy used the POV to save Haleigh from the block and Kaitlyn was left sitting there hurt and confused. Sam then had to pick a renom and as she was going to nominate JC, he spoke up and told her that it wasn’t a good idea and that he would never do that to her. She said in the DR that putting JC up next to Kaitlyn would have secured that Kaitlyn was evicted, but she told JC on the live feeds that it was all an act. She had no intentions of putting him up and she did that to soften the blow to Rockstar who was her actual renom pick. Sam has prided herself on playing an honest game and had also mentioned a couple times before the POV Ceremony that Rockstar was her renom choice.

Rockstar was the renom choice because of the target she put on her back after the live eviction last week where Brett threw her name under the bus (on her daughter’s birthday!). She then went on a Josh-type rampage and started banging pots and pans at Brett and annoying not only him, but the rest of the house as well. So who do you think they will vote to evict this week? Which HG will have to fight their way back into the house? Let me know by voting in the poll below!

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