What a week it’s been inside the Big Brother 21 house and what a decision there is to be made by Nicole and Cliff! Nicole and Cliff realize that there is a long list of pros and cons of keeping each of these HGs and they have been weighing them all. Who should they keep? Tommy or Holly? Let me know who you would vote to evict by voting in our poll!

There are pros and cons to keeping each of these HGs and Nicole and Cliff are taking all of them very seriously. You can get all the details by checking out our Big Brother spoilers, but here are a few of the key points they have spoken about.

Keeping Tommy would give Cliff and Nicole better odds of both getting to the F3 this season because they know that if Jackson and Holly are still in the house together, they will take each other and only one of them. Regardless of how many times Jackson tells them that he will cut Holly at F3 or how many times Holly promises to take Cliff to F3, they don’t believe either scenario will work out.

They think that keeping Holly gives them better odds when it comes to the competitions. It’s like they forget that she has won two HOHs herself this season. Keeping her puts them up against a power couple who have won several competitions throughout the season including five HOHs between the two of them and three POVs that Jackson won. They also don’t have to worry about Jackson competing in this week’s HOH, however, they do know that it all comes down to the POV this week.

If you were Cliff and Nicole, who would you evict?

Make sure you come back a little later for my eviction prediction and find out which of these HGs I think will be going home and why!

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