It has been an interesting week inside the Big Brother 21 house with Jackson winning the HOH, putting Cliff and Tommy on the block and then Nicole winning the POV. At the POV Ceremony, Holly ended up on the block next to Tommy and then the wheels started to turn a bit in Nicole’s head. What will Cliff and Nicole decide to do tonight during the live vote and eviction? Find out what I think right here!

**Spoiler Alert** This Post Does Contain Spoilers From the Big Brother Live Feeds! 

Nicole and Cliff had spent most of this week talking about getting rid of Holly and splitting up the showmance. They believed that this would give them the best chance at making it to F3 together and voting Holly out was what they intended to do. They knew that if they kept Holly in the house this week and Jackson won the final POV, he would take Holly and only one of them. Tommy has made promises to take both of them and if he won the final POV he has promised to use it to take Jackson out and bring Cliff and Nicole to F3 with him.

With that being said, Tommy has also promised to throw tonight’s HOH to Nicole and Cliff and while they were talking about this last night, Jackson overheard it and used it against Tommy. Jackson went to Cliff and Nicole and told them that Tommy told him he was going to pitch that to them to gain their trust, but intended to work with Jackson if he stayed and not against him. This got Nicole and Cliff rethinking everything and they at one point decided that they were then going to vote Tommy out during tonight’s eviction.

After comparing notes with Tommy this morning, they have realized that someone is blowing smoke and Nicole called a house meeting. After Nicole called the house meeting, the feeds cut and then went into the tech rehearsal and HOH lockdown.

I honestly don’t have any idea what is going to happen tonight now that the vote is up in the air again. However, if I had to guess, I would say that they will probably stick to keeping Tommy after realizing that Jackson lied to them. Knowing that Tommy will stick around and help them get Jackson out of the house. This will be their best bet at both of them getting into the F3.

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