Big Brother 2021: Last Minute Change to the BB23 Cast Announced!
Did you notice that the Big Brother 23 cast bios were removed from the Big Brother website on Paramount+ as of Sunday night? That’s because there was a last-minute change to the Big Brother 2021 cast list! It is reported that one of the originally named houseguests has been replaced by an alternate for Big Brother 23. Which BB23 HG are we saying goodbye to before the season even starts? Keep reading to find out!
Christie Valdiserri, the 27-year-old professional dancer, will not be competing in this year’s season of Big Brother 23. She has unfortunately tested positive for Covid-19 and says that she doesn’t know how she contracted it. She was vaccinated, followed all guidelines up until this point, and had no symptoms of the virus. She added that she was frustrated that she was not going to be playing this season of Big Brother.
Christie will be replaced with Claire Rehfuss. A 25-year-old AI Engineer from New York City. She is originally from Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and plans to target the alpha males of the house first. She says that she will win this season with her “intelligence, drive, and adaptability.” You can get her full bio on Paramount+!

While this news was breaking, photos of the house were being released! I will have those for you shortly. What do you think of this last-minute cast change? Was Christie one of your early favorites, I know she was one of mine. I am however excited to see what Claire brings to the table! Be on the lookout for the house tour photos and be sure to check back with me here throughout the season for all your Big Brother spoilers!
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