Tonight is another Double Eviction Night on Big Brother 23 and the first eviction will either send Hannah or Tiffany to the Jury house. Find out what the plan was prior to the Big Brother 2021 live feeds shutting down and who I think will be leaving based on those conversations right here. Keeping in mind, this post will contain Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds. If you don’t want to know what’s been happening inside the house, do NOT read ahead.

As we know, Kyland won this week’s Head of Household and was given the responsibility of sending the first member of the Cookout to the Jury house. Kyland set out a plan that would make Tiffany that person and then went on to win the Power of Veto on Big Brother 23 to lock in this week’s nominees.

Since the Veto Ceremony happened, Tiffany and Hannah spent a lot of time talking to Azah, Derek, and Xavier to see where their heads were at and make their pitches to stay in the house.

Hannah’s pitch to Azah and Derek was that she wouldn’t put the two of them on the block together if she were to win the next HOH. She implied to both of them that her target this week would be either Kyland or Xavier, but told Xavier that Kyland was who she planned to target.

Tiffany made the same pitch to all three houseguests offering her loyalty since her only ally as of now wouldn’t be in the house anymore. She promised that she wouldn’t target them and she would work with those two HGs to get them to the end. Tiffany and Hannah both made sure to point out to Derek that no matter if he is sitting next to Kyland or Xavier in F2, Derek won’t win.

Now, Azah wanted to vote to keep Tiffany this week, but Derek was determined to get Tiffany out saying that if Tiffany wanted to go after Xavier, they would essentially be giving her permission to do so. Xavier did seem like he was contemplating keeping Tiffany since she promised to not go after him if he helped her stay, however, he also doesn’t think that Hannah would target him if she won HOH. Since he trusts Hannah more than he trusts Tiffany, he will likely vote to keep Hannah this week.

With all this being said, I believe that the vote will likely be 2-1 with Azah being the only one keeping Tiffany. Tiffany will exit the house first tonight and become the first member of the Cookout evicted from the Big Brother house.

Make sure you tune in tonight for a 2-hour Double Eviction episode of Big Brother 23. I won’t call this a live DE, because the feeds have been down since the HGs woke up Wednesday morning. I’m assuming it’s so they could pretape the DE and the HOH that followed because the episode that would have aired on Sunday will air tomorrow night instead and they need time to edit.

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