Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Recap: Week 10 – Friday
|We started yesterday morning with an early wake-up call to the Big Brother 21 HGs and a lot of speculation as to what could be going on for them to rush the HGs out of bed. I’ll give you a hint, they were all being paranoid and nothing happened. However, we did get to see this week’s HOH hold their pre-nomination one on one and found out who their target is going into week 10! Keep reading our Big Brother spoilers for the details!
We started the morning with Jessica telling Cliff that something has to be happening because they were woken up at 8:50 and rushed to get ready. She mentions that Nominations Today isn’t on the board yet so she is worried there might be another twist. Cliff tells her that he wasn’t worried about it until she said something and now he is nervous. About an hour later, after more HGs start to speculate, they realize that the board says Nominations Today now and they start to wonder if they are getting videos from home this week.
Cliff goes up to the HOH to find out if Jackson’s plan is still the same. Jackson tells him that Christie and Jessica are still going up, he is just trying to figure out a way to word everything when he talks to them. Cliff tells him that less is best with both of them and tells Jackson that Jessica is very perceptive and notices everything people do and say in the house. Jackson tells Cliff that he doesn’t want to use the word pawn with Christie but wants to imply to each of them that the other is the target. He talks about telling Christie that he is just telling Jessica what she wants to hear and reassuring her that she is safe this week. Cliff tells Jackson and Holly that he will go up as a renom if one of them should go down because he knows that he would be safe with Nicole and Holly’s vote and then Jackson breaking the tie.
Nicole goes up to talk to Jackson next and her he has the same conversation with Nicole as he did with Cliff. Nicole tells them that she thinks Jessica is going to be shocked by her going on the block. Tells Jackson and Holly that Jessica considers them close and told her that she really wanted to work with them. Holly is worried now about the way Jessica is going to react to being on the block and reminds them about what she did when it was Kat going home and how she personally attacked people in the house. Jackson tells Nicole that he really needs noms to stay the same this week because if he has to break a tie, it’s going to screw them with Christie and Tommy going forward.
Christie comes up for her one on one and Jackson is telling Christie how Jessica has mentioned that she has strengths that Jackson is missing and vice versa. He mentions that she usually lingers in the HOH room when she is nervous and this week she didn’t do that and adds she has been in a really good mood. He thinks that Jessica isn’t expecting to be put up and they need to make sure that Jessica doesn’t win the POV this week because she will come after them for sure.
Christie asks what happens if Jessica does win the POV and Jackson tells her that Cliff will go up and then they will have to work on votes from Tommy and Nicole. Christie is trying to get Jackson to promise to break a tie in her favor if it’s her sitting next to Cliff on the block come Thursday, but he is deflecting. They continue to talk and Tommy joins the conversation. Jackson reiterates his conversation with him and he tells Tommy that if he wins the POV and feels better taking Christie off the block, then he can do so. He isn’t telling them not to use it, would just prefer that the noms stay the same because they have a better chance of getting Jessica out.
After Christie and Holly leave the room, he tells Tommy everything that he told everyone else so far and adds that he really doesn’t want to see Cliff go this week. He mentions that Jessica is targeting the guys in the house and there are only a few of them left. He talks about how they need to stick together this week. Tommy tells him that if he wins the POV this week he will consult with Jackson first about what to do with it.
It’s Jessica’s turn and this was a long conversation so I’ll try to give you Cliff’s Notes version. Jackson is telling her that with them competing in the wall comp this week, there will likely be a lot of mental comps in the future and tells her that she and Christie are huge mental threats. He tells her that the two of them together could potentially indanger his game. Jessica tells him that on a personal level, there is no love lost if he decides to put her up, however, she is disappointed. Jessica tells him that he and Holly can count on her going forward and that she would always have their back in this game. She tells him that she hasn’t made any F2s or F3s this year and would be completely loyal to them. She tells him that it would be stupid for him to put her up when she is a sure vote in their favor. Jackson tells her that he has two seats he has to fill and there is still a Veto to be played.
Meanwhile, Cliff is in the RV room checking on Christie because he hasn’t seen her in a while. She was hanging out in there reading the Bible alone for a while. She tells him that she is just missing home like everyone else. Mentions that at home she feels like she has everything together, but here she feels like she is always fighting. She tells him that she is pretty sure that she is going on the block again and this will make a straight month of her being on the block and stressing about it. She says that Jackson won’t even tell her that she is a pawn, which is making her nervous.
After that conversation, Cliff starts walking around the house looking for a place to hide his Veto if this week is Hide and Go Veto. Jackson comes out and Cliff tells him he has a feeling that will be this week’s Veto comp because they asked for the floors to be degreased. He tells Jackson that he has a few good spots and they talk about where they were each thinking to hide it.
Nominations happened pretty late in the day and when the feeds came back up we got confirmation that Jessica and Christie were put on the block. Cliff made a joke that they can go ahead and play the Veto, Nicole will sit out and the rest of them will play (because Nicole is never picked).
Jackson talks to Holly and Nicole about his talk with Jessica and how well she took it. He tells them that she mentioned there being bigger targets in the house and knows that she was talking about Cliff. He knows he has made the right decision for the four of them and says his goal this week is to protect them. Meanwhile, Jessica is telling Christie that she doesn’t even think Jackson cares which one of them goes this week. Christie says that it’s probably her and she can’t even be mad about it because Jackson is playing a great game. Christie tells Jessica that she is pretty sure that Jackson, Holly, Cliff, and Nicole are all working together so there is no reason to campaign. They control the vote this week.
Jessica says she can’t be mad at anyone but herself. She says the money was never important, she just wanted to prove to herself that she could do the things in the game that no one who looks like her has been able to do in the past. She is upset that she had to work so hard to be in the house because she was never in the loop or in any of the alliances. She also talked about how it took her too long this season to connect with the other HGs and she spent most of the season missing her loved ones.
A little later, the HGs got some beer and wine and they all sat around chatting. After, Jessica talks with Nicole and tells her that she feels like she is being played by some of the HGs including Nicole. She tells Nicole that she has only given her partially true information and Nicole seems surprised by this. Jessica tells Nicole that Jackson must want to keep Nicole in the game because she can easily be beaten. Nicole then starts to wonder if Jackson and Holly are working with Christie and Tommy. She starts to realize that this would be why Analyse went home this week instead of Christie and why Jackson didn’t put Tommy and Christie up together. Jessica also warns Nicole that Tommy has jury votes from Jack, Analyse, and Christie for sure.
Holly is upset because she feels she is only going to be known for her showmance with Jackson when the show is over. Cliff encourages her to find things to do on her own in the game. That way she might feel better about how she is represented and viewed by others.
Nicole tells Holly that Jessica is having a hard time with being on the block. Holly is worried about Jessica and Christie getting closer throughout the week.
It seems like Nicole is finally starting to catch on to things, however, it could be too little too late unless she can convince Cliff that Holly and Jackson might not have their best interests at heart. Jessica isn’t going to go down without a fight either. We will have POV spoilers for you throughout the day. Who do you want to see win the POV?
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