Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Recap: Week 10 – Sunday
|It was a pretty quiet day in the Big Brother 21 house with the HGs taking advantage of having the backyard. Tommy made a final decision as to what he was going to do at Monday’s POV Ceremony and he and Christie spent some time trying to paint a bigger target on someone other than Jessica. Keep reading to get all the Big Brother spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds right here!
We started the day off with a talk between Cliff and Tommy about Tommy’s plans for the Veto. Cliff tells Tommy that if Tommy uses it, Cliff will most likely end up on the block next to Jessica. Tommy promises Cliff that if that should happen, Cliff would have his vote over Jessica.
Christie and Tommy talked about Holly and Jackson’s fight and how if it had lasted longer, it might have worked in their favor. Tommy mentions that he could have stayed on the wall longer but it’s good that he will be able to play in the next HOH. Tommy also talked about his Hide and Go Veto spot and he mentions that he didn’t mean to leave the circle mattress unzipped, but figured it would just make it look like it was searched already.
Meanwhile, Holly is asking Jackson if he plans to turn on her after their fight because she will work harder to win the next HOH. Jackson says they have to work together. A little later, Jackson is in the pool talking to Jessica, Christie, Cliff, and Tommy and notes that Holly hasn’t been on the block, hasn’t had any punishments, and hasn’t been on slop at all this season.
There was a talk much later between Jackson and Tommy where Tommy tells Jackson that he is going to use the POV to take Christie off the block. Jackson tells him that’s fine and mentions that he is going to put Cliff on the block next to Jessica. Jackson tells Tommy that he knows Cliff needs to go, but he needs Jessica out first. Jackson mentions how Jessica has been giving him looks and Tommy reveals that he told Jessica he was using the Veto on Christie.
Christie is trying to plant seeds on why Cliff should be this week’s target. She tells Jackson that Jessica isn’t mad at him for nominating her. She is telling Jackson that Cliff will beat any of them in F2. Jackson tells her that he knows Cliff is a threat, but Jessica will target him and Tommy if she stays. He adds that Cliff will be easier to beat in a mental comp than Jessica will be.
Jackson goes to Cliff and tells him about Tommy deciding he is using the POV on Christie. He also tells Tommy that he played it off to them like Cliff is a threat too, but he needs Jessica gone first. Jackson also tells Cliff that regardless of what Christie and Tommy do, he will have two votes to stay and Jackson will break the tie to keep Cliff.
After his conversation with Jackson, Christie talks to Cliff about Tommy using the veto on her. She tells him that either Cliff or Nicole will probably go up and Cliff tells her that he thinks it will be him. Christie tells him that he has her vote this week and that Cliff is always someone she saw going to the end with. Christie talks about how Jackson thinks he is working with everyone and that makes him a big threat. She mentions that Jackson is the biggest threat to her game at this point.
Tommy is still pushing for Jessica to stay this week and mentions that maybe Jackson target’s Nicole this week. Jackson tells Tommy that he isn’t wasting this HOH on getting Nicole out when he wasted his first one on getting Analyse out. Tommy then switches over to how much he loves Nicole and he really doesn’t want to see her go this week. He tells Jackson that this is his HOH and he will respect what Jackson wants.
Jessica talked to Nicole last night about how confused she is that Jackson thinks she is a threat in this game. She talks about how she is the least physical competitor left in the house. Jessica felt like her relationship with Jackson was good and how if she goes on his HOH, he will lose her F2 vote because of all the promises he has made to her.
We ended the night with Jackson and Holly talking about the moves they have made. They agree that they need to stay under the radar the next week or so while the other two duos go after each other. Little do they know, one of those duos is definitely coming after them. This week’s plan is still to get Jessica out and it doesn’t look like it will sway from that this week. With all the stuff that Christie is saying to Cliff and Nicole about Jackson and Holly, it is clear that Holly can’t afford to throw this next HOH like she intends to because it will probably result in either Jackson or Holly going to jury in the DE.
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