Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Recap: Week 11 – Saturday
|It was Power of Veto day in the Big Brother 21 house and what started off as a slow day, turned into a night of contemplation for one duo. A surprise Power of Veto win, things could get interesting inside the Big Brother house as the days go on! Find out who won the POV and what the plan is moving forward right here with our Big Brother spoilers from Saturday’s live feeds!
We started yesterday’s live feeds off with a conversation between Holly and Tommy about the upcoming POV competition. Holly tells Tommy that she is going to play hard for the Veto, but not too hard because it isn’t her game on the line. (Oh, the irony!)
Nicole talks about how she is going to be exhausted after the POV because she is going to play so hard for it. She mentions her strategy going into it is to get the order right and then go back and study the differences. Everyone has figured out that this week’s POV is BB Comics.
A little later, Tommy and Holly are talking and Holly has been complaining about Christie and all the issues she has with her. About almost 20 minutes of this, Tommy admits to Holly and Jackson that he knew Christie before the show and that the ex-girlfriend that Christie was always referring to was his aunt. He asks them not to share this information with Cliff and Nicole though. The feeds cut for a while and when they came back Tommy was talking about how he “had to go with it because of who she was.” I’m guessing he is talking about keeping it a secret this whole time. Holly asks if it was the aunt in his HOH pictures and the feeds cut again.
When the feeds come back all four cameras are briefly on Nicole alone in the RV room. Tommy is back downstairs and instantly gets called to the DR. Holly and Jackson are still up in the HOH room and they are talking about other possible connections inside the house. Holly references how her connection (Kat) outed them on Day 3. They wonder if Nicole and Nick know each other and Jackson makes a joke about knowing Kat after meeting her in Dallas.
Feeds were down for almost five hours for the POV Comp and when they come back up, Nicole is wearing the medallion. The HGs are all talking about the comp briefly and then Nicole goes back to the RV to celebrate and unwind. As Nicole is leaving the RV, Cliff is walking up and congratulates her. He tells her that she just punched their ticket into the F4! She promises him that she is going to use the POV on him this week because you don’t take a chance with your #1. Jackson comes over and congratulates her and then mentions that Tommy came in second and Nicole beat him by nearly four minutes. Cliff and Nicole then celebrate in the Storage Room.
Meanwhile, Jackson worries to Holly that Nicole could decide to side with Tommy. Holly doesn’t want Nicole to use the POV because she knows that she will end up on the block next to Tommy. Jackson tells Holly that it would be a smart game move on Nicole’s part, but doesn’t think she will do it. Holly admitted that she didn’t really think this through and didn’t really want to win the POV.
Nicole mentions to Cliff that maybe they keep Tommy over Holly, but Cliff doesn’t like this idea. He tells her that Tommy is more of a threat than Holly is. Nicole tells Cliff that she is going to tell Jackson she is using it, but Holly will still be safe. Cliff reiterates that Tommy is the bigger threat.
Jackson catches up with Nicole and she tells him that she intends to use the POV on Cliff. Jackson says that he is okay with that and isn’t surprised by her move. He also tells her that he isn’t worried about them turning against them while Holly is on the block. Holly joins the conversation and Nicole fills her in on her plan and reiterates to her that they aren’t going to do anything funny while she is up there. Cliff, of course, mentions the irony behind Holly’s first trip to the block being on Jackson’s HOH. (It would be even more ironic if she went home on it!)
Nicole talks to Tommy about how happy she is about winning the POV. She adds that she is a little stressed about Jackson now having to put Holly up on the block. Tommy tells her that she knows who he would target if he stayed this week. She implies to him that she is considering both options.
Later on, Nicole is weighing the options and considers splitting up the showmance because she knows they will protect each other in the final rounds. Nicole mentions that she didn’t come here to win fourth or third, and thinks that her better chance might be against Tommy and not the showmance. She also notes that she and Cliff broke up duos in their HOHs and they have a chance to do it again. She goes back and forth with this until finally going to bed.
What a night in the Big Brother house and it has the potential to really shake up throughout the week. With the power in Nicole and Cliff’s hands come Thursday, Nicole is going to have some convincing to do if she really wants to split up the showmance. What do you think Nicole and Cliff should do on Thursday night? Should they stick with their F4 with the showmance who won’t protect anyone but each other in the end? Or should they split up the showmance and take their chances with Jackson and Tommy in the end? Keep in mind, Jackson can’t compete in the next HOH, so now would be the time to take a shot and Tommy has made it clear that he would go after Jackson if he won the next HOH. I will have details throughout the week for you right here!
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