Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Recap: Week 13 – Saturday
|It was a slow start to the day in the Big Brother 21 house with a lot of napping, relaxing, and worrying going on ahead of the second round of the three-round HOH competition. In the end, we found out which two HGs will face off on finale night in Round 3 of the final HOH. Get all the Big Brother spoilers from Saturday’s live feeds right here!
There was some talk before Round 2 of the final HOH competition happened. Nicole worried that Round 2 might be a physical competition and admits that if that’s the case, she could be in trouble. She was hoping for a mental competition.
Jackson started to feel a little anxious about the public’s perception of him and his behavior throughout the season. He’s been worrying about this a lot for the last few days, but most people watching the live feeds are wondering why he hasn’t worried about it all season while it was going on.
Jackson and Holly talked a little about F2 and says that she doesn’t want to assume that Jackson would change his mind about taking her (Holly) and he jokingly tells her that he is considering taking Nicole to F2. They talked about what happens if Holly wins the final HOH, she thinks she would be screwed if she is sitting next to either Nicole or Jackson. She is either up against the best player this season or the underdog.
The feeds were down for three hours and 45 minutes for R2 of the HOH competition. When the feeds came back up, Nicole is crying and Jackson and Holly are talking in the bathroom. Jackson tells Holly that he is glad that he didn’t throw R1 to Holly because he wouldn’t have known some of the questions they asked in R2.
Jackson points out to Holly that one of them is going to win $500k. Holly wonders if a showmance has ever made it to F2 together (BB7). Holly tells Jackson that she felt like it wasn’t a fair comp because one of the questions was about the clowns and of course Nicole would know the answer to it because she was terrified. (Why she felt this question was unfair, is beyond me because she should have known what day it was too.) Holly tells Jackson that he better not win R3 and take Nicole with him and suggests that they walk out together no matter what.
Jackson worried to Holly that he won’t win because of his actions inside the house the last couple of weeks. Holly tells him that Cliff is going to vote based on the game, not personal reasons. I’m just pointing this out, but jury management is a huge part of it and he didn’t even play that part of the game. Jackson tells Holly that at the end of this, he will be walking out with his best friend. Holly does mention in this conversation that it would make more sense for her to take Nicole with her, but she isn’t going to do that because the only reason Nicole is there is because of them. (Ummm, how about she could have put you up during the DE, but didn’t.) Jackson mentions that at least 50% of viewers aren’t happy with the results (based on a poll I ran last night on Twitter, 87% of voters wanted Nicole to win R2).
Nicole is frustrated with her loss and mentions to Jackson that she had to buzz in three times and while changing answers, she changed an answer that was correct. She is beating herself up pretty badly and at this point knows that she won’t be going to F2 because they didn’t split up the showmance last week. Based on talks between Holly and Jackson that is absolutely true. Regardless of whatever smoke they blow at Nicole for the next few days, it will be a Holly and Jackson F2.
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