Big Brother 21 Live Recap: Episode 31 – Hide and Go Veto
|Tonight on Big Brother 21 we will watch as Jackson, Jessica, and Christie are joined by three other HGs in this week’s Power of Veto competition. Which HG will win the POV Comp this week? Will the nominees stay the same? You can find out by refreshing this page frequently or heading to our Big Brother spoilers to for all the details!
We started tonight’s episode off with the fallout from the nomination ceremony. Christie is upset that she is on the block and Jessica seems to be more confused about Jackson’s move this week. Jessica is having a breakdown and Christie and Tommy are consoling her.
Meanwhile, in the HOH, Nicole, Holly, and Jackson are talking. Holly thinks that it would be cool to do a show for the live feeders, like a Q&A with each HG and Jackson starts picking apart her idea. He tells her that answering questions like that is the last thing he would want to do because those things are private. She then says that she will do her first one that night and Jackson tells her not to do it on a Friday night and then reminds her that it’s Labor Day weekend. He does so in a very snarky way and she gets upset. This causes an argument because he doesn’t see where he went wrong.
It’s time to pick players for the Veto! All but one will compete this week with only 7 of them left. Jackson picks first and he gets Nicole and she is super excited. Christie chooses Tommy and Jessica chooses HG Choice and chooses Cliff to play for her.
Holly and Jackson are still fighting and she makes him a cup of coffee, but he doesn’t acknowledge her at all. She goes to talk to him and calls him out for not saying good morning or thanks for the coffee, but he claims that he did. She is upset and goes into the hallway to lay down alone. Christie comes in to talk to her and she opens up about what’s going on.
We get more of the Holly and Jackson fight which ends like his fight with Kat did. With Holly crying and him walking away.
Hide and Go Veto time! Each of the six HGs will hide their vetos and after they have all been hidden, the HGs then go back in and look for someone else’s Veto. When five of the six are retrieved, Holly will unlock them. Whoever’s Veto isn’t found will win the POV! Here is who found who’s Veto cards:
- Jackson found Jessica’s
- Jackson found Nicole’s
- Tommy found Jackson’s
- Jessica found Christie’s
- Jackson found Cliff’s
With the only Veto card remaining in the house being Tommy’s, Tommy has won the POV! Tommy shows everyone where he put his Veto card and they couldn’t believe it. He hid it inside the circle mattress in the target room and Jackson threw that mattress and Jessica also checked it.
We get a look at Jackson and Holly talking about their fight and then they make up and now they are back to being a happy showmance. Now, onto the POV Ceremony! Tommy uses the POV on Christie and Jackson puts Cliff up in her place. Jessica is still Jackson’s target this week.
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