Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Recap: Week 12 – Friday
|We are down to the Final 3 inside the Big Brother 22 house, which means that everything has died down pretty rapidly. The Big Brother All-Stars didn’t offer anything too exciting on the live feeds since they are all just waiting around for Round 2 of the final HOH to happen, but you can get the details of what went on right here with our Big Brother spoilers!
After their wake-up call at nearly 10 AM BBT, Cody and Nicole talked quickly in the bathroom about how Enzo seems pretty disappointed that Nicole stayed over Christmas this week. Nicole notes that if Christmas stayed, she would have won that comp, but Cody that if Christmas stayed and won, Enzo would feel like he was in a good place. Cody jokingly says that little does Enzo know, Nicole plans to take him to F2 anyway. He tells her that she should go make sure he knows that she is taking him. She tells Cody that she isn’t going to go make Enzo any promises and then cut him in F2.
Things got really quiet for a bit and then Nicole and Enzo hung out in the kitchen just talking about the comp and Enzo mentioned how horrible he did. He talked about how he got sick as soon as he started spinning. He says that as soon as he fell, he tried to come up with a good excuse for his DR sessions. Talks turned to Dani and how much they loved her and Nicole mentioned how they are really good friends outside the house. Enzo says that when everyone started talking about Dani, he knew that she had to go. He added that there came a point in the game where he just didn’t trust her anymore.
Enzo and Nicole also talked about David and the OTEV comp. Enzo says it really rubbed him the wrong way when David went for the money instead of trying to fight for the Veto. They start talking about Halloween being right after they get out of the house and talk about what they do for Halloween. Enzo talks about a time where he and his ex spent Halloween in Vegas and how cool it was. Nicole mentioned that she has only been to Vegas a couple of times and the first time was for her 21st birthday.
Cody joined them for some light chit chat about the comp and how Nicole seemed to have missed the moon every time she went around, but Enzo and Cody slammed into it every time they did. Nicole heads to the comic room to lay down, Cody cleans the kitchen and then does the same. There was a lot of sleeping in the middle of the afternoon.
The HGs were given donuts by Big Brother, they spend a lot of time eating and playing backgammon. There was some studying later in the evening by Cody and Enzo late last night. Nothing too excited throughout the evening.
The last two seasons the second round of the HOH comp has happened on Sunday, however, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen today. Either way, I will have spoilers for you as soon as it takes place!
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