Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Recap: Week 4 – Friday
|It was Nomination Day in the Big Brother 22 house and the HGs spent a lot of time doing their one on ones with the new HOH and trying to figure out where the noms might go. There weren’t many options, but some of the HGs caught wind and weren’t happy with what they were told. Get you Big Brother spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds right here!
The first conversation worth noting was between Memphis and Enzo. Enzo told Memphis that he was good this week and just to keep the lines of communication open. They agree that they have been working pretty well together so far.
Enzo tells Cody that he is thinking Kaysar and a pawn this week for noms and Cody mentions that he might want to think about using David as a renom if one of them should come down. Enzo tells Cody that he doesn’t trust Ian at all though. Cody mentions that Memphis being as close as he is to Kaysar makes him nervous, but if they get rid of Kaysar then they don’t have to worry about that.
Enzo talked to David and asks him what he thinks of the others in the house. David is quick to throw Kaysar under the bus because of what happened with Janelle trying to flip votes and adds that Memphis put him on the block too. He says that the group of three (J, K, & M) were all spreading misinformation around the house trying to split the groups.
Bay comes in and talks to Enzo and he tells her that she is good this week. They talk about the rogue votes and Bay asks him if one was him. When he told her no, she said that she thought they might be David and Memphis then. Enzo wonders if one of them could have been Kevin and Bay said, maybe.
Kaysar comes in for his turn and he tells Enzo that he really likes him, wants to work with him, wouldn’t target him, you know, the norm. Enzo tells him that he wants to talk to everyone in the house before he makes his decision. Kaysar asks if everyone in the house says Kaysar’s name, is he going to go up? Enzo says that he isn’t playing anyone’s game but his. Once Kaysar leaves the room, Enzo says that he likes the guy, but he hasn’t talked game with Enzo in 4 weeks.
Tyler comes in and they talk about how Day was cheering for Kaysar during the HOH comp. They agree that they trust Bay more than Day and talk about putting them both up in the future and keeping Bay safe so that she will work with them. Tyler tells Enzo that Dani has been planting seeds all over the house about Bay and Day being too comfortable with Enzo being HOH. Now they wonder if they should take Dani out before Bay and Day because she’s fanning fires on both sides.
Nicole and Cody have a conversation about how Enzo doesn’t trust Ian. Nicole understands because Ian is a little wishy-washy, but she’s upset because Dani is hell-bent on getting Ian out of the house when Dani has tons of people that are like her “Ian” and Nicole hasn’t talked about taking any of them out.
Meanwhile, Dani is upstairs and she asks Enzo, “what was up with those two votes?” They talk about all the possibilities and of course Dani is quick to throw Day and Bay under the bus for them. Enzo tells her that he isn’t sure who they were but he thinks that Kevin might have been one of them.
Nicole and Cody join this conversation and Dani mentions something about David staying and possibly going after Cody and Tyler. Enzo tells him that David was saying he would go after Memphis and Day, but Dani doesn’t believe that at all. Enzo tells them about how Kaysar asked if the house said Kaysar’s name would he go up? Cody says that when Kaysar refers to “the house” he’s referring to their group. Enzo asks them what he should say to Kevin and Dani mentions that if Enzo uses Kevin as a pawn, he is going to be mad. Dani says that he should consider David as a pawn instead.
There were some small conversations after that with other HGs. Nicole asked Cody if Enzo mentioned BDing Ian and when Cody told her yes, she said she’s nervous that Enzo doesn’t trust her enough to tell her that.
Christmas tells Enzo that the trend has been to get the little guys out up until Tyler’s HOH. She adds that depending on the approach, she would go for the couples.
Bay and Day had a conversation where Day told Bay that Enzo was planning to nominate Kevin as a pawn. Bay says that he is going to meltdown and then asks “so David isn’t going up?” They move their conversation to the lounge where they talk about how upset Day is that Enzo isn’t considering putting David up. They also talk about how they want to take each other to F2, but in order to secure that one of them is there, Day needs to work on Enzo so he takes her if he makes it there. Day mentions that Bay already has Tyler who would take her.
After the nomination ceremony happened, we saw Enzo apologizing to Kevin for putting him up but explaining that he isn’t the target this week. Meanwhile, Christmas was telling Kaysar that he has to be really focused on the POV.
Kaysar tells Dani that if he stays, he is going to have to blow up her alliance, but she swears there isn’t one. Kaysar asks if there is no alliance, then why are they all voting together? Dani says she doesn’t know. He adds that Enzo saying they never talk game is BS and that was just an excuse to do Cody’s bidding for him.
Christmas tells Enzo that Bay and Day are freaking out because they are working with both Kaysar and Kevin and are worried about losing another number.
Ian tells Kaysar that it sucks that they can’t work together and Kaysar tells him that if they don’t stand up, they are all going to get steamrolled. (He isn’t wrong)
Kaysar goes to talk to Enzo and tells him that if he stays he isn’t coming after him, he would actually really like to work with him. Enzo says that he would work with him and tells him to go out and win the POV and they will go from there. Kaysar doesn’t understand how he is the target this week because he can’t be the only one that doesn’t talk game with Enzo. Enzo says that the house was just expecting him to nominate Kaysar, so he did.
Ian and Enzo talk about the POV and Enzo tells him that he feels bad for both Kaysar and Kevin, but if one of them should win it, they have to keep noms the same. Enzo tells Ian that he isn’t sure what to do if Kaysar wins POV. Ian says that it’s a big decision because whoever goes up against Kevin will go home. (Maybe someone should fill Ian in on the backup plan?)
Enzo relays to Cody that Christmas already told Kaysar that she won’t use the POV if she wins. Enzo tells him that he is thinking about BDing Ian if Kaysar comes down, but he isn’t going to go after David because he isn’t going to do anything. He also says that he isn’t going to waste his HOH on Kevin.
Day and Bay go to talk to them and Enzo tells them that he doesn’t want Ian picked to play in the POV because he will play to win it. Day asks why he didn’t put David up instead of Kevin and Enzo told her that he didn’t want to compete against David in the POV and figured that Kevin would be easier to beat.
After Bay and Day leave the room, Cody and Enzo talk about how they like Bay but Day doesn’t trust them. They talk about replacing her with Christmas in their alliance. Dani comes in and tells them that Kaysar definitely knows there is a huge alliance in the house. Dani tells them that if they bring in Christmas, she will go after Bay and Day. Dani pushes for Bay to though and notes that Day has never won a competition.
Throughout the day, Kevin was campaigning for votes and even campaigned to Bay and Day. When Bay went to the HOH crew last night and told them that, Cody was annoyed because Kevin knows that he is a pawn and they are all voting to keep him.
Enzo told Dani right before bed that he is sick of all the HGs being willing to throw comps and that any of them could be a renom option. He says that he isn’t wasting his HOH on David the rookie though.
I will have POV spoiler for you throughout the day today so be on the lookout!
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