Yesterday was Power of Veto Ceremony day in the Big Brother house! There has been some scheming inside one of the core alliances in the house. Get all the details of what has been going on inside the Big Brother 22 house right here with our Big Brother live feeds recap.

If you haven’t caught up on all of this week’s Big Brother spoilers, make sure you do so right here! Otherwise, lets recap yesterday’s live feeds drama!

So the other day, Dani was in the HOH room talking to Enzo, Cody, and Nicole about the happenings inside the Big Brother house when she accidentally mentioned the Slick Six alliance in front of Nicole. This obviously didn’t go over well with Enzo and Cody because Nicole isn’t in the Slick Six alliance. So yesterday morning, Cody and Enzo talked about how they have to play nice this week and then go after Dani in the coming weeks. Bay and Day told Enzo the night before that they would back him if he decided to go that route this week, but he thought it was too crazy of a move and too soon in the game. AKA he wants someone else to do it for him so that it doesn’t make him a huge target.

Throughout the morning, the HGs wondered who Enzo was going to put up as a renom because the only people that knew were Tyler, Cody, and Christmas. The feeds went down for the POV Ceremony to happen and when they came back up we learned that Enzo renom’d Christmas in Kevin’s place which we expected to happen because Christmas volunteered to go up. She played it off to everyone that she had no idea she was going on the block.

After the POV Ceremony, Dani was clearly annoyed because she wasn’t filled in on this plan because she knows that it had to be planned since Enzo and Christmas are close. Later, Christmas plays it off to her like she didn’t know she was going up and Dani tells her that she obviously has her vote and doesn’t need to campaign to her.

Kaysar went up to talk to Enzo after the POV Ceremony and Enzo says to Kaysar laughing, “you didn’t like that nom?” and Kaysar responded no and asked if he even considered it. Enzo tells him he did consider it but he has a pretty good relationship with David and didn’t want to put him up.

Day and David cleared the air after everything that happened between them last week. David thought that Day had gone to Tyler and Cody after David revealed everything to her. She wanted him to know that she didn’t go to Tyler, she went to Tyler to ask him to use his shower and he brought it to her attention. After their conversation, she then went to Cody to do fact-checking with him, but she didn’t initially go to them. After their conversation, they both promised each other that if they won HOH, they wouldn’t use each other as pawns. They agree that using pawns is no the way to go in this game because pawns go home.

Tyler, Cody, and Enzo all sat and chatted about the issues with Dani. They all agree that Dani has to go sooner rather than later. Tyler fills Enzo in on a seed he planted with Day about Dani wanting someone to go after her so he hopes that if Day wins HOH, Dani will be on her radar.

Enzo and Day talk about how Kaysar has to go this week and how Kaysar tried to get Enzo to put David up, but he had no reason to do that. Enzo mentions that it’s getting messy in the house and Day tells him that he isn’t used to being backstabbed because the Brigade was a loyal alliance. He says that there is no loyalty this season. Day tells Enzo that she got word that Dani is coming after her and Enzo confirms it. Enzo mentions how he should have taken a shot at her but it’s too early. Day asks him how he knew Dani was coming for Day and Enzo tells her that Tyler told him. Day doesn’t understand why she’s coming for her.

Bay talks to Enzo a little while after and she tells Enzo that they are all screwed now because Dani can expose all their games. She tells him that she should have pushed harder for Janelle to be in their alliance than Dani. They all think that Dani has been filling Kaysar in on their game.

Enzo tells Cody about Tyler letting Day know that Dani was coming after her. Cody is upset because if Dani finds out about this, it’s going to sink their games. He says that Tyler should have kept their names out of it. Cody talks about how they were in a good spot and Enzo says that Dani messed that all up. Cody says that it was Dani, Day, and Tyler, not just Dani.

Meanwhile, Kaysar and Day are talking about how Kaysar and Janelle were screwed from the start when they were the only pair put into the house. Talks turned to the core four and Kaysar says that he is almost certain that it’s Tyler, Cody, Dani, and Nicole. He says that he hopes someone goes after Cody and Tyler rather than letting them go to the end.

Memphis tells Dani that he thinks it’s weird that Christmas is going around asking people if she is good with them and if she has their vote. Dani tells him that it would look weirder if she wasn’t doing that. Dani tells Tyler that she thinks that now that Janelle is gone, Day is better with them, and if Bay goes, Day will fall back on them.

Later there is a conversation between Ian and Nicole about how next week’s eviction is going to be really important because it’s the last one before Jury. Nicole tells him that if it comes down to the two of them in the HOH, she is going to throw it to him because she trusts him. She asks Ian what he would do if he won HOH and he tells her that he would ask her because they should have the same targets in the game. She asks if he would BD someone and he tells her that he hasn’t thought about that.

Nicole later has a conversation with Dani about Bayleigh. She tells Dani that Bay told Christmas she has information for her if she wins HOH. They wonder who Bay could be throwing under the bus and Nicole says that she thinks it’s Dani and Cody, but Dani is confused by that. Nicole says that they have to get Bay to give Christmas that information. Nicole wonders if it’s about Cody and they might be able to use it to persuade Cody into wanting Bay out over Day.

Ian and Kevin had a conversation late last night. They agree that they need to work together and promise that they won’t vote each other out. Ian tells Kevin that the wall-yeller confirmed what he thought about Nicole and Cody and now he knows they have a F2 and are part of the core alliance. Ian has realized that Nicole has convinced him that they are a duo in this game, but she has duos with Cody and Dani too. They agree that if they win HOH that they have to put up at least one of the Nicole/Cody duo. Ian tells Kevin that if they don’t do anything, Ian will be gone by F8 so he would rather take the shot now. Ian says that he hopes to get a power because he would use it to take a shot.

Bay talked to Cody and Tyler later on and asks them if Dani has been trying to pit her against Cody and Tyler and adds that she is worried that there might be a plan to put Bay and Day on the block together. Bay tells them that Day is struggling with the news that Dani is coming after her because she thought that she was good with Dani. Bay also mentioned that she talked to Enzo about BD’ing Dani this week (which obviously didn’t happen).

Day talks to Kaysar and tells him that there isn’t anyone in the house that will vote Christmas out over him so if he has a play to make, he needs to do it fast. He tells her that he has nothing left to play. Kaysar tells her that Dani is the biggest threat in the game right now, not Cody or Tyler. He tells her that he wants to blow up Dani’s game before he goes.

Kevin talks to Day and tells her that he found out that Derrick set up a pregame alliance between Nicole and Cody. Day wants to know who told him this, but he won’t tell her his source (Ian). She tells him that she knows what happened with the Christmas renom, but won’t share it with him until he shares who gave him the Derrick info. Kevin refuses to tell her. Day agrees that she thought that Nicole had a three-person alliance with Cody and Tyler and he tells her that they are the core and everyone else around them is feeling safe. Kevin suggests that they attack the center of it and not the allies hanging off the side. Kevin wonders if they could put Memphis and Cody up and then use Tyler as a renom, but Kevin realizes that Memphis would go if he’s still on the block on eviction night. Kevin asks Day if she is in an alliance with them and she denies it (Slick Six).

Ian, Kevin, and Day seem to be putting together all the pieces of the different alliances in the house, including the core four in the center of all of them. It could make for an interesting week next week if one of them can manage to win the HOH.

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