It was Eviction Eve in the Big Brother 22 house and the HGs spent more time talking about what was to come in the upcoming week. It’s all but confirmed who will be leaving the Big Brother All-Stars house later tonight so there wasn’t any campaigning going on. Just plans of what each HG would do if they win HOH tonight. Get all the Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds right here!

We started the day off really slow with the HGs spending a lot of time just hanging around and eating. Bay mentions to David that there have been talks in the house about putting her on the block next to Day next week. She tells him that’s fine, it just means that whoever stays will have to maneuver around the house a little differently.

Meanwhile, Christmas and Dani are having a conversation about how Bay and Day have to be the next pair they target. Christmas has been telling Dani everything that Bay tells her, but she tells Dani that she doesn’t want Bay to find that out. Christmas tells her that Bay said there are two people in the photo bedroom (Nicole, Cody, Tyler, David) who are running the house.

Nicole and Cody have a quick conversation about how Dani has been overplaying this game. Cody tells Nicole to be careful about what she says to Dani too because she runs around telling everyone everything. Nicole tells Cody that Christmas doesn’t even like Dani and she always has to talk Christmas down from saying something to her.

Cody goes to talk to Enzo and tells him that he overheard Dani and Tyler talking the night before about coming up with a story if Bay blows up the Slick Six alliance. Cody says that he wants to win HOH and then call Bay up to the room and straight out ask her what she was planning to tell Christmas if she won. Talks turn to the other HGs in the house and Enzo mentions how they have Memphis gimping around the house and says “you’re going home too!” He talks about how they are all stressed and here’s Memphis with a broken back and going to bed at 10 PM.

Bay goes to talk to Enzo later on and they talk about how Dani wants to have a Slick Six meeting. He reminds her that they have to play nice until someone else wins HOH. Bay tells him that she thinks that Dani got to Christmas because Christmas used to talk openly with Bay. Bay tells him how she was talking to Christmas and asking what her plan was if she won HOH and Christmas told her for her to share her plan first. She thought that was weird.

Kevin talked to Kaysar briefly about what Kaysar has figured out alliance-wise. He tells Kevin that he wants to stay, but doesn’t see a way to do that. Kevin wonders if there is something he can say in his speech that will gain him votes, but Kaysar doesn’t think so. He says there are so many people in multiple alliances that the information is just spreading through the house.

Kevin goes to Day and tells her that they (Bay, Day, and Kevin) are on the shortlist for eviction. He tells her that they have to be careful who they trust because the other side of the house is good at trying to befriend people before taking them out. Day tells Kevin that she doesn’t think anyone is going to be going after Memphis anytime soon because he is hurt, but she doesn’t understand why because he is a huge threat when he’s healthy. Day tells Kevin how she noticed that Cody asked Enzo to use his bathroom last night and then Nicole asked to have some of Enzo’s pretzels from the HOH room and they were up there alone for an hour. Kevin says that everyone knows they are working together though.

Cody and Memphis talk about how Ian has to go soon if not next week then soon after that.

Dani tells Cody that she thinks that Bay and Day are trying to form a majority voting block with them, Kevin, David, and Christmas. She also tells him that she is pretty sure that Bay is going to throw Dani and Cody under the bus to Christmas.

Tyler and Enzo talk about wanting Bay to win HOH so that she could BD Dani.

Dani tells Nicole her suspicions of Bay and Day trying to put together a majority voting block. She tells her that she tried to warn Tyler, but Tyler just told her she was being paranoid. Nicole tells Dani that she has to win HOH, but Dani tells her that she doesn’t want it because she doesn’t want to be the one to put Bay and Day up. Nicole tells her she has no choice but to win and make the move. Dani says that she wants to work on smoothing things over with the Slick Six so that they don’t have to target each other.

Tyler tells Day that Dani is going to try and get the alliance back together and on the right track. He tells her that she and Bay should stick to the idea of getting Memphis out when talking to Dani. Day asks him what Dani has been saying about her and he tells her that Dani has been telling everyone that she is worried Bay and Day are going to out their alliance. He tells Day that there is something about Dani that he just can’t put his finger on and Day confirms that a lot of people felt that way about Dani. Day tells him that Dani will poison the Jury if they let her get there.

Cody, Tyler, and Enzo have officially named their alliance Triple Thr3at. I know…another alliance to keep track of. Talks between them turn to the HOH and Enzo says a girl has to win this week. They wonder what Nicole would do if she won and Cody says he doesn’t know if she would go after Bay. Tyler says that he thinks that she would BD him, but Cody and Enzo tell him that they won’t let that happen.

Kaysar is packing and talking to Ian about how much it sucks that he is leaving and he tells Ian that blowing up the house before he leaves doesn’t serve him well. Kaysar tells Ian that if he wins HOH, he has to choose his noms wisely. He says that he should put up two people what the house won’t be able to choose who to save. Stir things up a bit. That would cause someone to expose everything. Kaysar thinks that putting Dani and Cody up together would cause Nicole to have to choose. Kaysar thinks that Cody would go home in that situation.

Kaysar confirms with Ian that if Bay or Day wins HOH, he will be safe. Ian tells him that Nicole keeps telling him that if Bay or Day win they are going to put Nicole and Ian up together. Ian says that’s just that side of the house trying to get him to target Bay and Day. Kaysar tells Ian that Nicole is only out for herself and Ian tells him that he knows that but he needs to her think he is still looking out for her.

Nicole tells Cody that there are no easy targets in the house anymore and she worries about what she will have to do if she wins HOH. She tells him that she is worried that Bay and Day are trying to form a majority voting block (sounds like she is drinking Dani’s Kool-aid).

Nicole tells Dani that she doesn’t trust Tyler. Dani tells her that Tyler said Nicole revealed the Committee alliance to Day. Nicole wants to put Tyler on the block now if she wins HOH. Nicole then goes to Tyler and he tells her that he trusts her and Nicole promises that if she wins HOH that he doesn’t have anything to worry about.

Kaysar warns Bay that a few weeks ago Nicole was telling Ian that he had to worry about Janelle and Kaysar and now she is doing the same thing but saying he has to worry about Bay and Day. He tells her that if Ian wins, he isn’t coming for them and Bay is worried that Nicole and Dani would come after Bay and Day. Kaysar thinks so too. Kaysar tells Bay that Cody and Nicole are playing both sides of the house and that if she wins, he would suggest putting Tyler and Dani up with Cody as a BD option.

Slick Six had their meeting and they all agreed that they would nominate Memphis if they won because of his injury and David could be the second nom. They also agree that there is no reason to get David out any time soon so this would strictly be a pawn situation. Meanwhile, Kevin is telling David that the group upstairs is plotting the next HOH and notes that everyone is up there except for them two, Ian and Memphis.

Kaysar tells Christmas that Cody and Nicole are playing both sides of the house.

Bay relayed to Cody that Dani and Nicole told Ian to put Bay and Day up if he won HOH (per Kaysar).

Day tells Kevin that Dani came to her and asked if there was tension between them and Day thinks that Dani knows Day is onto her. Day tells him that she thinks that Dani is using Tyler to get her out and Nicole is using Ian to get Bay out.

Enzo and Tyler agree that they want Dani and Nicole out. Enzo worries about telling Cody this because he believes that Cody and Nicole came into the house with a pre-season alliance. Tyler and Enzo think that Cody would choose them over Nicole though. Enzo says that he would take out Nicole and let Cody take out Ian. Tyler tells Enzo how he asked Dani (in front of Cody) why she mentioned the Slick Six alliance to Nicole and Dani claimed it was an accident.

We got some clarification as to why the feeds were down for 10 hours the other night. Kevin told Day that he and Nicole promised each other that they wouldn’t target each other. Day tells him that Nicole would target him in a heartbeat. Kevin mentions the banner plane said that Nicole was a liar and then the feeds cut.

Tonight we will most likely see Kaysar walk out of the house. It could be an interesting week after tonight’s HOH competition. Looks like Bay and Day are in the talks between Dani and Nicole, but it looks like Dani is the number one target for the majority of the house. Looks like if Kaysar gets into enough heads that any combination of Dani, Tyler, and Cody could see the block this week. Here’s to hoping for a shakeup!

Come back throughout the day for my eviction poll (even though it’s unnecessary) and my eviction prediction (again, unnecessary). I will also have a live recap for you later on tonight and HOH spoilers after that! Happy Eviction Day everyone!

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