Frenchie is up to the same ole things inside the Big Brother 23 house. With his HOH reign coming to an end, he is trying to cover his bases because he is fully expecting to be a target next week. Keep reading to get all your Big Brother spoilers from Tuesday’s live feeds to find out what went on right here!

We started the day off with Claire and Tiffany talking about what they would do if they win the HOH next week. Tiffany mentions that Brent has never talked game to her so she can justify putting him up, but she isn’t sure who she would put up next to him. Claire mentions that Whitney and Brent on the block would be a strong duo to put up.

A little later, Tiffany has a conversation with Derek X and he tells her that he thinks he messed up in the way that he used the POV this week. He tells her that he thinks that he possibly could have saved Travis and Kyland if he just kept the nominations the same. Tiffany says that she thinks he would have been damned if he did, damned if he didn’t because if he decided to keep the noms the same, he would have a lot of people against him. Derek X also mentions that he is worried about what Travis might say in his eviction speech and tells Tiffany that Travis is planning something.

Derek X then talks to Claire about how there are no obvious targets going into next week and she adds that it’s a good place for him to be. He says that he has to find a way to flip the totem pole. He also talked about how he needs to figure out a way to rebuild the trust between him and Frenchie.

Kyland talked to Travis a bit about his campaigning. Travis says that he is planning on doing most of his campaigning as close to eviction night as possible. Kyland tells him not to tell anyone that’s his plan. Travis tells Kyland that Derek X said he would vote for Travis to stay if he could get the other six votes he needs. Travis knows that there is no way he is going to get Christian and Xavier’s votes though because of how close they are to Alyssa. He also mentions that Xavier would be open to a showmance with Alyssa based on things Xavier has said to him.

Frenchie talked to a pretty large group of women yesterday in the backyard including Azah, Tiffany, Hannah, and Claire about forming an alliance with him. Later Azah said that she thought this was a joke and then all of a sudden the group had a name (French Kisses) and she realized that she was thrown into an alliance she didn’t want to be in. She tells Derek F later that this alliance could blow up her entire game and she doesn’t understand why he all of a sudden wants an alliance with a bunch of girls after playing this game with all the guys this past week.

Claire and Sarah Beth talked a bit about threats to their alliance, Jackpot, and Sarah Beth thinks their biggest threat is Derek X right now. She mentions that he is the only one who has mentioned both of their names. Talks then turn to the alliance with Frenchie and Claire mentions that Frenchie is acting all paranoid about a girls alliance that he had to go and create one. Sarah Beth mentions she thinks that he has an all guys alliance that he is trying to cover up with the girls alliance (she knows this to be true because of information she got from Kyland about The Slaughterhouse and The Butchers alliances).

Azah and Tiffany had a chance to talk about the alliance with Frenchie. Azah tells her that this alliance is a bad idea. Azah says that if Frenchie finds himself in hot water next week he is going to throw them under the bus before anyone else. Tiffany says that she will just tell everyone that it was all Frenchie’s idea and since he was HOH, they went with it. Tiffany then goes to Claire and asks her what she thinks of the alliance with Frenchie and Claire says that she doesn’t think it’s going to last more than a couple of weeks. Talks then turn to who they need to get out before jury and Brent and Frenchie were the two names that Claire put out there.

Tiffany then talks to Hannah about the alliance and Hannah says that the only advantage she sees with the French Kiss alliance is that she will be able to talk more with Sarah Beth and Claire because she hasn’t had a chance to talk to them much. Tiffany mentions her fear that he is going to throw her under the bus, but Hannah tells her that they will all have her back if that happens. Tiffany knows that Frenchie is afraid of hitting the block next week and he thinks that if he is in an alliance with most of the women, they won’t vote him out.

Tiffany then goes to talk to Sarah Beth about the alliance and she says that it’s good for her for now because it gets her closer to Azah and Hannah. Talks turn to who Sarah Beth would nominate and she says she would nominate Derek X and then agrees with Tiffany that Brent and Whitney are strong possibilities.

Tiffany talks to Derek X later on and says that there is no reason to take Derek X out because he isn’t a problem. Derek F mentions that he would rather take Brent out. Tiffany says that’s who she plans to target if she wins HOH.

Brent talks to Whitney about how he doesn’t trust Kyland and he feels like Brent has tried to sabotage him. Whitney mentions that if she wins HOH she is going to talk to the group about her noms, unlike what Frenchie did. Brent says that he would target Britini and Sarah Beth. Whitney says that she would target Claire and Sarah Beth.

Travis talks to Kyland, Tiffany, and Claire about their votes and Tiffany mentions that he should go to Frenchie and tell him that if he keeps Travis in the house, he will target Christian. Travis worries that Frenchie will keep the power in the house even after his HOH reign is over because of how many people think so highly of him. Tiffany doesn’t think so.

There were a lot of little side conversations throughout the later hours. It didn’t take too long for the women in French Kiss to think that this alliance was a failure.

Make sure you come back later tonight for my full live recap of tonight’s new episode starting at 8 PM EST! We will watch as the Power of Veto Competition plays out.

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