Big Brother 23 Live Feeds Recap: Week 9 – Sunday
|Sunday is usually a pretty dull day inside the Big Brother 23 house but now that the number of houseguests in the house is dwindling, the betrayals begin. Did you miss anything that happened inside the Big Brother 2021 house on Sunday? Find out why Claire is crying and more Big Brother spoilers right here with my live feeds recap for Sunday.
We started the day with a conversation between Azah and Tiffany where they talk about possibly telling Claire about the Cookout and offering Alyssa a F5. They do ultimately decide not to offer Alyssa a F5 deal since they would just have to go back on it anyway. Tiffany is worried about lying to Claire about why she has to put her up, she thinks that Claire is going to see right through it and know it’s all a lie.
Tiffany talks to Xavier after that and he is trying to help her come up with a story for Claire. She tells him that she wants to tell her that she made a deal that she wouldn’t put two of the others up next to each other. Xavier thinks that Claire will be able to pinpoint the Cookout and its members by that.
Meanwhile, Hannah is talking to Kyland and tells him that she thinks that Tiffany should just be honest with Claire about why she has to put her up. Kyland doesn’t agree (this coming from the guy who has told people about a secret alliance in his goodbye messages…).
At about 1 PM BBT, Claire camtalked about being worried about going up and then being sent to Jury this week.
Hannah goes to talk to Tiffany and tells her that she isn’t sure that Tiffany should tell Claire the truth because then she might go warn Alyssa about the Cookout. Tiffany tells Hannah that she wants to tell Claire that Alyssa was her target and that she tried really hard to protect Claire.
Xavier is upset that the rest of the Cookout is putting him in a position where he might be exposed to Alyssa and feels like if Alyssa finds out, he will take the brunt of her emotions. Meanwhile, Tiffany is talking to Kyland about what she is going to tell Claire.
At 3:30 PM BBT, Tiffany and Claire talk in the HOH room. Tiffany tells Claire that she made a deal with the other HGs not to put two of them up together. She explains to her that Alyssa was her target this week, but now she is out of options. Claire asks Tiffany if she is in an alliance with the others and Tiffany lies and says no. She tells Claire that she won HOH this week to try and protect her because if she didn’t they would have been on the block together anyway.
Claire starts to cry and tells Tiffany that she never would have done this to her and Tiffany tells her she knows and give her a hug. Azah tries to walk into the HOH but Tiffany turns her away. Azah went downstairs and told the others that she thinks Tiffany talked to Claire because Claire is crying. Claire tells Tiffany that she isn’t going to hold this against Tiffany and that she isn’t mad that Tiffany is staying true to who she wanted to be coming into this game.
After her talk with Claire, Tiffany told Kyland that she broke the news to Claire that she would be going up. Tiffany then talked to Azah and told her that Claire knows she is going up but doesn’t know about the Cookout. During her talk with Tiffany, Azah promised her that she wouldn’t be putting Tiffany up if she wins next week. She tells Tiffany that she would rather see Kyland go if Alyssa wins another Veto.
Derek tells Azah that Xavier thinks she is mad at him and she tells Derek that Xavier suggested they avoid each other after Zingbot said something about her crush on him. She thinks that Alyssa came up with that idea. Derek tells Azah that he really wants Tiffany out bad and Hannah walks into the room. Derek asks Hannah who she wants out first and she says Kyland. He tells her that’s Azah’s pick too, but he really wants to see Tiffany go first.
Late last night, Alyssa talked to Derek and tells him that she really hopes that she can get Tiffany to renom Claire this week. She says that it would be a huge move this season.
Tiffany talked to Hannah last night when Hannah came up to tell her that Claire said she was expecting to go up. Tiffany tells Hannah that she is frustrated with Xavier and how he feels like everything should be run by him first. They also talk about whether or not Alyssa would really be mad if she found out about the Cookout, but they don’t think she would be. Tiffany is worried that Xavier won’t be able to take out Alyssa next week, but Hannah thinks that he will. Tiffany says that Xavier is going to win this whole game.
Kyland joined the conversation and they discuss who might be lying to who because they feel like they all have F4s with everyone in the Cookout. Talks turn to next week and Hannah says that she would nominate Alyssa and Xavier if she wins and use Derek as a renom if one of them comes down. Hannah also mentions that Xavier, Derek, and Azah never throw each other’s names out there. She feels like the three of them will stick together.
After Kyland leaves the room, Tiffany and Hannah talk about how Kyland is likely going to want to stick with the guys of the Cookout but hope that they have proven to him that the guys don’t need him. They hope that he will work with them over Xavier and Derek. Talks turn to how Derek doesn’t like that there are more women in the Jury than men and how he is worried they won’t vote based on the game, but on emotion instead.
It’s going to be a busy day inside the Big Brother house today with the Veto Ceremony coming up at some point this afternoon. Be on the lookout for those spoilers later today.
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