Big Brother 23 Live Recap: Episode 9 – Power of Veto!
|This week on Big Brother 23, we have seen Xavier win HOH, Tiffany win the Wildcard comp, and Britini and Brent put on the block. Tonight on Big Brother we will find out which houseguests will join Xavier, Britini, and Brent in the Power of Veto competition. Don’t want to wait to find out who won this week’s POV competition? Check out our Big Brother spoilers for all the details. Otherwise, refresh this page often for all the details of tonight’s episode!
We start tonight’s episode of Big Brother 23 off with a look at the aftermath of the Nomination Ceremony. Xavier is telling us that Brent is his target this week and he put Britini up as a pawn. Brent tells us that he knows that he isn’t a pawn because it isn’t believable for him to be a pawn. Britini is crying hysterically because she is on the block a second week in a row and Azah is upset as well because she offered to go up and Xavier didn’t take the offer.
Xavier goes to talk to Britini and tells her that he is sorry for putting her on the block and she tells him it doesn’t make it easier to be there a second time. Xavier tells Britini that no one views her as a target and she tells him that she has a veto to win. Meanwhile, the Aces minus Brent are talking about how Brent didn’t know the plan but thinks that he is a pawn. They are all excited that Brent is on the block because none of them can stand him.
Azah tells DF that she can’t believe that they are getting hit again with one of their teammates on the block again. DF tells us that he understands where she is coming from, but the Cookout has the majority in the house right now. Meanwhile, Brent is pleading to Xavier that he knows that he isn’t a pawn because he isn’t pawn material. Xavier tells him that he has made it known that Brent isn’t someone that Xavier is gunning for. Brent tells us that it doesn’t matter because he has the votes from his team, the Queens, and Alyssa on his side.
Brent goes to his teammates and tells them that he knows he is a target. Whitney asks him how he knows that and Brent says “you don’t put me up as a target, but I’m flattered that I’m the biggest target in the house.” Brent tells us that Xavier made a catastrophic mistake putting him on the block this week because his team has his back.
Azah goes to talk to Xavier and he tells her that it seemed like the best game move, but he hated seeing Britini crying. However, Azah is still having a hard time figuring out what Tiffany and Derek X were doing during the Wildcard Comp. Azah brings Tiffany into the other room and asks her why Tiffany and Derek X targeted Britini in the comp and Tiffany tells her that she is just playing the game. Tiffany tells us that she is holding a lot of information back when it comes to Azah.
Tiffany goes to Xavier and tells him what Azah said to her. Tiffany says that she just isn’t going to talk to her about anything anymore if she is going to continue to be so confrontational and emotional. Xavier tells us that tensions being so high within the Cookout alliance is going to make getting to the end together difficult.
We get a look at Christian and Alyssa in the HOH room and Christian decides to make a move and kisses her. Xavier walks in and catches them.
It is time to pick players for the Veto! Xavier pulls a HG Choice and chooses Christian to play, Brent pulls DF’s name, and Britini pulls Whitney’s name. DF tells us that he is playing for Britini and if he wins he will be taking her off the block.
Before the Veto Comp took place, we see a conversation between Hannah and Xavier. Hannah tells him that Brent’s ego is so big that he feels more than comfortable right now and thinks that he is 100% staying this week. Xavier tells us that it is really nice having someone like Hannah on your side in the house because of how smart she is and how well she knows this game.
It’s time for the POV competition! The HGs are playing Bowlerina but with a twist! SB will pick a HG at random and they will chose who they want to go against. They will be given a room number for a raging afterparty and they will have to spin to get 15 seconds on the clock and then run over and knock over all the numbers leaving just the room numbers standing. Here are the pairs and who was eliminated each round:
- Britini & Brent – Britini is eliminated
- Xavier & Brent – Brent is eliminated
- Derek F & Whitney – Whitney is eliminated
- Christian & Derek F – Derek F is eliminated
- Xavier & Christian – Xavier is eliminated
Eliminating Xavier gave Christian the POV win and Christian and Xavier couldn’t be happier about the outcome of this comp.
We get a look at Hannah talking to Brent about how appearances are everything in this game. Brent mentions that he thinks that the Veto is going to be used this week on Britini. However, he tells us that he needs the noms to stay the same so that he has the votes to stay. Brent then goes to Kyland and proposes to Kyland that they all act like they are going to vote Brent out this week so that the veto isn’t used. Kyland tells us that’s exactly what they are planning except they really are going to vote him out.
It is time for the Veto Ceremony and Christian has decided not to use the Power of Veto this week. Join me tomorrow night’s live eviction show to see Brent’s face when he gets completely blindsided!
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