Celebrity Big Brother 3 Live Feeds Recap: Round 5 – Tuesday
|It was Nomination Day inside the Celebrity Big Brother 3 house and the Head of Household put their plan in place for this round. Despite the Nomination Ceremony taking place, it was a peaceful day inside the house. Also, this week’s target is awfully calm considering they have one foot out of the door this round. The Power of Veto Competition has the potential to cause some excitement. Get all the Celebrity Big Brother spoilers from Tuesday’s live feeds right here!
Monday night on the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds, Todd and Miesha talked about putting Carson on the block as the target and Cynthia up because she is Carson’s biggest ally. However, on Tuesday, that whole plan changed and we were just as confused as Cynthia was when it did.
We started off the day with Todd talking to Todrick and Lamar about his Nomination Ceremony plans. He tells Todrick that he wonders if they keep Cynthia off the block will help their game at all. Todrick isn’t sure how keeping Cynthia off the block helps them, but tells Todd to talk to Miesha to see what she thinks. Todrick says that he is concerned because the people at home watching aren’t going to understand why Todd would put his ally on the block. They don’t know that he has been campaigning to go home.
Todrick and Lamar talked a bit since they are attached to each other they don’t have much of a choice. Lamar told Todrick that he didn’t expect this game to be so draining. Todrick asks if the choice between Shanna and Miesha was really that difficult for him. He says that it was because he didn’t have anything against Shanna, unlike the rest of them. He said he stayed out of the drama. Todrick mentions that in 2022, do they really want to help some blonde white girl get to the end. Lamar says that the color of her skin didn’t matter. Todrick says it’s not about that though and Lamar asks him why he brought it up then. Todrick then mentions that Miesha is white too, but he feels like Miesha is working harder and not being manipulative. Lamar says that he would have rather competed against Shanna than Miesha going forward.
Todd goes to Miesha and explains to her that he was thinking of putting Lamar next to Carson instead of Cynthia. Lamar has volunteered to go up and there is no point in upsetting Cynthia if they don’t have to. Miesha tells him that she thinks it’s a good idea, but he needs to make sure that Carson knows if he takes himself off the block, Cynthia will be put up. She adds that Carsona also can’t think that Cynthia is safe if he saves himself. She seems to think that Carson won’t use the Veto on himself if he thinks that Cynthia is in danger.
After talking to Miesha, Todd tells Lamar that he is going on the block. A little while later, he goes to tell Carson that he is going on the block next to Lamar. He tells Carson that he isn’t playing a cutthroat game and wanted to be completely transparent with him. After the brief conversation with Carson in the back bedroom, Todd leaves and Cynthia comes in. Carson tells her that Todd just told him that he is going on the block next to Lamar, not Cynthia. She is confused as to why they wouldn’t put her up next to Carson. Carson wonders if he isn’t the target and Lamar is (Carson is the primary target).
Todd goes back to Miesha, Todrick, and Lamar and tells them all that they need to win the Veto in order for this to work.
Todrick got new playing cards from the storage room, Lamar decided to rip several of them which really upset Todrick and Todd. Lamar thought it was funny, but Todrick and Todd did not. Todrick later complains to Miesha about Lamar riping several of the brand new playing cards. Meanwhile, Cynthia and Carson have realized that they all play in the Veto this round and if she wins she can take Carson down and save both of them this round.
Also, I wanted to add that Todrick didn’t stop talking about Shanna the entire day. He is convinced that America thinks that he is a victim of Shanna’s and that he did what he needed to do to get her out of the house. He thinks that America is going to demand that she apologize to him for all the things that she did to him in the house. He also thinks that America will applaud his gameplay. It was also said on Monday that he and Miesha think that he is going to win AFP this season.
Cynthia and Carson talked a bit later and Cynthia can’t figure out why Todd would give them both (C&C) the opportunity to stay safe this week. Carson says that if he goes this round and then Cynthia goes next round then they (Todd, Lamar, Todrick, and Miesha) make F4.
Todrick mentions that he thinks that Shanna is talking to all the jury members and trying to turn them against him. Todd thinks that Shanna is home not caring about what goes on inside the Celebrity Big Brother house. There was a lot of downtime and general chit-chat for most of the evening as the HGs enjoyed the backyard. Todrick, Miesha, Carson, and Cynthia talked about Shanna quite a bit. Wondering who she would have put up if she got to play in the veto, saved herself, and then went on to win HOH. Cynthia thinks it would have been her and Carson, but Miesha says that it definitely would have been her and Todrick.
It literally went on until the HGs went to bed last night. The Power of Veto will likely happen at some point today so be on the lookout for spoilers. Also, an all-new episode of Celebrity Big Brother airs tonight starting at 8 PM EST!
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