Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother 3, we will watch as the houseguests compete in the Head of Household Competition! The Head of Household for Round 5 of Celebrity Big Brother 2022 will then go on to nominate two houseguests for eviction at the Nomination Ceremony. If you don’t want to wait to find out, check out my Celebrity Big Brother spoilers for all the details! Otherwise, refresh this page frequently and watch Celebrity Big Brother with me!

We start tonight’s episode off with the fallout from Monday night’s eviction. Lamar goes to Todd and tells him that he was trying to get his attention because he wanted to vote Miesha out. He says whoever wins the HOH is going to put the two of them up. Todd doesn’t think that’s true and then head back out to the living room where everyone else is still sitting.

Todrick asks what they were doing in the room for so long and asked what they were talking about and Lamar tells him that this vote was hard. He says that he didn’t have any issues with Shanna as they did. He also tells Miesha that he wanted to try and get Todd’s attention so that they could vote Miesha out.

It is now time for the HOH competition! The houseguests will be tasting signature cocktails. They will be given all but one of its ingredients and will have to guess the extra ingredient. The HG with the most points at the end will win the HOH. Here are the points for each round:

  • Todd got a point
  • Todd and Miesha get a point
  • Todd and Lamar get a point
  • Todd and Cynthia get a point
  • Todd, Cynthia, Lamar, and Miesha all get a point

With five points, Todd is now the next HOH. Todd is also told that he needs to pick two people to be the mascot and wear a costume for 24 hours.

After the comp, Todrick talks to Miesha and wonders if Todd is going to put him up. He is also hoping that him using the Veto on him earlier that night might help him out. Miesha thinks that she could convince him to do their dirty work and put Carson and Cynthia on the block.

Todrick and Lamar get their punishment costume and when they come out of the diary room Lamar doesn’t look happen. Lamar is a mojito and Todrick is a lime. They have to stay tethered to each other for the full 24 hours and do everything together.

It’s time to see Todd’s HOH room and he gets a letter from his kids. He starts crying two words in and Todrick offers to read it for him.

The next day, Todd asks Todrick what he thinks about keeping Cynthia off the block and put Lamar up as a pawn instead. He thinks that if he does this, it might stop Carson from using the Veto if he wins it knowing that Cynthia will go up. Todrick is confused about this strategy, but Lamar agrees to be a pawn if that’s what Todd wants to do. Todd runs this idea by Miesha and she seems to be on board with this idea.

Todd goes to talk to Carson and tells him that he is going to put him up next to Lamar. He also tells him that if he wins the Veto and pulls himself off the block, Cynthia will have to go up in his place. Todd then confirms with Cynthia what his plan is and she is super confused by this since they just had a huge fight last week. Cynthia then talks to Carson and tells him that if she isn’t on the block and wins the Veto then she can pull Carson down and he would be forced to put Todrick or Miesha up.

It is now time for the Nomination Ceremony. Todd has nominated Lamar and Carson like he said he was going to.

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