I Stand Corrected-Big Brother 14 VETO Results *Spoiler*
|I’ve been an analyst of this game for a long time. But the thought processes of some of the people in this Big Brother 14 game just defy logic.
First…as Seinfeld said to Elaine when George got engaged… You wanna hear… “The BIG News”
Danielle won Veto. And here’s where I stand corrected.
In my last post, I neglected to say what happens if this odd turn of events occurs. If the HOH wins POV (which has now happened) the remaining HG–who is not on the block–casts the only vote to evict, since of course, the HOH cannot vote.
At the time of this writing, Dan and Ian (as we predicted) are on the block. But it looks as though Danielle has decided to pull Dan down, and put Shane up in his place. Her reasoning for this is to “throw Dan off of her and Shane’s F2 deal.” So…it appears maybe the big date (AND the flash of tongue we saw in the Limo) did the trick, and–given the choice–Danielle would now choose Shane over Dan in F2.
Shane is totally behind this, by the way. It looks like he agrees with Danielle using POV on Dan. I mean –ARGHH–you AGREE to go on the block in Final 4?? Just so you don’t have blood on your hands? Dude–Ball up. You could get Dani to keep it the same, but no.. At this stage of the game you gotta keep yourself safe at all costs.. BONEHEAD.
Where does that leave us? It leaves us with Dan deciding who goes tonight. Now I don’t have to tell you that Dan is no dummy. I’m guessing he can smell the change in the air, Veto use or no. Now, given the opportunity to take out either the beloved-by-the-jury Ian or the beloved-by-Dani Shane, Dan has a hard choice in front of him. If Dan gets a WHIFF that Danielle might take Shane over him…we MIGHT see Dan give Captain America the boot–thereby ensuring that both Ian and Dani would take him.
In the law of statistics–do you evict the person you KNOW won’t take you, or the person you PROBABLY can’t beat in front of a jury? It’s not an easy decision.
Ian seems to accept that he will likely go home tonight, though he made a point of saying how much everyone in the jury “hates” him. I don’t know if it will work, but it may be the only strategy he has left.
I’ll tell you one thing, though. If Shane makes it through this eviction, you gotta give the guy props. Last night he slept in the HOH bed with Danielle. And the more I watched their nauseating exchange on the LIVE FEEDS-FLASHBACK 2:35 am BBT (where she pleaded with him over and over and over and over and OVER to “please be sweet”) I noticed something. While she begged him for a kiss, Shane told her “Well, if there are only three of us left in the house tonight, and I’m one of them, then I’ll be sweet and there MAY be more kisses.” I suddenly thought to myself…Hmmm, Dude DOES have game. He’s holding the kisses hostage against the surety that he’ll be safe tonight. It was a threat. “If you keep me safe…I’ll like you.” It’s a strategy. But one that I believe will bite him right in his taut little butt when he gets out. Cause I’m betting the guy runs for the hills when the game is over. I’m talking changing his name and going into witness protection. It was more than obvious when she straddled him like a jockey running at the Preakness, and tried to go in for kiss. Shane (my God could I be more obvious) Meaney, pressed his face into the mattress–nearly smothering himself–to get away from her. THEN, when she refused to stop, he dumped her. Literally. (Is this a portent of things to come?)
I will admit this– after a looooonggg time of begging, Shane did finally give in and give Danielle a “real” kiss. He then backed away and said–okay. That’s enough, that was more than one. So, she got what she wanted. Who knows what’s in someone’s heart. But I will say this—I’d do the tongue-twister with just about anyone for a half-million dollars, wouldn’t you?
In the end, though, we’re back to this…WWDD?? What will Dan do? Thoughts??
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Here is the thing. I know Shane does not hold the power but to think he would actually go along even sound excited about Dani using the Veto to take Dan down so he goes up (so shane doesnt get blood on his hands…lol)and then Dan is the sole vote to evict, hands down will be the dumbest thing I have EVER seen a houseguest do in BB history. Final 4 dude..YOU ARE AT FINAL 4. and you are leaving your fate in Dans hands??? REALLY?? You are going along with this? Gahhh…the worst scenario I could of ever imagined Dan and Dani final 2….GEEBUS!!!
These people are ALL BLIND! Who gives Dan all that power? If Danielle has decided to go with Dan, why doesn’t she keep the nominations the same and get rid of Dan or Ian. Seems like between Shane and Danielle they have about a half a brain to work with.
You said it Sista!!
I hope Dani and Ian wake up and no one takes Dan to the finals. I don’t think he should get anything,and I hope his wife is not proud because I would rather my husband have some morals and not lie and square to everyone while looking them in the eye, and I hope they don’t raise their kids that way. Money isn’t everything and Dan you better watch suaring on bibles. Can’t stand Dan
I meant swearing
I meant to say IF Danielle has decided to go with SHANE.
Dang you Dan. I have been trying to get to sleep for hours. However this turn of events (leaving Ian in the game) has got my blood pumping. It would be even cooler if Danielle were in on the plan. Then we could still get rid of Ian before final 2, therefore securing the win for Dan against Danielle. Probably not unanimous again but nevertheless another big brother win! If Danielle knows about this plan then Dan could ensure Ian was going to throw one of the competitions to him and he could have Danielle try to beat Ian in round two. If she won round two in the finals he could throw her the over all win so he can send Ian home with no blood on his hands! But I’m really thinking ahead, like I said my blood is pumping. We just have to get through the live veto and eviction with Ian intact!
Shane is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
🙂 🙂
Why is Shane so worried about having blood on his hands if he were to get rid of someone? It would be to his benefit, jury members could at least say Shane made a move (not on Danielle) BUT in the game. Like Janet said, Shane MAN UP, grow a pair!
You would think …right? Oh wait Shane doesnt think…for himself anyway. Mr. Bobbelhead (best name I have seen for him..lol)
If Shane had blood on his hands he would just suck it off. Didn’t anyone teach him to use a napkin?? YUK!!
Even tools in the shed have more use than Shane … even the dull ones! ;-P
🙂 🙂 🙂 You guys are funny today.
🙂 🙂 🙂 You guys are funny today.
Now that Danielle holds all the power in the house right now, I sincerely hope she gets Dan out! I hope Shane and Ian get F2 and Ian wins the pot-of-gold. I don’t really like the way Ian has acted over the past few weeks and I even stopped watching BB, until last night, because I wanted to watch Dan use his evil powers of persuasion to get his way, and he did it yet again. My wanting Ian to win is based purely on the fact that Ian has been relentlessly used throughout this entire game. He is simply a naïve young man who is looking for friends in all the wrong places. I believe that he nominated certain HG and evicted certain HG because he was honestly terrified of Dan. I find it strange that a coach would intimidate someone who is younger than he, but that’s exactly what I have observed Dan doing to Ian throughout the game. You would think that a coach would be encouraging and considerate to someone who is younger than he, but that’s not the impression I get from Dan regarding Ian. In fact, I have received the opposite impression from Dan regarding Ian. It’s really disappointing that BBP would throw a bunch of newbies in the game that have zero BB knowledge of the game, or its previous players, and then wait a few weeks to allow the coaches to reset the game and enter as players. The newbies had a big disadvantage this season, because they had already bonded with their coaches and were leery of trying to form new alliances. The coaches were basically floaters for the first few weeks, because they didn’t have to compete for HOH/POV or struggle to remain in the house. How can BBP justify that? At this point, I personally feel that BB14 is the biggest disappointing season in BB history!
Simi my buddie, I dont think its gonna happen. As it looks right now our good friend *cough* Dan has managed to convince Dani to use the Veto , pull him off and put up Shane. This gives Dan the sole vote to evict Shane or Ian and guaranteees him final 3. I believe (if I were Dan *shudder*) he has to vote Shane out *cry* because he is sure with Shane out Dani will take him to final 2 and pretty sure Ian will also.
Shane going along with this, goes down for me as …worse than Lawon, worse than Marcellas…worst move ever. He will have Bobbeled his head right to Jury (most likely). I had such hopes…lol
When Dan gets rid of Shane and I think he will, that’s all he has been talking about, LOOK for Danielle to go postal! If Danielle wants to have her and Shane in the F2, why would she take Dan off and put Shane on the block? Oh I know she trusts Dan.
Kat, I cannot disagree with you. It was simply my great hope 🙂
Similligan I couldn’t agree more. This has been a disappointing season solely because BB decided to go the easy route and put some “all stars” into the mix–on the pretense of being coaches. I mean come on, do you really expect us to believe the reset vote was honest and that we all wanted them to compete in the game–that was the plan all along, no matter how the viewers voted. It makes for good TV right! Not in my book. I’m tired of seeing the same contestants get a second, third or fourth bite of the apple, either in the same show or in other so-called reality shows. Survivor’s doing the same thing yet again this year. I don’t think it’s fair and I certainly agree with you that they have an advantage over the newbies. As for Dan I don’t know how anyone outside the house could put their trust in him after this show. I know it’s a game and lying’s part of it blah blah blah but there has to be a moral line drawn somewhere and I don’t think Dan has one.
dan is able to lie with such ease. Someone who is so good with the lies has been doing it for a long time.
Kind of like danielle????
well said!!!
Just watched BBAD and at the end Danielle thinks they are going to ask her back for “all Stars” and she is already plotting. HELP BB…Please don’t bring her back!! 🙁
I agree with all those Dan bashers…No money in the world is worth what he swore on…If Chelsea agreed to all this beforehand she is just as SHALLOW and pathetic! I have no use or respect for Dan…Game or no game. He crossed the line!
I hope they wake up and get Dan out he dosen’t deserve final two
Dan I think it is time to send Shane packing. Personally, I think that he will send Ian. Dan is more likely to beat Shane and Danielle in the final competition than Ian. Go Dan!!!!!
can’t stand a man with no honor rather give the money to a dog
i think shane beter keep danielle whan he gets out of the house because if this goes down, they are the perfect couple for each other. both are dumber than dirt. i hope she does take dan off though. that will be like handing ian half a million dollars.
go ian
If Dani just thinks of what’s best for HER she leaves Shane where he is and does not use the veto. Pimple popper has to remember Dan wanting to evict Shane a couple HOH’s in a row. If it’s Dani , Dan and Shane final 3 Dani is F2 no matter who wins the comps. On the other hand if Dan has the power taking Ian means he likely sits final 2 as I think it is highly unlikely Dani would take Ian instead of Dan.
I believe Dan’s best move is to dump Shane. If he kept him over Ian, going into the final three, he knows he would be outnumbered 2 to 1. Danielle, at that time, blinded by the thought of being alone in the house with Shane, would dump Dan in a second. Then, Dan would be out of the money, period.
Keeping Ian, he has a better chance of either of them keeping him…thus, insuring at least a second, and a great shot at winning it all.
Agreed pablo– I think you may be right. Cause I think Ian WOULD take him, where Shane would take Dani. But Dani’s gonna be SOOOOO pissed when Dan votes out Shane. If it happens….It’ll be Monu–wait for it–Mental!
It should be an EPIC endurane battle!! Hopefully Dani wont trust Dan after this. We know Dan doesnt trust anyone…and I hope Ian will not feel like he owes Dan for managing to keep him in the house and throw it to one of them.
(sp) endurance
If Dani takes Dan off the block & puts up Shane, she is going to loose the whole game. If she takes Shane to the final with her she really has a great shot at winning, if she takes Ian or Dan she probably won’t win. I think Shane has been using Dani all season, so maybe he should go home. I do agree this has not been one of BB best season’s.
I personally do not care for Dan and his game play. Its one thing to be strategic, but its another thing to rule by intimidation. During double eviction when he won HOH he ripped the key out of Ian’s hand and later before eviction vote and Ian questioned him, I heard Dan say ‘I’ll rip your face off’. Dans conduct during ‘Golden Veto’ competion looking for quarters shoving anybody in his way aside and telling Ian ‘Don’t mess with me’. I Hope that is not what he teaches his players Win no matter what you have to do. I’m not sure if Dan is best player or other HG are dumbest players. Danielle should leave Ian and Dan on Block and Shane should Vote Dan out. Danielle, Shane, Ian are out matched with Dan. He has been there and done that. He knows what they are thinking and doing. Sending him home and take your chances with Shane & Ian
“HG are dumbest players.” and I totally agree with you. You just reminded me of the other reasons I havent enjoyed Dan this season. Alas…he has 3 knuckle-heads left in the game with him. So he will probablly win the 500k and he must also have *misted* the audience because he has so many supporters…heck he might even take Fan Fav too…lol
Hard to believe Jury would award him $$ for his play. Ashley, Frank, Britney all were betrayed by Dan in one way or another. Frank admitted to Julie when leaving when Dan said ‘No Hard Feelings’ and Frank said There are Hard Feelings. Britney read him the riot act in front of other HG before being evicted. Dan would not even face her and talk. Have you noticed when Dan is in Diary Room and faces Camera he always turns his head a little to the side. Easier to talk out the side of your mouth I guess. As long as Dan does not win…I do not care who does
Everyone keeps talking about what Dan has done. Britney should not hold any hard feelings because she was trying to do teh same thing to Dan, but it back fired on her. He done nothing to Ashley, that was Ian. Frank should have hard feelings but it is a game and he had two opprtunities to get Dan out. Go Dan!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok Go Dan! right out the front door.
Out the front door after he wins the $500,000!!!!
Dan is definitely a player and a good one. Game or no game I just do not like to see it played with intimidation over the likes of some one like Ian. Maybe next year BBP could add a reward to every winner of POV by allowing them to hear what one of the other HG said in Diary Room before they make their decision to use Veto or not. Your right it is a game
I agree. I wish it was a shocker tonight and Dan is off to the jury house
Bruce, I’ve also noticed Dan turns his head to the side when he speaks, talking out the side of his mouth and looking at you from the corners of his eyes. It’s the “tell” of a very sneaky person who can’t quite hide their real intentions.
Mailbags. You see Dans actions just as we do. He would rather climb a tree and swear on anything and everything, than stand on the ground, look you in the eye and tell you the truth.
i think that mist comes out of his butt…toxic.
do not agree at all can’t stand Dan
If Dani takes Dan down, then Dan deserves to win. He is a genius. He is great and everyone else is stupid. Go Dan!
Maybe if Danielle wins she could buy some kisses from Shane and he could use the money to have that dog attached to his shoulder forever. GO Ian, you worked hard for this!!!!
Janet, that picture is surely a picture of desperation…she (dani) just lowers herself to where I’m embarrassed for her.
Just last night on BBAD, Danielle was all over JoJO and talking about how JoJo just throws herself at men and will do just about anything… well look at yourself Danielle. YOu look desperate and pathetic. You stated men want a woman with dignity and class,Danielle you don’t fit that bill!
She put down almost all of the girls in the house. She has a lot of nerve. Maybe she’ll realize this when she watches the shows later on.
Nah, paranoid, delusional narcissists rarely see the true picture! Hopefully, she’ll glimpse it, tho, when Frank wins Fan Favorite over her! (Not really a Frank fan, but I do see him winning it!)
Mo, who would rather be locked up in a house with for a week, Danielle or Frank?
If Danielle takes down Dan and puts Shane up, it proves one thing undeniably….she has NO idea what a good strategy is. Unless of course its strategy related to getting someone to sleep with her. I’d hate to think that i had to PAY someone to sleep with me. But IMO…in Danielles case…payment is the only option she has. It’s astounding how many cobwebs these two have between their ears. They have a sure thing in the palm of their hand…A SURE THING!!! Both of them in F3!! Now tell me…if you wanted to guarantee that you AND your object of desire make it to F3…would you take the chance and put him in potential jeopardy?…NO, NO, NO, NO…and let me say..NO!!! Wipe the lust from your eyes Danielle…Dan has YOUR back..but your bf is expendable. It just goes to show what a potential romp in the hay can do. If she does this..takes Dan down…she just sealed the deal on my opinion of her. She’s not only delusional…she’s CERTIFIABLE!!! As i’ve stated before..i’m a Dan fan. But FIRST and FOREMOST…i love watching strategies playout..no matter WHO it’s from. That’s really the name of the game for me. I honestly think Dan will hold the door for Shane as Danielle blows kisses in Shanes direction. THEN..the tears will start…the whining will continue…the pity pot will be sat on….and my ears will bleed. But i’ll have a smile on my face…knowing that Cinderella just lost her glass slipper..and i couldn’t have written a better ending myself to her HOH reign.
omg .. are you freakin kidding me– i go to bed thinking shane may have a chance and wake up to find Idiot Danielle is gonna use the pov to save Dan and Shane has agreed to it..Geeessshhhh Louise..these housequests drive me INSANE..i mean come on Danielle..you can NEVER let dan have the vote…Omg he is gonna send Shane packing,,,Because he knows he has a final 2 with Ian and Danielle..but not with Shane..and he knows danielle is way to close to Shane…Can i say IDIOT again…Pleasssseeee Danielle WAKE UP or it will be to late for shane,,,by the way can i say one more time i can’t stand Dan..strategy or no strategy the man is ruthless,,,,,Uuuuggghhhh Danielle WAKE UP……
LOL, I think Susan popped a vein 🙂
LOL you got that right!!! but you know the more i think about it.. i think Danielle wants Dan to send shane out–so she doesn’t have to do it…Shane better be the one to WAKE UP!!! if there is a light bulb in shanes head he better turn it on and QUICK!!!OMG THESE HOUSEQUESTS..driving me freakin CRAZYYYYY!!!
You’re right Susan. But i think the blub has blown already in Shanes head. Those screaming sirens he hears are NOT part of a ticker tape parade. That’s warning bells but his last brain cell has decided to check out and go where there’s company. I can’t believe ANYONE would fall for this…just too stupid for words.
The four of them have had conversations about the power that lies with the last POV. If Danielle REALLY wants Shane to go to F3 or F2 she needs to keep the nominations the same and get rid of Dan.
LOL Cat… Shanes brain cell? Oxymoron if I ever heard one!
get dan out Cant stand him
lol Too stupid for words but you guys are finding some great ones!! 🙂 🙂
I agree. I don’t understand. I wish it was a shocker tonight and Dan is out to the jury house.
After Shane took dani on that date and everything–and this is how she is gonna repay him…and let dan win AGAIN,,,omg i am so disgusted–if that happens i am 100% routing for Ian to win and he dang well might!!!!
i think i could stomach the people left if dani uses her head and doesn’t use the pov and tells shane to vote out dan…then someone else can win—besides rutheless dan and to think i use to like him in his season–he has destroyed all of that for me the way he has played this season-despicable!!!
I would love, love love to see Ian stay in this game. This guy took out Mike Boogie and Frank. Are you kidding he does deserve to win this game. He might have looked like a pawn, however he provided information to the Quack Pack and did their dirty work going back and forth between Mike Boogie/Frank and his alliance so they could have the upper hand. It isn’t an easy thing to do and not get exposed which he came close to doing many times. Dan is a genius at getting people to believe his bull! This Holy-Man is playing the same game he did the season he won and it’s working so far. Sad he is playing all of these newbees and they can’t even see the light. Not a fan of him bullying Ian into voting the way he wants him to. The threat of punching him if he didn’t vote Dan way was EXTREME! I wanted to give Dan a piece of my mind! Danielle has the power to get out Dan and it would be an amazing twist, however she won’t step up to the plate and make a move to get rid of her ex-coach! It could cost her $500K. Shane is great eye-candy. He plays a good game when he is spot-on but the puppet needs to wake-up! Sad to say this season hasn’t been all it’s cracked up to be. I enjoy Big Brother but fear this could be a disappointing season seeing Danielle/Shane as a Final 2 ———- DISAPPOINMENT INFINITY————
This is just a question, no meaning behind it, but, does anyone remember the talks between Boogie and Frank on how they hated everyone in the house? They had something nasty to say about everyone of them and said they were going to pick them off, one at a time. They BOTH said how much they hated Jen and Joe was worthless…not in those exact words, but we all got the meaning.
Talking about others in the house is a recurring conversation they all have. Last night on BBAD, Danielle was bad mouthing JoJO, Ian bad mouths Frank frequently.
Yes Kara I remember and now Frank is saying crap about Dan’s game, he is a poor loser. They all have something bad to say when it’s their turn to leave. Dan plays the game very smartly. Is it Dan’s fault that these people have chosen to believe and follow like sheep? I think not. They are all rather naive especially Shane and Danielle…I could not believe it when she took Dan off the block and gave up all of her power. That just shows how smart he is. Go Dan go!! You rock!!
I agree with you 100%. This game is just who is smarter!!! Go Dan