Nominations in Big Brother 2010- Catfight, anyone? POV today..SPOILER
|Wooooweee! After Rachel’s win of the HOH competition in Big Brother 2010, the nominations yesterday came as no surprise to anyone but the two people nominated.
After the big reveal of Annie as the saboteur, things changed drastically in the house. People who were targeted for possible sabo, were now in the clear. Last week, it was everyone against Annie. There was not much of a fight. With the 10-0 vote to evict Annie, it was pretty obvious who was going, and Annie was the only one who was in a bad place.
Last night, on the Superpass 24/7 Live Feeds, we saw Hayden’s prediction come true.
A lot of tears flowed last night, as Britney and Monet vowed, immediately after noms, not to campaign against each other. Hayden predicted that they would “hug it out” for five minutes, then go after each other with a vengeance.
That has already come to pass. Britney in particular is gifted at manipulation. She had Rachel crying in the HOH room for putting her up. This, of course, right after Britney was calling her a “whorish b*tch” five minutes earlier. Rachel was shocked, when a little later, Brendan reminded her that these girls were mind-f-ing her..It was actually very sweet. Rachel was really upset for hurting people.
Ragan and Kathy informed her about the trash-talking the two had done, and she felt foolish for letting them manipulate her.
Both Brit and Monet trashed Kathy- Monet-“I hate Kathy- her eyelashes look like spiders”. These are some straight-up, manipulative, hateful little chicks in Big Brother 12. And now… oooo. they are turning on each other! Fun for us, on the LIVE FEEDS!
BB told the HG’s to go to bed, for a 7:45am wake up call for the POV. Stay tuned for more updates on the POV.
Rachel invited Ragan and Kathy to spend the night in the HOH room.
Jump on the Live feeds this morning, to see how Brit and Monet start tearing into each other, the continued romance between Brendan and Rachel.
And HEY! We got us a new little couple heating things up.. Kristin and Hayden, who think they are hiding their relationship.. uh..hi.. everyone knows…
Gonna keep telling ya’ll to sign up for a Free Trial of the 24/7 LIVE FEEDS, because I 100% believe that they are awesome!! And without them, you will only get a tiny portion of what is really happening.
Guys, this is a great deal! For $13 a month, with $10 worth of FREE music downloads, we pay $3 bucks a month! So…you are paying 10 CENTS a day, for 24/7 Live coverage!
The new Have Not’s settled in their horrific room last night-
The have not's try to rip another blanket off the wall
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