Oh Big Brother 13 where art thou? *Updated* New Feed Start Date
|Big Brother 13 Live Feed Update! Sorry folks! The good people at Big Brother Live Feeds have changed the date for the Early Bird Special. It will now start on Friday June 17th instead of Wed. June 15th. Still a bargain, just gotta wait a couple more days.
Big Brother 2011 looks to be rarin’ and ragin’ to go. We even have a new commercial to watch and analyze. So go ahead. I’ll wait…
NOW you can bang your head against the screen, pleading with the heavens above to send an angel down to tell you what it MEANS! The craziest twist ever? Oh lord.. What are we in for now?

please don't keep us waiting, CBS- you cruel gods of TV.
While we’re all puzzling it out. I have FAN-tastic news! Starting tomorrow, June 15th, you’ll be able to get in on the best bargain of the summer. The Early-bird SALE for the Big Brother LIVE FEEDS! Seriously, the WHOLE season for $29.99? Dude… You can’t take your family to McDonalds for that.
You can watch 24 hours a day– for less than 33 CENTS a day..
And for your own good and the good of all of mankind, please watch with us because…
When a troubled houseguest falls weeping into another’s arms: You know where to find us.
When a scheme is hatched: We’ll be there
For we are..………………….. Super Bigbigbrother!
OK- that might have been a tad on the lame side. There are just so many dang superhero movies going on right now.. I thought I’d try something.
But seriously.. I’m signing up for the FEEDS. There is no entertainment (including superhero movies) that comes close to the deal we get on the Feeds. Heck, I can hardly DRIVE to the movie theater for 30 bucks.
Only ONE more day until the sale of the summer begins— We’ll post the LIVE FEED sale tomorrow. We’d be honored if you’d join with us, and hang out on Big Big Brother, the best new Big Brother site———Why?
Because we exist for YOU! We honor loyalty and we live–breathe– eat and sleep Big Brother—for YOU!
Recent Posts on Big Big Brother:
I hope Evil Dick makes several appearances this year. It is the only time my husband will watch it.
@Norma wouldn’t that be fun??– ooo maybe they’ll have some kind of a “mentor program.” Split them into a few different groups and have three previous winners mentor them through part of the game. Whatcha think?
can’t wait for this year.i hope the guests will be more exciting to watch then last year!!!!!