Big Brother 2015 Live Recap: Week 9 Elimination and Jury Comp
|We have a very busy night ahead of us on Big Brother 2015 tonight, as we have the Week 9 eviction, but that is followed up by the jury competition on Big Brother 17! Yes, the HG evicted tonight on Big Brother 2015 could turn right around and walk back into the house! Check it out with us during our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who got eliminated on Big Brother 2015 tonight!
Last night on Big Brother 17, we got to see Zingbot come into the house and I was a little disappointed with his zings this year. Some okay ones, but nothing too crazy or wild. Liz definitely didn’t seem to enjoy her zing, so that did make me happy! Then it was time for the veto competition and it was Vanessa crushing the others and winning the veto, which meant nominations would stay the same. She played it off like she might use it, but she never would have and she used it get very mad at Steve.